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With the right variety, the fig tree can also be planted here. We present hardy fig tree varieties that feel at home with us.

This is how figs ripen on the tree

The common fig (Ficus carica) is a very old cultivated plant that is already mentioned in the Bible. Since then, however, a lot has happened in terms of breeding, and there are now a large number of varieties.

Fig Tree Varieties

Around 700 fig tree varieties are said to exist. They differ in the size, color and taste of the fruit, the type of pollination and of course their winter hardiness. If you want to harvest fresh figs from your own fig tree, you shouldn’t just value winter hardiness. It is important for fruit that the fig is self-pollinating and does not need pollinators. The varieties mentioned in this article are therefore all self-pollinating.

Hardy Fig Tree Varieties

Fig trees come from Mediterranean areas, but it is also possible to overwinter the fig tree outside here. It is important to choose a hardy variety. However, these varieties do not tolerate temperatures below -20 °C either.

The following fig tree varieties are hardy:

  • 'Dalmatie': Often even available in hardware stores; its fruits are yellow-green and taste good; in winter it shouldn't get colder than -12 °C
  • 'Bornholm fig': Very hardy down to -20 °C, but not productive
  • 'Brown Turkey': Also suitable for cold areas down to -20 °C, but only moderate yield
  • 'Hardy Chicago': Even if frozen above ground in winter, it can bear fruit again the following year
The 'Brown Turkey' variety bears tasty fruits

Small fig tree varieties for the pot

You can grow the fig tree in a pot, but not all varieties are suitable for this. Some have a very strong growth and should therefore be avoided for the bucket. However, a pot restricts fig root growth, which naturally keeps the fig tree quite small.

The following fig tree varieties also thrive in pots:

  • ‘Dauphine’: The variety is bushy and also produces good yields in pots
  • 'Longue de Aout': Carries yellow colored fruits and is very productive (also 'Banana fig')
  • 'Madeleine des deux Saisons': Due to its rather weak growth, it is ideal as a pot plant; it bears aromatic fruits
  • 'Negronne': Considered one of the tastiest fine tree varieties; it remains compact and does not become too expansive; however, it should be protected
  • ‘Osborn Prolific’: Slow-growing variety that still bears fruit even in cool summers and gets by with a little less light

Fig tree as a houseplant: varieties for indoors

In addition to the popular Mediterranean fig trees, there are also a large number of Ficus species that are perfect as houseplants. Visually, both variants differ greatly from each other, but in particularly cool areas these species offer a good option to grow a fig tree anyway. Norway fig trees grow well indoors, but need to go dormant during the winter.

The sprawling rubber tree is extremely popular as a houseplant

You can keep the following types of ornamental figs in the house all year round:

  • Weg fig (Ficus benjamina) : Particularly popular ornamental fig in living rooms and offices; originally comes from the tropical regions of Asia; very easy to care for
  • Benyan Fig (Ficus benghalensis) : Also called Bengal or Indian fig; Origin South Asia; Strangler fig with large leaves
  • Fiddle Fig (Ficus lyrata) : Large-leaved fig species originating from Southeast Asia; large, sprawling growth
  • Rubber tree (Ficus elastica) : One of the most popular houseplants; large and pointed leaves; tall growth; easy care

If you have already selected a variety, you will find everything you need to know about planting your fig tree here.

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