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Garlic is easy to grow in a pot. You can find out how to do this and what to look out for in our video instructions.

Garlic (Allium sativum) is found almost all over the world and enriches many a dish with its intense taste. Many hobby gardeners grow garlic in beds, as this usually works well in our latitudes. The right location is particularly important for the successful cultivation of garlic. This applies to cultivation in beds as well as to cultivation in pots.

Growing Garlic in Pots: Instructions

Garlic can easily be grown in a pot. It is therefore ideal for gardens where there is no more space in the bed or for balconies and terraces. You can find out exactly what to look out for in our instructions below.

  1. First, of course, you need garlic bulbs. Here you can choose from different types of garlic. There are differences in taste intensity, color and growth.
  2. Now fill a sufficiently large pot with high-quality vegetable soil. This soil can also be mixed with 10-20% sand which improves soil structure for garlic plants. Make sure the pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
  3. Now take individual cloves of garlic and put them lightly into the ground. In the next step, cover the cloves with a layer of vegetable soil of about 3 to 5 cm. No more than 3 cloves should be planted per 10L pot volume.
    WARNING: In the video, the garlic is only grown to harvest the leafy greens (use analogous to wild garlic leaves), which is why quite a lot of cloves were put in. If you want to harvest garlic bulbs, only 1-3 cloves may be inserted per 10L volume.
  4. Now it's time: Don't forget to water. In addition, the garlic is happy about a sunny spot.
  5. Just a few weeks later the garlic cloves will have sprout. Incidentally, the green of the garlic can also be used in the kitchen - very similar to spring onions or wild garlic.
The garlic cloves only have to be stuck in and covered with soil

Growing garlic: location and soil characteristics

Garlic preferreda soil that is sandy, loose and rich in nutrients. It is therefore important to guarantee it both in the bed and in the pot. It is best to use a good quality vegetable soil that will ensure the garlic plants are ideally cared for. Potting soil can be mixed with up to 20% sand. It is also important that waterlogging is avoided at all costs. The pots should definitely have drainage holes so that excess irrigation water can drain away safely. An additional drainage layer also helps to fight waterlogging. To do this, simply place a few shards of pottery in the bottom of the pot and then fill it with soil.


The garlic is happy about a sunny spot both in the pot and in the bed. Another advantage of having the onion's strong-smelling relative in the garden or on the balcony is as follows: Garlic's distinctive smell drives away many pests such as annoying aphids.

Garlic in a pot also drives away pests

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