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Frangipani (Plumeria) are popular ornamental plants. We give expert tips for the care, fertilization and wintering of the beautiful aromatic plant.

Frangipani not only look beautiful, they also smell good

The frangipani (Plumeria) is a tree of tropical origin and a real eye-catcher in our latitudes. As a pot plant, it is becoming increasingly popular in many gardens. Originally from the Caribbean and Central America, the fragrant plant can be found in this country on terraces, balconies or in conservatories. The striking flowers show unusual color combinations from yellow to white to pink and fascinate with their beauty. While the frangipani reaches a height of several meters in its homeland, it stays smaller here due to our mild and cool climate. Their sensitivity to cool temperatures therefore also prevents them from overwintering outdoors or putting them in the garden. The following tips for caring for and overwintering the frangipani should help to provide the exotic species with sufficient care and to keep it fit even during the cold season.

Fertilize and water frangipani

Sufficient fertilization is important for the growth of frangipani, so you should pay attention to a few tips. Fertilizing every 1 to 2 weeks is recommended so that the tree has sufficient nutrients available during the growth period - especially before budding in April/May until September. It is advisable to add the fertilizer directly when watering. A fertilizer with a high nitrogen content is suitable for optimum growth of young plants. In order to support the formation of the fragrant frangipani blossom, it makes sense to use a fertilizer with a high phosphate content. In this way, the blooms can come into their own despite the mild climate. However, you should only fertilize until October, as the plant then enters its hibernation. Our Plantura organic flower & balcony fertilizer is ideal for frangipani, an organic liquid fertilizer that is simply added to the irrigation water every one to two weeks and contains all the necessary nutrients.

The frangipani is a relatively uncomplicated fellow when it comes to drought: In summer it should be watered daily, preferably in the morning orin the evening. On particularly hot days, it can also be refreshed twice with the cool water. It is important to ensure that you water directly on the trunk and not moisten the leaves - this could lead to fungal infections and burns from the sun! Nevertheless, it is better to water less than too much. Because the frangipani tree reacts sensitively to permanently moist soil. It is therefore important not to create waterlogging under any circumstances. It is best not to use a coaster outdoors so that the water can always drain off.

In summer, frangipani also thrive in our latitudes

Wintering Frangipani

As soon as it gets cooler outside in autumn, the frangipani have to go indoors or to another warm place! Unfortunately, the plant is not hardy due to its tropical origin. Just like our native trees, it also needs a hibernation. So don't be alarmed if it loses its leaves in autumn. This is completely normal and heralds the plant's resting phase. From this point in time (usually in October or November) you should stop fertilizing until the leaves sprout in spring, as the plant does not grow during this time. Watering should also stop during this time, even if the trunk is already wrinkled. If there is too much water, the frangipani runs the risk of rotting in the root area. Additionally, watering over the winter reduces the chance of the plant flowering next year.

When winter approaches, the plumeria loses its bloom

For the frangipani to overwinter successfully, the climate must also be right: A temperature between 10 and 15 °C is suitable for the optimal environment. Above all, temperatures below these values should be avoided, as the frangipani is very sensitive to cold. A sheltered location is best. Whether it gets a lot or little light doesn't really matter, as it sheds its leaves in the fall and no photosynthesis takes place.

In winter the frangipani loses its leaves

Here are summarized the most important points to consider when overwintering the frangipani:

  • Temperature between 10 and 15 °C
  • Protect from cold drafts
  • Do not water
  • Do not fertilize
The buds of the frangipani sprout again in spring

When the days get longer again and theWhen spring comes, the frangipani with fresh foliage makes itself felt. The hibernation usually ends in April, from then on the plant should be watered again. But be careful: In the beginning you should only give water once or twice a week. With these tips it will not be a problem to get the frangipani through the winter. On warm days she can already move outside again, but you should watch out for late frosts at night. These are possible until mid-May and can also occur unexpectedly. Therefore, the exotic deciduous tree should move to a sheltered place in the house in the evening.

If you are looking for other plants that enchant with their fragrance, then you will definitely find what you are looking for here. We have put together the most beautiful scented plants for the balcony and garden for you.

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