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Clematis offer an infinite variety of flower colors and shapes. We have an overview of the most beautiful clematis species and varieties for you.

You can enjoy the beautiful flowers at different times, depending on the species

Clematis (Clematis) are among the most beautiful flowering plants in gardens in this country - with its large and colorful flowers, the climbing plant provides a Mediterranean flair and also thrives in Germany. There are a variety of different clematis species and varieties, each with their own charm. We present the most popular and beautiful variations.

Clematis: properties and characteristics

The clematis is an entire genus of plants that includes around 300 species worldwide. The buttercup family (Ranunculaceae) occurs mainly in the temperate latitudes, several species are also native to Germany. Due to its characteristic as a climbing plant, it is particularly popular on fences and walls and flowers at different times of the year depending on the species and variety.

The common clematis is a native species and therefore also hardy

Hardy Clematis Varieties and Species

Before choosing a clematis for planting in the garden, an overview of suitable species is helpful. Not every clematis species is equally suitable for overwintering outdoors, so we present particularly hardy specimens:

  • Clematis alpina: Very hardy species; also called alpine clematis; comes from Europe and is characterized by pointed petals; rather inconspicuous appearance. Popular varieties: 'Ruby' (purple-violet), 'Frances Rivis' (blue).
  • Clematis viticella: Italian clematis; very hardy; late flowering; mostly red to violet flowers. Popular varieties: 'Etoile Violette' (dark violet), 'Polish Spirit' (dark violet), 'Rubra' (dark red).
  • Clematis vitalba: Hardy native species; also known as common clematis; medium to late flowering.

Clematis for the bucket

Not all clematis species are hardy and suitable for outdoor cultivation.For all such species and varieties (as well as non-climbing specimens) it is worth keeping them in large tubs that can be conveniently placed in a frost-free place during the winter. A particularly suitable species for keeping in tubs is Clematis integrifolia, which grows as a perennial and, unlike other species of the genus, does not climb. In this way, the so-called whole-leaf clematis remains rather bushy and small. Also small compared to high-climbing clematis species is Clematis texensis, which is well suited for cultivation in pots. In principle, only species and varieties that do not grow too long should be selected.

Especially long-flowering clematis

Since the clematis is valued above all for its flowers, the selection of a particularly long-flowering species is obvious. There are generally two options:

  • Twice-flowering hybrids: Such varieties captivate with their first flowering in early summer and another one about six weeks later. Popular strains: ‘Dr. Ruppel' (pink marbled) and 'Asao' (pink).
  • Summer flowering species with a long flowering period: Particularly suitable species are the Italian clematis (Clematis viticella) with the flowering period from June to September. Popular varieties: 'Polish Spirit' (violet) and 'Etoile Violett' (violet). The species Clematis texensis is also considered long-flowering. The 'Radiance' variety (white-violet) is popular.
The Clematis montana is also known as mountain clematis

Clematis montana and its diversity of varieties

The Clematis montana, also known as mountain clematis, is one of the most popular species and has an immense variety of varieties. We present the most important ones:

  • 'Rubens': Very hardy variety with light pink flowers; high growth up to 12 meters.
  • 'Mayleen': Tall variety with large, light pink flowers; slight vanilla scent of the blossom.
  • 'Tetra Rose': Very large flowers and tall growth; pink flower color.
  • 'Grandiflora': Brilliant white flowers; vigorous growth.
  • 'Odorata': Small, light pink flowers; hardy; rich flowering from May to June.
  • 'Jenny Keay': Double, large flowers; white to pink flowers, small stature.

Tip: In addition to the right variety, an adequate supply of nutrients also ensures a rich clematis bloom. Our Plantura organic flower fertilizer is a primarily organic organic fertilizer with a long-term effect. It contains all the necessary nutrients and gently releases them to the clematis. In doing so, he strengthensalso a he althy and active soil life.

While some clematis varieties grow well without pruning, others require regular pruning to flower. We have summarized the best tips on pruning clematis for you.

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