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Kohlrabi can be frozen after harvest - even when raw. We show other ways to store the kohlrabi.

Boiling and freezing kohlrabi can be preserved very well

Kohlrabi is a typical spring and summer vegetable. If you still want to eat your he althy kohlrabi in autumn and winter, there are a number of ways to preserve the kohlrabi.

Harvest Kohlrabi

Before you can store or eat the kohlrabi, you have to harvest it. When the above-ground tubers are about the size of a fist, it's the best time to harvest them. The time of harvest can extend from May to August due to the broad cultivation period of the kohlrabi. Roughly speaking, however, you should aim for a harvest after about 10 weeks in the bed.

The kohlrabi is ready to harvest in this size

Note: The best time to harvest depends very much on the variety. For example, the "Super Schmelz" variety is a very slow-growing and high-yielding variety, while the blue variety "Azurstar" can be harvested very early. To harvest, simply cut off the above-ground tuber just below it at the base of the root.

Freezing Kohlrabi

Before you freeze the kohlrabi, you should prepare your tubers. First, the leaves are removed and the kohlrabi is peeled. Also, generously remove the root base on the underside of the tuber. This part of the kohlrabi is usually a bit tougher and woody. Next, cut the kohlrabi into edible pieces. Then there are two ways to freeze kohlrabi:

Peeled and cut kohlrabi can be frozen very well

1. Blanch the kohlrabi in boiling s alted water for 2 to 4 minutes, then allow to cool completely.


2. Put the chopped kohlrabi cubes directly and raw in the freezer (caution: the kohlrabi could lose its juicy green color when defrosting).

Storing kohlrabi: other options

In addition to freezing the kohlrabi, there are other ways to preserve the vitamin-rich tuber. Here is a small selection:

Insert kohlrabi

You can also pickle or boil kohlrabi.To do this, proceed in exactly the same way as described above for freezing. You should also blanch the peeled and cut kohlrabi in boiling s alted water for a few minutes - this will improve their shelf life. After blanching, it is important to let the kohlrabi cool down completely. Once cool, pour into mason jars. You can then fill the glasses with s alt water, a vinegar solution (“sour pickling”) or a vegetable sauce of your choice, depending on your preference. Important: No matter which variant you choose, the liquid should be boiled and cooled before filling to ensure the shelf life of the boiled kohlrabi! The sealed and filled jars should then be boiled again for 20 to 30 minutes.

Store kohlrabi in the fridge

Kohlrabi keeps in the fridge for about a week. Before you put the tuber in the fridge, you should remove the leaves and stalks. This reduces the evaporation surface and thus protects the kohlrabi from drying out more quickly.

Most people only know kohlrabi for its typical light green colour. But did you know that there are also different colored kohlrabi varieties? We introduce you to new, old and robust kohlrabi varieties.

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