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Here you will find an overview of the most beautiful hydrangea types and varieties: From 'Endless Summer' to 'Annabell' and Co., we present our favourites.

The Hydrangea genus (Hydrangea) includes a large number of different species. These have their natural origin without exception on the continents of America or Asia. All relevant species are deciduous shrubs, which means that they are leafy in summer and shed their leaves in winter. The star among the hydrangeas is the species Hydrangea macrophylla originally from Japan - also better known as the peasant hydrangea. Their characteristic inflorescences are either spherical, but can also be flat like a plate and less heavily studded with the large ornamental flowers. Incidentally, these are only sterile pseudoflowers.

The flowers that are actually responsible for the seed propagation of hydrangeas are much smaller. They are easy to recognize in the center of the plate hydrangea. Other hydrangea species can also develop panicle-shaped inflorescences. The growth height of hydrangeas is just as variable as the flower shape. Some types of woody shrubs can also climb lofty heights in the garden. The growth height varies from 1.5 m to a maximum of 10 m.

In the following we provide an overview of the most important species and their best varieties within the hydrangea genus. Starting with the popular farmer's hydrangea to the exotic Japanese tea hydrangea, we present the most beautiful species and their varieties.

Peasant Hydrangeas - Hydrangea macrophylla

The peasant hydrangea is a beloved star in domestic gardens. The color spectrum of the ornamental pseudo-flowers ranges from white to pink to red. With targeted aluminum fertilization and the right pH value, pink and red varieties of hydrangea can be colored blue thanks to the dye delphinidin. A bit of a problem, however, is that this species plants its flowers for the following year in sensitive buds in the previous autumn. This makes it difficult to cut the hydrangea and requires special overwintering measures. With some new varieties, however, this no longer plays a role - they are partiallyremontant. This means that they bloom again and again throughout the year, even on fresh wood. Some specialized companies also offer the farmer's hydrangea as a high standard that is difficult to cultivate.

Peasant hydrangeas such as 'Endless Summer' have a particularly wide range of colors

Ball-shaped varieties of Peasant Hydrangea

As the name suggests, these peasant hydrangeas have ball-shaped inflorescences. Among the ball-shaped peasant hydrangeas, the 'Endless Summer' variety is particularly popular.

  • 'Endless Summer': Particularly flowering, remontant variety that also flowers on new wood; Shape cutting possible without any problems, but not necessary; available in pink and blue
  • 'Kanmara': Series of varieties with particularly large ball-shaped inflorescences; striking strong dark green foliage; extremely good suitability as a container plant; flowers in delicate watercolor tones; available in the colors rosé, champagne, lilac, pink, pink and white
  • 'Magical': series of varieties with very diverse flower shapes; lively color change of the flowers; flowers turning green as they fade; available in white, pink, red and blue/purple
  • 'Forever&Ever': Series of varieties with an interesting range of colors in the flower; remontant variety that also flowers on new wood; rather smaller but numerous umbellate inflorescences; available in white, pink, red and blue
  • 'You and Me Romance': variety with a rather flat umbel inflorescence; very large pseudo flowers; Mock flowers are filled with multiple petals; available in pink and light blue
Hydrangeas come in many different colors

Peasant Hydrangea

The plate-shaped inflorescences of these farmer's hydrangea varieties are a very special eye-catcher.

  • 'Hanabi': double mock flowers; pure white star-like flowers; slow growing; bad hardiness
  • 'Pirates Gold': Few marginal pseudoflowers; the yellow-green leaf variegation is more striking; available in the color pink
  • 'Tiffany': Large marginal pseudo-flowers; the small, fertile flowers trickle little; rich in inflorescences; available in pink and blue

Tip: All hydrangea species need fresh, slightly acidic soil with a pH value between 5.5 and 6 in order to absorb nutrients well and to develop he althily. These conditions can easily be created with a special bog soil such as our Plantura organic acidic soil. Although theyis reduced in peat, the organic soil creates optimal growth conditions for all types of hydrangea as well as rhododendrons and azaleas.

Prickly Hydrangea - Hydrangea paniculata

As the name suggests, the species Hydrangea paniculata is a hydrangea with paniculate inflorescences. Since they form their flowers on one-year-old, fresh wood, they can be cut back either in autumn or in spring before they sprout. A strong topiary is no problem. It even favors a more compact and highly branched growth form of this hydrangea species. The basic color of panicle hydrangeas is white to cream. Depending on the variety, an interesting color change towards pink or even a strong red can occur with increasing flowering time.

  • 'Grandiflora': Particularly large panicles; Play of colors with continuous flowering from green (bud stage) through white to pink in the stage of withering; vigorous
  • 'Limelight': Large panicles; long-lasting green bud stage, followed by white to light yellow flowers; Inflorescences can be dried well
  • 'Little Lime': Undemanding but flowering variety; compact growth; Color play of delicate tones from lime green to white to soft pink
  • 'Phantom': panicles very large but compressed in length; compact growth; Regular pruning required
  • 'Wim's Red': flower spikes are very long and airy and loose; white flowers turn bright red as they fade; sprawling growth habit requires a lot of space
The 'Grandiflora' hydrangea has particularly large panicle-shaped flowers

Snowball Hydrangea - Hydrangea arborescens

Snowball hydrangeas attract attention in every garden because of their huge, round inflorescences, which they produce in abundance. They are very robust and extremely hardy. However, the representatives of the species native to North America tend to let the shoots droop under the weight of the large inflorescences. Supporting the shoots can make sense.

Reproduction of hydrangeas depends on the species. Snowball hydrangeas can easily be propagated by division as they form underground runners. The 'Annabell' variety is particularly popular among snowball hydrangeas.

  • 'Annabell': Creamy white and turning green as it fades; very large umbellate inflorescences; flexible regarding the lighting conditions at the location; vigorous pruning recommended in spring
  • 'Grandiflora': White flowers; vigorous; supporting the shoots required; very hardy
  • 'Hayes Starbust': Flower stays beautiful for a long time after the faded green stage; filigree, star-shaped pseudo-flowers; also strong in growth and hardy
The 'Annabell' variety bears particularly magnificent white flowers

Oakleaf Hydrangeas - Hydrangea quercifolia

A special feature of this hydrangea species are the characteristic oak leaf-shaped lobed leaves. The flowers have a panicle-like structure. In autumn, both the striking foliage and the inflorescences are attractive with their attractive colors. Just like Hydrangea macrophylla, the oakleaf hydrangea produces its flowers as early as autumn. A generous pruning would therefore endanger the coming flowering.

The characteristic leaves make the oakleaf hydrangea something very special

Velvet Hydrangea - Hydrangea sargentiana

The velvet hydrangea owes its name to its thick, elongated and velvety leaves. The woody shrub is very vigorous and should therefore be given a generous spot in the garden. The same applies here: be careful when cutting, because the flower can be endangered. At an exposed location, measures for winter protection can be useful, because the velvet hydrangea can be sensitive to frost. The inflorescences are plate-shaped with large, sterile, marginal pseudoflorets.

The name of the velvet hydrangea comes from its soft leaves

Climbing Hydrangea - Hydrangea petiolaris

With its climbing growth, the climbing hydrangea has a unique position in the Hydrangea genus. Its white flowers are also plate-shaped with marginal, showy pseudo-flowers. The foliage resembles that of the Hydrangea macrophylla. A shape cut is not required. However, it is beneficial if weak or dead shoots are regularly removed. This species also forms the flower buds in the previous autumn, so protection against cold temperatures - especially at the time of budding - can be useful. Find out more about how to prune climbing hydrangeas here.

Climbing hydrangeas are a special highlight in the garden

Japanese Tea Hydrangea - Hydrangea serrata

This unique hydrangea species is often confused with the plate-shaped varieties of Hydrangea macrophylla. In fact, they share many similarities, in the identical geographical originof both types are justified. However, the plate-shaped inflorescences of the Japanese tea hydrangea are much smaller. And it is also below the Hydrangea macrophylla in terms of growth height. The compact growing species scores with an early start of flowering and more pronounced winter hardiness. That makes them superior, because the Japanese tea hydrangea also lays the buds for the following flowering in autumn. A cut is therefore not advisable, especially since it has a small, well-branched growth habit anyway. Her flowers can also turn white, pink, and red, and turn blue or purple with aluminum fertilization and the right pH.

Japanese tea hydrangeas are often confused with plate-shaped flowering peasant hydrangeas

Once you have decided on one of the many types of hydrangea, the next step is to plant the hydrangea. All important information can be found in this article.

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