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Gladioli are easy to grow in your own garden to cut for the vase. Here you can find out everything you need to know about the gladiolus in the vase.

So that the gladioli last as long as possible, the freshly cut flowers should always be placed in a vase with water immediately

Proper care for gladiolus in the vase

In order to keep the flowers in the water he althy and decorative for as long as possible, you should not leave them in direct sunlight. In the case of the gladiolus, which begins to bloom from below, faded flowers should always be removed. This way the unopened buds at the top of the plant get more nutrients and water to open.

Gladioli in the vase: change the water regularly

One of the most important things you can do to keep cut flowers like gladioli in your vase is to change the water regularly. Change the water at least every two days to prevent the vessel from rotting.

Not only in a vase, but also in the garden gladioli cut a fine figure. You can find out how to plant gladioli and overwinter them in our special article.

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