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What should a bird feeder look like and where is the best place to put it? With us you will learn what you should pay attention to in terms of location and condition and you will find instructions on how you can easily build a bird feeder yourself.

A bird feeder doesn't cost much and is quick to make

Many birds fly south in autumn and for good reason: the German winter is hard on the little birdies. Food in particular is often scarce in winter, the animals simply can no longer find enough food sources to feed themselves adequately. But even in summer, some birds have a hard time, because rock gardens and English lawns offer them hardly any food opportunities. Luckily, you can help the animals very easily: A bird feeder doesn't cost much, is quick to build and can be individually adapted to your garden. Here you will find a few suggestions as to what your future bird feeder could look like and you will find out what requirements must be met during construction.

Build your own bird feeder: you should pay attention to this

In contrast to the construction of a nesting box, which must meet the exact requirements of a specific bird species, there are almost no limits to the construction of a bird feeder. It doesn't matter whether it's small or large, whether it's colorful or discreet, almost every aviary is well accepted by birds. But here, too, some basic things should be observed.

The right location for a bird house

The location of the bird feeder is also important for successful feeding. The bird feeder should be high enough so that cats and other predators have no chance of reaching the birds. Any climbing aids such as garden walls or tree trunks should also not be in the immediate vicinity of the bird feeder. But many birds do not feel comfortable in the open space either. A compromise is therefore optimal: The home-made aviary should be positioned in such a way that predators cannot jump in with the help of trees and bushes, but the birds can still quickly find this shelter in the event of imminent danger. In addition, native shrubs can make the aviary even more attractive for birds because they complete itthe food supply through berries or edible seeds. Glass panes should also be viewed critically, because birds find them difficult to see and, in the worst case, suffer fatal injuries when they fly into them. A bird feeder should therefore be at least two meters away from the nearest pane of glass.

The bird feeder should be high enough to protect the birds from predators

This is what the perfect bird feeder looks like

If you want to build a bird house, you quickly realize that there are numerous design options. But what do you have to consider when building a bird feeder and what is just a matter of taste? The right material plays a special role: Wood, plastic or other material can be used to build a house and have various advantages and disadvantages. Of particular importance here is the risk of injury for the birds, but also the workability and how easy the material can be cleaned. You should pay particular attention to the last point, because diseases and parasites can easily spread among the birds through dirty bird feeders.

While wood is easy to work with and clean, extra care must be taken when working with it to minimize the risk of injury. In the case of built-in metal strips, care must also be taken to ensure that there are no sharp or pointed edges. Plastic is the easiest to clean and relatively durable, but is difficult to work with by the layperson and, of course, is not particularly sustainable. Organic materials, such as straw or cardboard, are difficult to clean and should therefore only be used if they can be replaced regularly - there is little risk of injury here.

A roof protects the bird seed from moisture and mold

In addition to the right material, it is particularly important to pay attention to the necessary weather protection: This definitely includes building a roof so that the forage stays dry and does not spoil. The roof also protects the animals from birds of prey looking for food. So that the bird feeder is also protected from heavy rain and wind, it is advisable to plan for a sufficient roof overhang on all sides - this is the only way to keep the feed really dry and not start to spoil or mold after a short time.

Protection from other types of dirt is just as important as protection from moisture. IfFor example, if the birds can put them directly in the feed, they can contaminate it with their droppings. Therefore, when constructing a bird feeder, you should make sure that only small amounts of food are available to the birds at a time - for example using a feed dispenser.

You should pay attention to this when building a bird feeder:

  • Location: Elevation and terrain should discourage predators from entering
  • Avoid sharp edges, pointed corners and nets
  • Choose materials that are easy to clean
  • Feeders made of cardboard or other organic materials need to be replaced regularly
  • The birds should not be able to sit in the feed if possible
  • Roof to protect against weather and birds of prey

Tip: You can find out what you should pay attention to when cleaning the bird house in our special article.

Building a bird feeder out of wood: tips & ideas

The classic material for a bird feeder is and will always be wood. No wonder, after all, wood has a number of advantages: it is weatherproof, easy to process and clean. The construction of such a feeding house can also be managed without any problems for the layman. The best option here is a house with a feeder, which only releases small amounts of food at a time and thus prevents contamination.

This variant always releases only small amounts of feed into the lateral feed troughs and thus protects the feed stock from moisture and dirt

Finished with non-toxic paint, this basic birdhouse can be placed on a stand or hung up. Of course, you can further decorate or individualize the bird house with details. There are no limits for the fanatasy. If you want to make it a little easier for yourself, you can also use a craft kit from the hardware store - all the necessary parts are included here and the birdhouse can be assembled quickly and easily with the enclosed instructions. But here, too, you should pay attention to a bird-friendly and hygienic design.

Tip: In order for the birds to feel comfortable in their new bird feeder, you need the right food. With our high-energy Plantura sunflower seeds, for example, you can support a whole range of garden birds during the cold winter months. You can offer the shelled kernels in your bird feeder both in the garden and on the balcony without having to worry about the shell waste.

Bird feeder offbuilding old materials

Upcycling is also very popular in the field of bird feeding. Because without much effort, a feeding place can also be made from old everyday objects. The variant made from an old PET bottle, for example, is particularly quick and easy: To do this, two opposite holes are drilled into the bottle, through which a narrow branch or a wooden stick is inserted. Small holes are drilled into the bottle directly above the perches, from which the birds can later peck the grains. The bottle can be hung up through two holes in the neck and the lid protects the food in the bottle from rain - the feed dispenser is ready.

Even a PET bottle can make a practical and hygienic bird feeder

Other feeding options for birds

In addition to the bird feeder, there are other options for bird feeding. The best known are probably the fat balls, which are hung on the trees in thin plastic nets. The problem, however, is that the small birds can get caught in these nets and, in the worst case, get seriously injured or strangled. Instead of the plastic nets, you can also use thick wire. From this, you simply form a spiral or a grid around the dumplings - this not only looks nicer, but also minimizes the risk of injury. Our Plantura fat balls with insect fat are also ideal for such a feed dispenser - these come without a net so that the birds cannot injure themselves and no unnecessary waste is produced.

Tip: We have summarized further information on how to feed birds properly for you.

Another way to feed birds is by planting bird-friendly plants. That's why we developed our Plantura beneficial insect magnet. This is a seed mix of over 20 annual and perennial plants that are friendly to beneficial insects and provide food and a habitat for the birds in your garden and also for insects. You can also simply sow our beneficial insect magnet in a pot or in a balcony box.

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