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Universal fertilizer - one for all plants? Here you can find out what universal fertilizers are, what the differences are and what universal fertilizer costs.

Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer is an organic fertilizer with a long-term effect

"Universal fertilizer" - a term that awakens hope when the searching gaze in the garden center wanders over the almost endless mass of names and promises that make us break out in a cold sweat on the fertilizer shelf. But: One for all? Unfortunately, we have to put the brakes on the tender little plant of burgeoning hope at this point. In the following article you will find out which promises liquid and solid universal fertilizers from different manufacturers can keep.

What is a universal fertilizer?

To answer that question, we need to give you a quick overview of plant nutrition. Plants need exactly 14 so-called essential nutrients for growth and reproduction. As the name suggests, you cannot do without any of them to complete a full life cycle (from germination to producing viable seeds). These 14 essential nutrients can be divided into macronutrients and trace nutrients. This title indicates the approximate quantities in which the nutrients are ingested and does not imply any statement about their importance.

Nutrition ElementElement SymbolFunction (Examples)
The macro sewing elements,
of which N, P, K as the main nutrient elements
(intake in larger quantities)
NitrogenNGreen Plant Pigments, Photosynthesis, Proteins, DNA
PhosphorusPEnzymes, DNA, flower and fruit formation
PotassiumKWater balance, cell walls, metabolism, frost hardiness
MagnesiumMgGreen Plant Pigments, Photosynthesis
SulphurSproteins, enzymes, metabolism
CalciumCacell walls, cell respiration, cell division
The trace nutrients
(intake in small amounts)
ironFePhotosynthesis, cellular respiration, enzyme activity
ManganeseMnPigment and enzyme structure
ZincZnBuilding of pigments and hormones
CopperCuPigment Structure and Photosynthesis
boronBCell walls, flower and fruit formation
MolybdenumMonNitrogen Conversion
NickelNiEnzyme component
ChlorineClIncreased cell pressure

You can find a more detailed description of the function of the main nutritional elements in this article.

What makes a universal fertilizer?

The so-called universal fertilizers are liquid or solid complete fertilizers. In any case, they contain the three main nutrients nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). In addition, there is a selection of other macronutrients and trace elements that you will not find in this abundance in most other fertilizers. The composition differs slightly from product to product. Most universal fertilizers have a balanced nutrient composition in common. This means that the main nutrients are included in roughly equal proportions. This balance is to ensure that the universal fertilizer is suitable for most fertilization projects. To find out which nutrients are contained, you can simply study the goods declaration of your fertilizer. Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer has an NPK ratio of 6 - 3 - 4. This means the fertilizer contains 6% nitrogen, 3% phosphorus and 4% potassium.

Universal fertilizers contain the main nutrients in roughly equal proportions

Summary Universal Fertilizer:

  • Plants need the 14 essential nutrients to live and reproduce
  • Of these 14 nutrients, the main nutrients N, P and K are required in the largest amounts
  • Universal fertilizers are complete fertilizers (NPK fertilizers), which also contain many other macronutrients and trace elements and whose nutrient content is balanced
  • The standardized information on the nutrients contained always follows the pattern N - P - K and means the percentage of nutrients contained
  • N, P and K are followed by information on other nutrients contained

What kind of universal fertilizers are there?

After a selection of liquid universal fertilizers, you will also find solid ones a little further downuniversal fertilizer. There are products that are purely mineral-based and do not contain any organic ingredients. The raw materials for mineral fertilizers are mined in fossil deposits or formed artificially in chemical reactions. At the same time, there are still purely organic alternatives and mixtures that contain both mineral and organic components. The organic raw materials often come from agriculture and the food industry.

Examples of solid universal fertilizers

We have compiled and described some solid universal fertilizers for you below:

Manna special professional universal fertilizer: 7 - 5 - 9 with magnesium

Manna's solid universal fertilizer contains magnesium in addition to the main nutrients. It also contains organic matter that brings in micronutrients and keeps the soil he althy. The main nutrient elements are present in various chemical compounds, so that fertilization takes place quickly and yet over the long term. Due to the high content of organic matter, the fertilizer can be used all year round. Price: 25 kg costs about 40 euros.

Universal fertilizer is available in both solid and liquid form

Keyzers Universal Garden Fertilizer: 16 - 8 - 10 (+3, +8) with trace nutrients

Keyzer's universal garden fertilizer contains N, P and K as well as magnesium and sulphur, but no organic substances. Because of this, degradation of the soil is to be expected if only this fertilizer is used. The nitrogen content is high. The trace elements contained are the same as in Keyzer liquid fertilizer, but in a different chemical form. They lack a so-called "chelator" that keeps the plant nutrient dissolved. It is therefore possible that the micronutrients fertilized in this way are not more readily available than the micronutrients that may be present in the soil anyway. Price: 2.5 kg costs about 25 euros.

Organic universal fertilizer from Plantura: 6 - 4 - 4 (+0, +2)

Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer does not contain any animal ingredients. Like all organic fertilizers, it promotes soil quality in terms of structure and nutrient availability. Because scientific studies show that extra sulfur noticeably increases plant growth and yield, an extra dose of sulfur is also included. All specified nutrients and trace nutrients are released during the biological conversion. It also contains a small amount of sodium. This can occur in some plants (natrophile plants such as spinach,purslane and sugar beet) have a positive effect on growth. The effect comes a little late, but is long-lasting. Price: 1.5 kg costs about 15 euros.

Examples of liquid universal fertilizers

We have compiled and described some liquid universal fertilizers for you below:

Wuxal Universal Fertilizer: Universal Fertilizer Solution 8 - 8 - 6 with trace nutrients

According to the manufacturer, the universal fertilizer from Wuxal is very compatible with plants, which is due to the type of nutrient compounds used. The trace nutrients contained are boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. Sulfur and calcium are missing for good reason, they would lead to undesirable chemical reactions in the finished mixture. Magnesium is also not included. Foliar fertilization is possible and accelerates nutrient uptake. Price: 1 l costs about 10 euros.

Liquid fertilizers are simply mixed into the irrigation water

Keyzers Fertilizer: Universal Nutrients 9 - 6 - 5 (+2)

The universal fertilizer from Keyzer is nitrogenous. This makes outdoor use problematic, as nitrogen is very easily washed out by rain. Keyzer's universal fertilizer contains water-soluble magnesium. The micronutrients are the same as in the Wuxal universal fertilizer described above. Overall, all nutrients are dosed higher, the dosage instructions have been adjusted accordingly. Price: 1 l costs about 25 euros.

Cuxin Universal: 5 - 4 - 7

Cuxin's liquid universal fertilizer has a lower nitrogen content. The potassium content is increased. As a result, according to the application recommendation, the fertilizer can be used a little further into the autumn without hesitation. In addition to the trace nutrients iron and zinc, "organically bound raw materials" are included, which are said to have a positive effect on plant he alth. Price: 1 l costs about 9 euros.

Universal fertilizer: advantages and disadvantages

Even if the manufacturers of universal fertilizers advertise them almost as a miracle cure: Of course, the sensible use of these fertilizers has clear limits. Get an overview of the good arguments for and against universal fertilizers in the table below.

The application is often simple and requires little effortThe long, sole application of mineral universal fertilizers leads to a deterioration of the fertilized soil. This can only be prevented by the entry of organic materialbecome
If the dosage recommendation is followed, the occurrence of plant damage is quite unlikelyPlants cultivated for many years suffer from prolonged use if the composition does not coincidentally exactly meet their needs
Buying just one general purpose fertilizer is often cheaper than buying many speci alty fertilisersThe often careless promotion of the manufacturers as a universal fertilizer can result in application to the wrong plant or at the wrong time
The large selection of universal fertilizers in all areas (solid, liquid, mineral, organic, organo-mineral) makes it possible to adapt the universal fertilizer exactly to your own needsIntroducing all important plant nutrients does not necessarily lead to a better supply of these nutrients to the plant. The type of nutrient and the condition of the soil must always be taken into account

We have compiled the advantages and the exact amounts of our Plantura organic universal fertilizer for you here.

Use universal fertilizer correctly

As different as the various universal fertilizers just presented are, the recommendations for use for them are just as different. If you pay attention to a few points, however, you will be immune to the worst mistakes:

  • Inform yourself about the nutritional requirements of the following plants before applying a universal fertilizer to them. Houseplants: Tropical and subtropical love plants and cacti, orchids, palm trees and perennial herbs. Garden plants: Rock garden plants, succulent plants, ericaceous plants, perennial herbs and warmth-loving, frost-sensitive shrubs.
  • Do not use only mineral universal fertilizers. There is a high risk of leaching into groundwater or loss of nitrogen in the form of nitrogen oxides or gaseous nitrogen. This represents a loss for you as a user and a burden on the environment. Exclusive use of organic universal fertilizers is possible and is recommended by us.
In contrast to mineral fertilizers, organic fertilizers can only be used

If deficiency symptoms occur despite the administration of the universal fertilizer, do not increase the dosage, but try to find out

  1. What nutrient is your plant missing.
  2. Whether the nutrient might be present in the potting soil, but notis available to plants. Reasons for this can be, for example, an incorrect pH value, excessive or insufficient irrigation, incorrect soil composition or even an unfavorable degree of air humidification.

Tips on Nutrient Availability

Below we have summarized some tips regarding the nutrient availability for your plant.

Nutrient availability as a function of pH

While the main nutrient elements N, P and K are readily available from a pH value of 5 and also in the slightly alkaline range, the situation is exactly the opposite with most trace nutrients: iron, manganese, copper, zinc and boron are lost more and more readily available as the pH value decreases (i.e., the degree of acidity increases). Especially in acid-loving plants, such as rhododendrons and azaleas, an iron deficiency sometimes occurs due to a too high pH value, although iron is naturally present in the soil. It's just not available to plants.

Nutrient Availability Depending on Irrigation

Plants absorb the necessary nutrients from the soil solution. The soil solution consists of water and all substances dissolved in it. If there is no water in the soil, the plant cannot absorb any nutrients. An interesting counter-example is the availability of manganese: Very wet and oxygen-poor soils often contain a lot of plant-available manganese. The reason for this is the increasing acidity of the soil in the absence of air. This is an effect of the respiration of soil organisms, which can do well without oxygen. As the pH drops, the manganese becomes readily available.

If deficiency symptoms occur despite the use of a universal fertilizer, you should find out which nutrient your plant is lacking

Nutrient availability depending on humidity

Calcium can only be absorbed by plants by creating suction on the leaves through the evaporating water. This suction transports water upwards through the pathways - it contains, among other things, the calcium. A problem arises when the humidity is very high. In this case, the leaf can no longer evaporate water well and the suction comes to a standstill. Then the calcium can no longer be transported and the result is a calcium deficiency, even if there is sufficient calcium in the soil. Such a situation can occur, for example, in an unventilated, damp greenhouse.

In our shop you will find information about the sustainable Plantura organic fertilizer.

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