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After summer, the grave needs to be replanted and prepared for winter. We provide care tips and show examples of beautiful planting.

Stylish grave planting is also possible in autumn

When the days are getting shorter and the trees are adorned in magnificent shades of red and yellow, it's time to adapt the grave planting to the new season. Although autumn is often considered gray and dreary, it is quite possible to make the grave stylish and colorful - if you rely on the right plants. Here you can find out what you need to consider when planting a grave in autumn.

So that your loved one's grave still looks beautiful in autumn, it is important to think about the right planting at an early stage. You can find out everything you need to be aware of here.

Grave planting for the fall: You should pay attention to this

After summer flowers have dominated the last few months of grave design, they now have to give way to autumn planting. Even if it hurts some gardeners: In autumn, the old plants should be removed from the summer grave planting. This not only prevents the faded flowers from looking unkempt, but also creates space for new ones that can beautify the grave. Autumn flowers with a particularly intense glow are extremely popular in grave design, as they not only look beautiful, but are usually also very robust.

Bright autumn flowers are particularly popular in grave design

When planting in autumn, you should also make sure that the plants are not placed far apart (as is usual in spring), but rather closer together. The reason for this is the low growth of the plants in autumn - if the plants are planted too far apart, unattractive gaps can arise. Once the autumnal grave planting is complete, the maintenance effort drops considerably in contrast to summer. Since the plants are no longer in the growing season, they do not need to be fertilized. The rainy autumn weather also ensures that there is no need to water (exceptof course, this is a particularly dry autumn). The only thing you should not do without is raking the leaves: not only does the wet leaves on the graves not look pretty, they can also damage ground cover and autumn flowers.

In addition to planting, arrangements for grave design are particularly popular in autumn. Especially natural, homemade decorations are a beautiful personal greeting at the grave of a loved one. To make these, you can use nature in the fall: coniferous branches, pieces of wood or moss can be wonderfully designed with rose hips, pine cones or acorns to create a decorative arrangement or wreath. Individual wishes and preferences in size, shape and color can be taken into account.

In autumn, plants have to be planted closer together - otherwise there are unsightly gaps

The most beautiful grave plants for autumn

Autumn flowers and hardy ground covers are particularly suitable for grave design. We have listed the most beautiful plants for grave planting in autumn here for you.

10. Cyclamen

With its interesting, soft flowers and delicate colours, the cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum) is a real eye-catcher in autumn. Its heart-shaped leaves, which have a great drawing, also make the plant so charming. Due to their low winter hardiness, however, the delicate flowers were long decried as indoor plants - modern breeds, however, are much more robust and can also be used to decorate graves in autumn. However, you should always choose varieties with small flowers, as these sub-zero temperatures are better overall.

Cyclamen look very charming with their delicate flowers

9. Crimson Bells

In autumn the small flowers of the purple bells (Heuchera Cultivars) unfortunately have already faded. Fortunately, the special appeal of this plant is not in the dainty flowers, but in its unusual leaves: Completely dark red, but also green with red undersides of the leaves, the plant is also an unusual eye-catcher in autumn. In addition, the purple bell shines with its extremely easy-care nature.

The purple bell is a real eye-catcher with its red leaves

8. Horned Violet

With its numerous small flowers, the horned violet (Viola cornuta) is one of the most beautiful autumn flowers. Especially its immenseThe color spectrum, which extends from bright white to bright yellow and intense red to strong blue, makes the horned violet interesting in terms of design. So you can combine the plant with almost any other autumn flower - but you can also create interesting contrasts with just horned violets.

Horn violets can be used in a variety of ways in grave design

7. Aster

While other flowers are already hanging their heads, the aster (Aster) is just beginning to blossom: from August, the beautiful plant will enchant us with its numerous, bright flowers. Whether in bright white, soft pink or intense blue - the aster can be wonderfully integrated into any grave planting and shines like the other autumn flowers. In addition, it is also very robust - the plant can withstand temperatures down to -20 °C without any problems.

The aster shines brightly with other flowers
6. Shinberry

The checkerberry (Gaultheria procumbens) provides some color in autumn not with colorful flowers, but with fiery red fruits. But their dark red to deep violet autumn coloring can also be used wonderfully in autumnal grave designs. Due to its robust nature and good winter hardiness, the evergreen shrub is also a great plant for grave planting in winter.

The harpberry provides color in autumn

5. Autumn gentian

In autumn, the colors red and yellow typically dominate in grave design. Those who prefer something more modern can fall back on the autumn gentian (Gentiana scabra). With its large, intensively blue flowers, the cushion-forming perennial sets impressive accents in grave plants and is also extremely robust with a winter hardiness down to -20 °C. Gentian is best combined with purple bud heather (Calluna vulgaris), but also with ivy (Hedera helix) or peat myrtle ( Pernettya mucronat).

The autumn gentian provides shades of blue in the grave design
4. Silver Leaf

Beautiful grave plants do not always have to attract attention with their flowers - the silver leaf (Senecio cineraria) manages to become a great eye-catcher with its silvery-green, feathered leaves alone. The plant sets great accents in the bed and can be perfectly combined with classics such as horned violet or bud heather. AlsoThanks to its easy-care and uncomplicated nature, the silver leaf is becoming increasingly popular in autumn grave designs.

The silver leaf sets great accents

3. Pansies

The pansy (Viola wittrockiana) is a well-tried classic not only for planting graves in spring, but also in autumn. Especially its extremely robust nature is responsible for its great popularity. But its pretty flowers, which also appear in large numbers in autumn, also add to the charm of the plant. In addition, the pansy has a deep symbolic meaning: as a sign of farewell, but also to remember and commemorate, it is very popular for grave design.

The pansy is a classic among grave plants
2. Barbed Wire Plant

The name of the barbed wire plant (Calocephalus brownii) sounds strange in connection with grave planting. In fact, the unusual plant, which is also known as lattice or silver herb, is a great addition to the grave design. Due to its unconventional growth habit and its striking, silver-colored foliage, the barbed wire plant can be used wonderfully as a structural plant. The combination with autumn flowers such as cyclamen or bud heather looks particularly beautiful, but evergreen plants such as ivy or cloudberry harmonize wonderfully with it.

The unusual barbed wire plant is an enrichment for the grave design

1. Bud heather

If you are looking for a plant that is not only suitable for autumn, but also for planting graves in winter, you should look out for the bud heather (Calluna vulgaris). The pretty autumn bloomer, also known as common heather, convinces with its delicate flower buds, which can often be seen throughout the winter. As a rule, even temperatures below freezing point do not harm the robust plant - this property has also given the heather a beautiful symbolism that makes it even more popular as a grave plant: it stands for durability and loy alty.

Heath stands for constancy and loy alty

The grave design should not only be successful in autumn - you can find out how to prepare the graves of your loved ones for All Saints' Day in our article "Grave planting for All Saints' Day".

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