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So that you can enjoy your money tree for a long time, it needs the right care. We show what is important when fertilizing, pruning and co. of the money tree.

Even if the money tree is considered easy to care for, you should know how to water and fertilize it properly

You can't do much wrong when caring for the money tree (Crassula ovata). Nevertheless, you should know what is important when cultivating the plant, which is usually kept as a houseplant. In this article we will tell you everything about the correct watering, pruning and fertilizing of the succulent plant so that your money tree can thrive.

The thick, fleshy leaves of the money tree already reveal its family affiliation: It comes from the genus Crassula (Crassula) and thus from the family of succulent plants ( Crassulaceae). This plant originally comes from South Africa and is therefore used to maritime, warm weather. In care, the money tree is considered medium; So it's not completely indestructible, but it's better to know how to take care of it properly. The plant usually forgives you for one or the other care mistake. Like most succulents, including the Crassula ovata , it is particularly resilient to the wrong temperature and drought. The money tree is also rarely afflicted by diseases and pests.

Water the money tree correctly

As a succulent, the money tree is used to longer periods of drought and can therefore store water in its thick leaves. That tells us a lot about the correct watering of the plant. The Crassula ovata is more forgiving of times without water than too much moisture. You should therefore only give small amounts of water during the growth period in summer. Water only when the top layer of the substrate has dried. Overwatering the plant can lead to root rot. The plant is deprived of oxygen and the roots rot. You should definitely avoid this. Therefore, always remove excess water from the coaster. During the winter dormant period, from November to February, the money tree's water requirements are even lower. Make sure theRoot ball does not dry out completely and only water sporadically during this time. Rainwater is ideal as irrigation water for the money tree. If you do not have such available, the tap water for watering should not be too calcareous.

Watering money tree summary:

  • Water moderately during the main growing season
  • Let top layer of substrate dry off
  • Substrate only slightly damp, do not wet
  • Remove excess water from planter
  • From November to February water only sporadically
  • Use rainwater or low-lime tap water

Pruning the money tree correctly

A regular topiary is not necessary for the money tree. However, there are many reasons why it may still be time to get your scissors and prune your tree. A cut is useful, for example, if the plant does not grow evenly and needs to be shaped. A compact and strong growth can also be achieved with a pruning. Of course, you should also prune the tree if it is affected by diseases or pests. The best time to cut the money tree is in the spring, before the tree sprout again, or immediately after flowering.

With the right pruning, the money tree grows dense and bushy

Pruning Money Tree Summary:

  • Cut off or support upwards all shoots that grow downwards
  • For a thicker trunk, cut off all lower shoots and leaves
  • Hard pruning stimulates the formation of new shoots
  • Don't Leave Butts

Everything you need to know about pruning the money tree is in our article specifically about pruning.

Fertilize the money tree correctly

Although the money tree does not have a particularly high nutrient requirement, you should not completely neglect fertilization. Especially with fast-growing succulents, which include the tree, fertilization is appropriate at most every four weeks - but only in the main growth phase. A special succulent and cactus fertilizer is suitable for this, because it has a higher concentration of potassium. This in turn plays a crucial role in water storage. If you want to save yourself work, we can recommend a fertilizer with an organic long-term effect - such as our Plantura organic universal fertilizer. With this longer-acting fertilizer, just fertilizing in the spring is sufficient to keep the plant year-roundoptimally supplied with nutrients.

In the dormant phase from November to February, the money tree is not fertilized at all. In any case, you should avoid over-fertilization, as this will do more harm than good to the money tree. For example, root burns are a result of too much fertilizer.

Summary of fertilizing money tree:

  • Fertilize only moderately
  • Apply a fertilizer with a long-acting organic effect once in the spring
  • Fertilize only during the main growing season
  • Stop fertilizing completely between November and February
Money trees store water in their thick leaves, for which they primarily need potassium

There is a lot more to know about the money tree than just care tips. Read more about this exciting plant in our special article on the money tree.

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