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Mineral fertilizers are obtained through synthetic processes or from fossil minerals. Let's take a closer look at these "artificial fertilizers".

For a long time, mineral fertilizers were considered a miracle cure, today they are repeatedly criticized

As early as 1865, Justus von Liebig recognized after intensive research: "Soil is fertile for a given plant species if it contains the mineral nutrients required for this plant in the appropriate quantity, in the right proportions and in the right amount for absorption contains a suitable quality.” In doing so, he initiated a development that very soon led to the production of the first mineral fertilizers. More than a century later, however, the mineral fertilizer has already passed the zenith of its popularity and has come under criticism not only in organic cultivation. In this article we have compiled the properties, advantages and disadvantages, examples and dangers of mineral fertilizers for you.

Mineral Fertilizer: Properties

For a long time, mineral fertilizers were used as a potent miracle cure. Here you can read what mineral fertilizers are all about.

What is mineral fertilizer?

Mineral fertilizer is a fertilizer in which the nutrients - or rather, the nutrient ions - are present in a fixed "ionic compound". You may be more familiar with the term “s alt”. Table s alt, for example, represents the ionic compound of sodium (Na+) and chlorine (Cl-). two charged particles - the ions - form a solid bond. And mineral fertilizers are present in just such a combination. It is not for nothing that one often speaks of "fertilizer s alting".

Production of mineral fertilizers

But how are these mineral fertilizers made? Many nutritional elements can be mined from fossil deposits. However, they are present in the rock as a stable, hardly soluble compound. However, plants absorb nutrients only in the form of ions dissolved in water. For this reason, rock phosphates, for example, have to be "opened up". This happens with acids and leads to more soluble phosphate compounds, densuperphosphates. Potassium s alts are also prepared before use as fertilizer and are then called 40, 50 or 60 potash, with the number indicating the percentage of water-soluble potassium oxide contained. Or they are reacted with sulfuric acid to form potassium sulphate.

Mineral fertilizers are produced using chemical processes

Mineral nitrogen is produced using the "Haber-Bosch process". In the process, volatile ammonia (NH3) is formed from the nitrogen in the air (N2) with a great expenditure of energy. This can be converted to the common fertilizers ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate (called: sulphate of ammonia) or potassium nitrate.

Since various complex chemical processes are used in the production of mineral fertilizers, they are also referred to as "artificial fertilizers". So now the fertilizer is in its s alt form. It contains s alts that are formed from the essential nutrient elements of the plants. But what effect do they have when sprinkled into the ground?

Effect of mineral fertilizers

If the soil is moist, the s alts dissolve into their ionic components. From a chemical point of view, the water plays the decisive role here: It attaches itself to both positively charged particles and negatively charged particles. Veritable shells of water are formed around them. This is how the water separates the components of the fertilizer s alt from each other. This is called "hydration". Some s alts - various phosphorus compounds and many trace nutrients - can only be dissolved by acids. But these also occur naturally in the soil solution. After this step, the nutrients are available for the plant to absorb and use.

Note: Plants absorb nutrients only as ions? Actually, that's not entirely true. The trace element boron is taken up in the neutral form B(OH)3 (boric acid). However, this represents a special case. Boron is involved in the formation of cell walls and promotes flower and fruit formation.

Summary: What is Mineral Fertilizer?

  • Mineral fertilizer is in the form of s alt. S alts consist of positively and negatively charged particles - the ions. These are connected by the ionic bond
  • The raw materials for mineral fertilizers are mined from fossil deposits or - in the case of nitrogen - produced using the Haber-Bosch process. All of these have to be further chemically converted. Overall, the energy required for this is very highup
  • The chemically modified raw materials are more soluble in water or in soil acids and are in their ionic form in the soil after dissolution. How they can be ingested by plants
The energy required to produce mineral fertilizers is very high

How fast does mineral fertilizer work?

In general, a normal mineral fertilizer in s alt form can work very quickly: usually within a few hours. Of course, this does not apply to slow-release fertilizers, the slow release of which is an intentional effect. A number of factors influence whether a mineral fertilizer works quickly or only slowly, depending on its mode of action. We have listed these factors for you below. By observing them, you can achieve the fastest possible effectiveness of your fertilization.

Tip: An effect in terms of a visible fertilizing effect on the fertilized plants always takes some time. Even with fast-acting liquid fertilizers you have to wait a few days for a visible effect.

When the speed of action is mentioned in the following paragraph, this means the speed at which the nutrients available to the plants are present in the soil solution after the fertilizer has been applied.

  1. Water is essential for dissolving the s alts. Therefore, the soil must be sufficiently moist. On a dry soil, a mineral (or even an organic) fertilizer has no effect.
  2. Interactions that occur between fertilizer s alts can influence their effect:
  • Ammonia-containing fertilizers and lime or calcareous fertilizers together form ammonia, which leaves the soil in gaseous form and can therefore no longer be used by plants
  • Superphosphate and lime or calcareous fertilizers combine to form calcium phosphates, which are difficult to dissolve and available to plants only very slowly (or not at all)
  • Nitrate or fertilizers containing nitrate and superphosphate together form nitrogen oxides (NOx), which escape from the soil in gaseous form and are therefore no longer usable for plants. They are also extremely harmful to he alth and the climate
The "artificial fertilizers" have a fast action speed, but a chemical imbalance can also quickly occur in the soil

Tip: All commercially available mixed compound fertilizers never contain the above combinations and are safe to use. This means there is no risk of outgassing or getting stuck. Should youHowever, if you want to mix different fertilizers yourself, please note the problem cases mentioned above.

  1. The pH value of the soil also has an influence on the speed of action of mineral fertilizers. Trace nutrients in particular are more readily available in slightly acidic soil. In a neutral or slightly alkaline soil, fertilizing with them has a significantly worse effect. The situation is even more extreme with phosphorus: it is not readily available at a pH below 6 or above 6.5. Keeping your own garden soil in this area can therefore have a very positive effect on the fertilizing effect.
  2. The temperature plays a certain role: At higher temperatures, the fertilizer s alts are more soluble in the soil solution. In addition, plants draw more water from the soil at higher temperatures and thus "suck" many nutrients to their roots.

The long-term fertilizers are a special case: These fertilizers work particularly slowly and over a long period of time - depending on the product, between two months and a year. This effect is achieved because the nitrogen it contains is in a special form called urea or carbamide. In addition, the nutrients are encased in a capsule that protects them from immediate release into the soil solution. By adding immediately soluble fertilizer s alts, an immediate effect is often achieved.

Summary: How fast does mineral fertilizer work?

  • Mineral fertilizers take effect within a few hours after application under the right conditions. Of course, depending on the plant and nutritional status, visible effects only occur much later
  • Water availability, combination of fertilizers applied, soil pH and temperature can positively or negatively affect the rate of action
  • Long-term or depot fertilizers work over a long period of time and sometimes a little more slowly. However, many long-term fertilizers also have an immediate effect. The duration of action can be up to 12 months and is stated on the packaging

Mineral-organic fertilizer

What is a mineral-organic fertilizer and how does this type of fertilizer differ from purely mineral fertilizers? Mineral-organic fertilizers contain both organic and mineral components.

In contrast to mineral fertilisers, organic fertilization promotes soil life and the maintenance of a good soil structure

The combination of the two fertilizer types only seems logical, because their advantagesand disadvantages often balance each other out:

  • Purely mineral fertilization neglects soil life and the preservation of a good soil structure. Organic fertilization helps to maintain and promote both
  • Organic fertilizer is available slowly, whereas mineral fertilizer is available quickly
  • Mineral fertilizer always contains only the nutrients mentioned. Organic fertilizer also always contains a small amount of trace nutrients contained in the organic matter
  • Mineral fertilizers do not have a pronounced long-term effect unless they are special long-term fertilizers. Organic fertilizers have a natural long-term effect, so that the two types can easily be combined to form a fast-acting slow-release fertiliser
  • Pure mineral fertilizers run the risk of being washed out if no organic material is incorporated during fertilization. The organic content in the mineral-organic fertilizer can prevent leaching at least to a certain extent

Summary: Mineral-Organic Fertilizer

  • Mineral-organic fertilizer contains both mineral and organic components
  • These components can complement each other in terms of soil improvement, speed of action, ingredients, duration of action and risk of leaching
  • The result can be a fertilizer with few disadvantages and many good properties

Mineral fertilizer: advantages and disadvantages

Some people only see the good, others only the bad in mineral fertilizers. Here we have tried to objectively summarize the advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of mineral fertilizers:

  • Fast Casting Speed
  • Often low price (except long-term fertilizer)
  • High Nutrient Levels
  • Very safe to use as a long-term fertilizer and effective over a very precisely defined period of time
  • The nutrient release is largely independent of the weather, so that mineral fertilizers can be used in a more targeted and shorter-term
The rapid release of nutrients in mineral fertilizers can easily lead to over-fertilization

Disadvantages of mineral fertilizers:

  • Mineral fertilizers bypass the natural cycle of nutrient recycling. This can lead to a chemical imbalance in the soil, which is reflected in a changed pH value
  • Mineral phosphate fertilizers often contain the heavy metal cadmium, which alreadynot only very toxic when taken in the smallest amounts, but also has a carcinogenic effect
  • Fast release, independent of weather conditions, and high nutrient content make it easier to damage plants through over-fertilization and to lose nutrients through leaching
  • Mineral fertilization alone causes the soil to become depleted of humus over time, which results in a significant deterioration in many soil properties. If you are more interested in humus and humus formation, you will find articles on humus and humus management
  • Needs-based fertilizing with mineral fertilizers basically requires prior knowledge in the field of plant nutrition and soil chemistry

Tip: Did you know, for example, that phosphorus fertilization is not necessary on almost all garden soils, as phosphorus is available in sufficient quantities? It has often become poorly soluble as a result of improper fertilization in combination with lime, or is unavailable as a result of too high or too low a pH value.

Mineral fertilizer vs. organic fertilizer

Particularly because application errors occur much more frequently with mineral fertilizers, we recommend the use of organic or organo-mineral fertilizers such as our Plantura fertilizers. The following table compares the aspects of organic and mineral fertilization.

AspectsMineral fertilizationOrganic fertilization
Casting SpeedFastSlow
Nutrient ReleaseFocusedSlow Flow
Nutrient ContentMedium to HighLow to medium
Promotion of soil lifeNoYes
Preservation/improvement of the soil structureNoYes
Application SecurityLowHigh
washout driveHighLittle to none
Influencing the pH valueDepending on the fertilizer usedNo
Release weather dependentNoYes

Mineral Fertilizer: Examples

What mineral fertilizers are there? In this section you will find examples and explanations of different types of mineral fertilizers.

Mineral Nitrogen Fertilizer

Mineral nitrogen fertilizers are available in different chemical compounds.True to their name, they only contain nitrogen and one other element with which they form a s alt - so they are not a balanced compound or NPK fertilizer. Depending on the element with which the s alt is formed, they also have different properties.

Mineral nitrogen fertilizers can cause skin irritation and should only be applied with gloves if possible

Sulfuric acid ammonia: It contains ammonium nitrogen and sulphur, is easily soluble in water and works moderately quickly, since ammonium is bound to soil particles. For this reason, the risk of leaching is lower. Sulfuric acid ammonia is acidic and therefore also lowers the pH value of the soil. The duration of action is three to four weeks.

Calcium nitrate: It contains nitrate nitrogen and calcium, is easily soluble in water and has a rapid rate of action. Calcium nitrate is alkaline and thus increases the pH of the soil. Its duration of action is three to four weeks.

Calcine ammonium nitrate: It contains ammonium nitrogen and nitric nitrogen, as well as calcium and sometimes magnesium. It is also easily soluble in water and, thanks to the two nitrogen compounds it contains, has both a fast and lasting effect. The pH value is also not affected by the combination. The duration of action is three to four weeks.

Ammon sulphate nitrate: It contains ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen in combination with sulphur, is easily soluble in water, has a fast and lasting effect. Ammonium sulphate nitrate is acidic and lowers soil pH.

Urea: Fertilizer urea or carbamide nitrogen has no other secondary components. Although it is produced artificially, it has to be microbially converted into plant-available ammonium in the soil. The reaction takes place within four days under unfavorable conditions and within one to two days under favorable conditions. The duration of action is three to five weeks. Urea can also be used very well for foliar fertilization.

Mineral NPK Fertilizer

NPK fertilizers are fertilizers that contain the three main nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). Various mineral NPK fertilizers are available for different areas of application. Depending on the application, the fertilizers have different compositions and sometimes also contain other nutrients. In this case, they are usually referred to as complete fertilizers. Mineral NPK fertilizers are also available as liquid fertilizers or fertilizer sticks.

Blue Grain

For blue grainis probably the best-known mineral NPK fertilizer. This is available in different compositions. In principle, what applies to all purely mineral fertilizers and has already been mentioned in the section "Mineral fertilizers: advantages and disadvantages" applies to blue grain.

Blueseed should be avoided in the home garden

Because of the often low price of the blue beads, it is likely that they contain cheap phosphate contaminated with heavy metals. In principle, however, Blaukorn only differs from other mineral NPK fertilizers in terms of color, especially from those in the lower price segment. The long-term positive effect on the soil of organic and organo-mineral fertilizers such as our Plantura organic fertilizers has already arrived and been proven in the professional world. In agriculture, too, this positive effect is actually undisputed. Nevertheless, mineral fertilizers such as blue grain are still frequently used there. Unfortunately, this is still the case in many private gardens. Unfortunately, an incorrectly dosed application often leads to pollution of plants, animals, people and the environment. We therefore advise against using blue grain.

Mineral Fertilizer: Toxic and Dangerous?

When used correctly, mineral fertilizers are not particularly good for soil structure and soil life, but they are also not toxic and dangerous. The problem is rather the type of application. Unfortunately, this often leads to negative effects on the environment in private gardens. Below you will find the most common application errors with mineral fertilizers and their consequences.

Overfertilization - fertilization in too large quantitiesPlant damage from "growth" to increased fungal infestation to death
Leaching of excess nitrogen into deeper soil layers and groundwater
Accumulation of poorly soluble phosphate and heavy metals in the soil
Strong leaf growth and reduced fruit set
Fertilizing at the wrong timeFrost damage to plants that were overly nitrogenous fertilized before winter
Leaching of unused winter nitrogen
Use of inferior/unsuitable fertilizersIntroduction of heavy metals into one's garden, accumulation in cultivated fruits and vegetables
Fertilization in bad weather or wrong application (e.g. lack of incorporation) Chemical conversion of fertilizer s alts into gases, resulting in loss for the user and pollution of the environment
Combination of incompatible fertilizers Chemical conversion of fertilizer s alts into gases or definition of fertilizer s alts as insoluble compounds
Sole mineral fertilizationDeterioration of the soil structure due to a reduction in soil life and degradation of humus, thus reducing the availability of nutrients and water as well as the ability to root through

Tip: If you are interested in the heavy metal contamination of fertilizers, this article will provide you with detailed information.

If you are interested in sustainable fertilizers, have a look here.

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