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So that you can enjoy your houseplant for a long time, you should be careful when buying it. We show you what to look out for when buying bow hemp.

The snake plant is not a boring houseplant

Burrow hemp (Sansevieria) is no longer a dusty houseplant of past decades. The diverse plant can come up with a wide variety of species. Cylindrical or flat sheets, one color or with a yellow border - the decision is yours alone.

Buy Bow Hemp

Bugs are a wonderful houseplant with many benefits. With so much variety, however, the decision is not always easy. You can find out how to find the right plant for you here.

Buying bowhemp: You should pay attention to this

Buying bow hemp is usually easy. Since the requirements of all species and varieties are relatively similar, you really only need to worry about the appearance, because pests rarely attack bow-tie plants. If you opt for species with flat leaves like Sansevieria trifasciata, you can usually only be guided by the appearance. However, this is different for bow-tie plants with round leaves like Sansevieria cylindrica. That's where it gets more difficult, because in addition to the different varieties, there are also different cultivars that are often described in a similar way to the varieties.

Cultivated plants of scrunchie:

  • Spaghetti: For this, young individual plants are planted so close together that they grow long and thin separately next to each other
  • Mikado: This cultivation form works in a similar way, except that the individual cuttings grow a little further apart and are consequently thicker
  • Musica: The individual plants are planted next to each other in a row according to size, like a fan or an organ
  • Twister: With this form, the individual plants are woven into a thick braid

It makes sense to separate such arrangements after purchase and to separate the young plants to allow the individual plants to grow well.

Received under the label "Velvet Touch".the bow hemp colorful cones, the plant certainly doesn't feel comfortable under it

Note: Things get critical with such exciting constructions as colored hats on the tips. These hardly contribute to the vitality of the plants. If you want to enjoy your plant for a while and don't see it as a cheap disposable item, then it's best to leave such plants on the shelf and go to a reputable shop.

Buy Bow Hemp Summary:

  • Nasturtium species generally have similar needs, so let your eye guide you
  • The cultivar is not the same as the variety: Mikado, Spaghetti, Musica, Twister and Co. are cultivars and not varieties
  • Decorations such as colorful cones are more likely to damage the plant

Buy bow hemp: Recommended sources of supply

Bow hemp is available from many vendors. We can particularly recommend the following.

  • The Erfurt cactus nursery Kakteen-Haage sells a wide variety of types and varieties of bow hemp, including some rarities. The plants are available directly from the nursery, but of course also online.
  • Pasiora has much less variety, but good quality.

In addition to the scrunchie, there are a few other easy-care indoor plants that look great. You can find a selection in our special article.

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