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White winter landscape? How boring - we'll show you ten colorful plants that also show their colors in winter.

A garden does not have to look boring in winter

Bare trees, withered perennials and empty flower beds: In winter you can't even guess that many gardens are actually beautiful in summer. A garden doesn't have to be boring in winter: there are a whole range of plants that also bear berries in winter, start to flower or have colored leaves and trunks. With the help of these plants, your garden will be a real eye-catcher even in winter. In this article you will find out which ten plants are particularly colorful in winter.

So that your garden is a real feast for the eyes even in winter, some of the following plants should definitely move into your garden.

10. Dogwood

Anyone looking for color in their garden will find the perfect winter plant in dogwood (Cornus). Many varieties come up with an unusual color of their branches and immediately catch the eye, especially in the white winter. The branches of the red dogwood (Cornus sanguinea) and the redwood dogwood (Cornus alba 'Sibirica') shine intensely red in winter. The bark of the yellowwood dogwood (Cornus stolonifera 'Flaviramea') - you guessed it - has an intense yellow color even in winter. In contrast, the white-and-white dogwood (Cornus alba ‘Elegantissima’) is particularly beautiful in summer and winter. While it has green and white foliage in summer, its branches glow bright red in winter: both are definitely eye-catchers. In order for the dogwood to retain its beautiful colorful bark, it should be cut back regularly. Only one to two year old shoots show the intensive colors in winter.

The red branches immediately catch the eye in a white winter landscape

9. Holly

Holly (Ilex) has made a name for itself as a substitute for boxwood in recent years. Holly is particularly suitable as an easy-care hedge or topiary, after all they are not only evergreen but also very robust. In winter, the Ilex shines with its beautifulLeaves that stand out elegantly against the white snow with their dark green colour. But their red, yellow, brown or black berries stay on the plant all winter, providing a colorful variety. Unfortunately, the decorative berries do not appear on their own: since the holly is dioecious, there must be both a male and a female plant in the garden. This is the only way the plants can fertilize each other and the beautiful fruit decoration is created.

Holly berries stay on the plant all winter

8. Christmas Rose

Regardless of whether it's freezing temperatures or snow on the ground - the Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) blooms reliably almost every year around Christmas time. But color was out of the question for a long time, because the Christmas rose is traditionally white and is often overlooked in the snow. Only modern breeds made the Christmas rose colorful and ensured that the beautiful roses unfold their full potential in contrast to their environment. Varieties such as 'Rubra' or 'Black Swan' are flowering today in strong red and dark violet and enchant everyone with their beautiful sight. But it doesn't take a lot of work to turn the Christmas rose into an eye-catcher in your own garden: the flower is actually very easy to care for and can be grown in almost any garden.

The Christmas rose reliably blooms almost every year around Christmas

7. Applethorn

In winter, this plant enchants us above all with its striking fruits, but its colorful autumn leaves are also a real ornament - the apple thorn (Crataegus x lavallei'Carrierei'), also known as leather-leaved hawthorn, is many things, but not boring. As early as autumn, the leaves of the apple thorn begin to take on a beautiful yellow-brown to orange-red color and the first fruits become visible. But it is only in winter that you see the full potential of the hawthorn species: the small orange-red fruits hang on the branches well into winter and persistently defy the cold. The apple fruits are not only a decorative touch of color in the depths of winter, they are also very tasty. They are particularly popular as jelly, compote or jam and are also really he althy with plenty of vitamin C and perfect for cold winter days.

The small orange-red fruits hang on the branches until late in winter

6. Beautyfruit

The name says it all: TheBeautiful fruit (Callicarpa bodinieri var. giraldii), also known as the love pearl bush, is characterized by a really magical appearance with its purple fruits. But until September, the shrub, which can grow up to 3 m tall, seems rather inconspicuous, almost boring. But as soon as its berry-shaped fruits ripen, the beauty fruit steals the limelight from every other plant. The fruits hang on the bush well into December, even if they have already lost all their leaves, and attract everyone's attention. No wonder, after all they can be seen from afar with their shiny violet color and form a wonderful contrast to the white winter landscape. However, you should not eat the fruit - it is poisonous to humans.

The shiny violet fruits of the beauty fruit can be seen from afar

5. Witch Hazel

What happens to witch hazel (witch hazel) in winter is truly magical. In the dead of winter, narrow, threadlike petals suddenly appear on the otherwise bare tree. The small flowers that the witch hazel develops are not only beautiful with their strong colors from yellow to orange to red, but also very persistent: the delicate flowers can withstand temperatures down to -10 °C without any problems. But the bright flowers are not just for the eyes: Varieties such as 'Palida' also exude a pleasant scent of primroses, which brings a bit of spring into winter. Bumblebees and bees also find the witch hazel simply fabulous - for them the extraordinary plant is one of the first sources of food in the new year.

The blossoms of the witch hazel easily withstand temperatures down to -10 °C

4. Firethorn

Wonderful, colorful berries right into winter? No problem at all with firethorn (Pyracantha coccinea) - from the end of August the evergreen plant bears bright yellow to bright red berries, depending on the variety. These remain on the plant well into winter and are a real eye-catcher in the garden. Contrary to popular belief, the colorful firethorn berries are not poisonous, but just so acidic that even birds spurn them. In the garden, the firethorn is perfect as a hedge, because it is very easy to care for and extremely robust. However, the firethorn is at its most beautiful when it is left to grow freely: it bears the most flowers in spring and the most berries in winter.

Depending on the variety, firethorn has bright yellow tostrong red berries

3. Bergenia

It's the perennial of the year 2022 - the Bergenia (Bergenia) is not only beautiful, but also versatile, uncomplicated and robust. But there is one more quality that sets the Bergenia apart from many of its competitors: many of its varieties are evergreen and radiate a very special charm from the first frost. Because as soon as the nights are colder and winter seems to be on the way, the leaves of the begonia turn intense red. The Bergenia enchants with its intense colors throughout the winter and is a real eye-catcher in the otherwise rather colorless garden. Only when the Bergenia starts to bloom next year do the colorful leaves wither to make way for their young, green successors. But that's no reason to be sad: even in spring, the Bergenia is a real beauty. Finally, she is now sporting beautiful, large, bell-shaped flowers in all shades from white to purple.

In winter the leaves of the Bergenia turn intense red

2. Spindle Tree

The euonymus (Euonymus) embellishes the winter with not just one, but two colors: the berries of the plant shine in a beautiful orange, while the seed coats, which remain with the fruit are rather red. This is how the euonymus got its unusual name: together with the fruit, the seed pods have the shape of a biretta, a headgear that Christian clergymen used to wear. But the euonymus is not only a real treat for the eyes in the monotonous winter - birds also like to fly up to the tree and nibble on the brightly colored fruit. However, don't be fooled by appearances: although birds love the euonymus, the fruit is unfortunately poisonous to humans.

The euonymus beautifies the winter with two colors

1. Winter Jasmine

When it suddenly starts blooming in December, only winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflora) can have a hand in it. While other flowers are silent in winter, jasmine presents itself in all its glory. But the winter jasmine with its small, yellow flowers is not only beautiful, but also very persistent. The Asian plant blooms until April and gradually opens its flowers. This is a protective mechanism that is supposed to protect the winter jasmine from frost damage, but gives us a long-lasting bloom. In addition, the winter jasminealso extremely versatile: Whether as a climbing plant, ground cover or even in the tub, the winter jasmine spreads a touch of spring everywhere in the dead of winter.

The yellow flowers of winter jasmine appear from December to April.

If you haven't found the right one here, you will find a selection of hardy flowering hedges in this article.

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