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There is space in the smallest hut - even for a vegetable patch. We show you ten plants that also thrive in pots without any problems and provide a delicious harvest.

Potted plants are very popular and not just decorative

An own, small vegetable patch is probably the dream of every hobby gardener: Fresh, he althy food that accompanies you from the bed to the cooking pot. And having your own vegetable patch is fun too. But what if the garden is bursting at the seams or you only have a small apartment available? That's no reason to stick your head in the sand. Because with these ten types of vegetables, you can also grow them wonderfully in a pot - and they always find a place somewhere.

We present our ten favorite types of vegetables for pot culture, which can also be found in the smallest garden or on the balcony and terrace. Because if you want to grow your own vegetables, you can do it without a vegetable patch with these varieties.

10. Growing tomatoes in pots

Tomatoes are probably one of the most popular plants in German gardens. But the tomato doesn't cut a bad figure in the pot either. Not only small balcony varieties are suitable for cultivation, larger tomato varieties such as bush tomatoes are also suitable, but must be supported with a so-called tomato column made of wire mesh. Plant sticks are not very suitable for pots because they do not find enough support in the ground. A pot size between seven and twelve liters of soil (depending on the variety) is ideal. However, it is particularly important that the containers have good water drainage so that waterlogging does not occur. The tomatoes find an ideal place on a balcony, where they are in partial shade. Otherwise, they require the same care as a regular tomato in the garden. You can read more about fertilizing, watering and mulching tomatoes here.

Tomatoes are among the most popular plants in German gardens

9. Grow Lettuce in a Pot

The salad is also a true classic in the vegetable patch. It doesn't matter whether it's lamb's lettuce or rocket, all varieties have something in common: tasty, fresh and not too demanding, but they can also be grown perfectly in pots or flower boxes. Ideal for growing lettucelarge, flat bowls with vegetable soil, in which the lettuce seeds can be sown directly. Now the salad just needs a nice, bright spot in the house or on the balcony and a sip of water every now and then. After four to six weeks, the work is bearing fruit and the first leaves can be harvested. And growing in pots has an added benefit: gluttonous snails and bad weather will certainly not spoil your harvest.

Salad and herbs are classics in the vegetable patch

8. Grow carrots in a pot

Carrots aren't just food for rabbits - people also enjoy the orange roots cooked or as a snack between meals. But can you grow carrots in a pot? Yes, you just need the right one. Since the carrot is a root vegetable and therefore grows deep, the pot should also be particularly high (or deep). A normal flower pot can suffice for special mini carrots, but for other types of carrots it should be at least 20 cm, but preferably 30 cm high. Otherwise, the carrots in the pot are quite undemanding: Due to the nutrients in the potting soil, they hardly need to be fertilized, regular watering and a protected, bright spot will take care of the rest.

Carrots are quite easy to grow in pots

Tip: All the materials you need to sow carrots can be found in our Plantura vegetable growing set. In addition to carrot seeds, the vegetable set also contains seeds for four other bute and aromatic vegetables.

7. Growing Radishes in Pots

Crisp, spicy, different - radishes should not be missing from any good raw food platter. You shouldn't be without them in your own four walls either, because the small radish is very easy to grow in pots. Almost all radish varieties are suitable for growing in pots: they only need a spot in the sun, but they usually also tolerate partial shade. Otherwise, they should be watered regularly, as the soil in the pot dries out faster than in the bed and the radish likes that just as little as waterlogging. It is best to always have some residual moisture in the soil, but without it becoming too wet. After just one month, the time has come and the pink tubers from the pot can be harvested.

Radish: Indispensable for every hobby gardener

6. Growing chillies in a pot

A tip for everyone who likes it hot: The exotic chili can also be grown in a pot withoutyou burn your fingers on this company. Light and the right temperature are particularly important for the chili. Temperatures around 20°C are common in their homeland, which is why a place under a sunny window in a warm apartment or on the south-facing balcony is ideal for the plant. Here the plant should ideally receive up to 14 hours of light a day. The right size of the flower pot is also important: a diameter of at least 20 cm is recommended depending on the type of chili, so that the soil in the pot does not dry out too quickly. Now the chili should be watered regularly with water from the rain barrel (hard water from the tap doesn't tolerate it well) and you already have your own little chili plantation in the house.

A place in the sun is best for the small pods: chillies like it warm

5. Growing Potted Beans

Bush, Pole or Runner Beans? The selection of bean varieties is huge and almost all can be planted in a pot. Bush beans need a pot with at least 20 x 20 cm (diameter x height). Pole beans, on the other hand, should be placed in a larger and, above all, heavy pot because of their height. Otherwise there is a risk that the plants will simply tip over. Of course, like their siblings in the garden bed, the beans should be given a climbing aid so that they don't lie flat on the ground. Otherwise, the beans only need a warm place and should be watered and fertilized regularly.

Beans offer a wide range of varieties

4. Growing spinach in a pot

Popeye's favorite food is not only super he althy, it's also easy to grow in a pot. The plant and its various varieties do not make any special demands: If you only want to harvest the young leaves, any container with a depth of 10 cm is suitable. However, the larger the plant is to be, the deeper the appropriate pot should be. Now the spinach needs a suitable place. Four hours of sunshine a day is enough for the plant. Spinach, on the other hand, does not like hot temperatures at all, nor does it like too little water: This makes its leaves bitter. Therefore, make sure to water the spinach regularly without waterlogging. He will thank you with tasty leaves.

Spinach plants reward careful care with great taste

3. Growing beets in pots

Even if beetroot is often considered old-fashioned and outdated, the vegetable has its own charm. notin vain has the red tuber experienced an upswing as a he althy vegetable trend in recent years. Beetroot can also be grown in pots without any problems. With her (like with spinach), the pot size depends on the time of harvest. If the tubers are harvested young, i.e. about the size of a radish, a normal vegetable bucket is sufficient. However, if the plant is to mature, containers with a depth of 30, preferably 40 cm are a must. Otherwise, the beetroot is quite easy to care for. Regular watering and a little fertilizer won't harm her either.

The beetroot has experienced an upswing as a he althy vegetable trend in recent years

2. Growing onions in pots

The onion is not only perfect for cooking, but also for the flower pot. The plant is ideal for starting your own vegetable garden in pot form. It thrives in almost any container (but a depth of 15 cm is ideal) and requires little care. If you use a good universal soil, the plant does not even need to be fertilized. Regular watering is a must. If you are particularly environmentally conscious or just want to save something, you can simply use kitchen waste instead of seeds. A new plant can easily be grown from a leftover piece of onion.

Onions can survive on waste if necessary

1. Grow Potatoes in Pots

The potato goes perfectly with German cuisine and remains a well-known favourite. But potatoes belong in the field and not in the apartment? Wrong thought! Potatoes are also great to grow in pots and almost any variety is suitable. A sufficiently large pot is important so that the delicious tubers have enough space: you should treat your potatoes to at least 20 litres. Otherwise, potato care is the same as for a potato plant in the bed. Regular watering, so that the soil never dries out completely, but also prevents waterlogging, is just as important as a bit of organic fertilizer. If the potatoes are ripe after a hundred days, they can already be harvested. Our insider tip: With a homemade potato pot, you can harvest the potatoes as needed without covering your home with soil.

The self-perpetuating potatoes can also be grown in pots

Tip: Our peat-free Plantura organic tomato & vegetable soil is ideal for growing vegetables in pots. It optimally supplies your vegetables with all the nutrients they need for a rich andaromatic harvest are required.

If you don't have enough space for vegetables in the pot, you can find our article on regrowing here - this is how leftover vegetables can even grow on the windowsill. And if you want to add some fruit to your vegetables, here are 10 fruits for growing in pots.

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