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The snapdragon enjoys continued popularity in cottage gardens and flower meadows. How to properly plant, care for and propagate it, you will learn in this article.

Snapdragons have a wide range of flower colors

In addition to marigolds, dahlias and cottage roses, the snapdragon (Antirrhinum) is also an integral part of the cottage garden. The large flower is a focal point for bees and bumblebees, but the snapdragon is also suitable as a cut flower.

Snapdragons: flowering period, origin and characteristics

The snapdragons are a genus of the plantain family (Plantaginaceae). Their original home range includes the western Mediterranean and western North America. There the plant grows, among other things, in crevices and walls. The wild form of the snapdragon is the greater snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus), also known as the garden snapdragon. In addition to the wild form, there are also some varieties that are planted as ornamental plants in home gardens, often these are hybrid varieties. The snapdragon has a wide range of flower colors - there are white, yellow, pink or red varieties, but also snapdragons in purple and blue tones. The flowers of the snapdragon stand alone or in racemose inflorescences and have a palate-like bulging lip on which the nectar collects. A colored spot on this lower lip is particularly characteristic. The snapdragon is a perennially blooming summer flower that delights with its colorful splendor from June to September. The snapdragon leaves are arranged opposite and have an ovate to oblong-elliptical shape. Snapdragons are perennials in their native ranges, but are usually annuals in our latitudes due to the colder winters.

Warning: There is a risk of confusion with Levkojen. They are also often planted in cottage gardens, but they belong to the cruciferous family (Brassicaceae).

Snapdragons are a favorite spot for bees and bumblebees

The best snapdragon species for the garden

Most commercially available varieties of snapdragon are annual F1 hybrids, i.e. they cannot be reproduced from a single varietyseed. Offspring of these hybrids differ greatly from the mother plants, in particular the flowering of the following generation is much less conspicuous. In the following we therefore present the most beautiful wild forms.

Pygmy Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus var. pumilum):The dwarf snapdragon is a ground cover and has blue-violet mini flowers. These appear from July to September.

Spanish Snapdragon (Anthirrhinum hispanicum):The Spanish snapdragon is native to Spain and has felty leaves. The flowers are white and pink.

Broad-leaved Snapdragon (Antirrhinum latifolium): The Broad-leaved Snapdragon is hardy. It has creamy white to yellow flowers that appear from June to September.

Snapdragons adorn parks and gardens

Planting snapdragons: sowing, location and Co.

In our latitudes, the snapdragon is not hardy. Once planted, however, it will often self-seed again after flowering and will therefore appear again in the years to come. The following information applies primarily to the garden snapdragon (A. majus), other species may prefer different conditions.

Location and substrate

The location of the snapdragon should be sunny and warm, but it also flowers in partially shaded locations. It is relatively undemanding when it comes to the choice of substrate, it can get along with almost any garden soil. However, the snapdragon grows particularly well in nutrient-rich soil that is always kept moist. The substrate should have a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. Potting soil is suitable for cultivating snapdragons in pots or for improving the garden soil. Our Plantura organic potting soil, for example, is suitable for growing in tubs and contains a long-term storage of nutrients thanks to the compost it contains.

Planting Snapdragons

You can sow snapdragons or plant snapdragons - both in the garden bed and in planters.

However, a few things must be observed when sowing snapdragons. They can either be brought forward from January or planted directly outdoors from April. Snapdragons are cold germs, so they need a cold stimulus to germinate. Therefore, the seeds should be stored in the refrigerator for about a week before sowing. Then you can put them in a cold frame or on the windowsill in January/Februaryprefer. The seeds are placed on the substrate at planting intervals of three centimeters, but are not pressed in. Since snapdragons germinate in the light, they must not be covered by soil - otherwise they will not germinate. The substrate should always be kept moist. At temperatures of 18 °C, the first shoots will develop after 10 to 14 days. To allow the plants to acclimate to the temperatures in the garden, they should be placed in a spot with a temperature of 15°C for two to three weeks after germination.

Snapdragons are frugal and can also grow in nutrient-poor locations

From mid-April you can plant your preferred or purchased snapdragons. A planting distance of 10 to 15 cm is suitable for this. The first flowers appear from June. If the seeds are sown directly outdoors in April, the snapdragon will only develop its flowers later. If late frosts are announced, the snapdragons should be covered with fleece, however, night frosts cannot harm them.

Caring for snapdragons: this is important

For a particularly beautiful bloom, some care measures can be carried out to support the snapdragon.

Water and fertilize snapdragons

For a long flowering period, the snapdragon should be fertilized with a liquid fertilizer every 14 days. In this case, an organic liquid fertilizer such as our organic tomato & vegetable fertilizer is particularly recommended. This provides all the important nutrients for vigorous blooms throughout the summer season and he althy plant growth. It also contains beneficial microorganisms that support root growth and offers plenty of potassium, which should be readily available for snapdragons.

Caring for snapdragons also includes adding the right amount of water. The snapdragon is watered as needed. It does not tolerate waterlogging, but the soil should always be kept moist. The snapdragon protects itself from drought with its extensive root system.

Cutting Snapdragons

In spring it's time to cut the snapdragons. To encourage branching, the shoots are cut off at a height of 10 cm. In addition, flower growth can be promoted by removing faded flowers. The individual flowers can either be plucked off or the whole stem can be removed at once.

If the snapdragons hang their heads, they suffer fromWater shortage

Tip: After flowering, the snapdragon's seed pods form. Therefore, do not remove the flowers from all plants, but keep some for propagation.

Are snapdragons hardy?

Whether snapdragons are hardy depends on winter temperatures. In our latitudes, they usually do not survive a winter. Large snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus) defy temperatures down to a maximum of -7 °C. However, if they are overwintered frost-free, snapdragons can develop perennial flowers. For example, to protect the snapdragon from the winter cold, you can lay fir branches over the ground.

Propagating snapdragons

Propagating snapdragons is very easy with seeds. The seed pods form on the stem about six weeks after flowering, so faded flowers should not be removed. When unripe, the seed pods are green, they are harvested when they are brown. You have to estimate the time exactly, because if you harvest too late, the seed pods will already have opened and all the seeds will have fallen out. To avoid this, the seed pods should be checked every three days. If you have caught a good harvest time, the ripe seed capsules are separated from the stalk and the seeds are shaken out into a container. For this you should choose a sunny day so that the seeds do not need to be dried. They should be stored in a dark and dry place over the winter. They can be sown the following spring.

Tip: When dried, the seed pods can look like snapdragon skulls. They are therefore ideal for use as Halloween decorations.

Mature snapdragon seed pods

Are snapdragons poisonous?

Snapdragons are not poisonous, they do not pose any danger to humans or animals.

Bellflowers, lady's mantle, peonies - they all have one thing in common: They are popular flowers in the cottage garden. Check out our article for the best tips and tricks for creating a cottage garden.

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