The yucca palm is a real classic among indoor plants. We show you the best way to propagate the yucca palm yourself.

As the appearance suggests, the yucca palm is a desert plant that by no means comes from Germany. The popular plant, which can be found in several species both as a houseplant and in the garden, originally comes from the dry areas of Central and North America. For hobby gardeners and those who want to beautify their home, the palm lily is a blessing, as it can be reproduced without any problems. We show how you can grow several plants from one plant.
Yucca palm: cut and multiply immediately
The simplest and at the same time most effective method of propagating the yucca is cutting off individual parts of the plant and growing cuttings. If the cutting of the yucca palm is imminent anyway, this method is particularly useful. Yuccas tolerate pruning very well, and even the trunk can be cut without any problems. And this is how it works:
- Either cut off a part of the upper stem directly or just shorten individual shoots on the plant. Due to the fast growth in the right conditions, the yucca palm grows quite sprawling and offers enough material for cuttings.
- Plant the cutting directly into the growing substrate without detours. Normal garden soil mixed with a little sand is ideal for this.
- The palm lily needs a moist substrate for root formation, but does not tolerate waterlogging. Also, ensure consistently warm conditions. A place on the windowsill is quite suitable for this.

Propagating yucca palms: in water or in soil?
As with many other plants, the question arises whether the cuttings should be propagated in water or in the ground with the yucca palm. A decisive advantage of soil as a cultivation substrate is the reduced formation of rot - in contrast to water. There the cutting stands in pure moisture for a long time and softens, unsuitable for themoisture-sensitive yucca. Therefore, use permeable soil for your cuttings so that the irrigation water can drain off quickly.
Yucca palm" after propagation: This is how it goes on
After a few weeks, the stem cuttings or the head piece will form proper roots in the ground and the plant will sprout again. As soon as the yucca has reached a certain size where the soil in the pot is no longer sufficient, it should be repotted.

By the way: Some yucca species, such as the winter-hardy thread palm lily, form offshoots that can also be used for propagation. Dig them up one by one and replant them.
A liquid fertilizer is ideal for a quick and effective supply of nutrients to the yucca palm. Our Plantura organic indoor & green plant fertilizer is the ideal choice for all indoor plants and is also kind to the environment.