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The bitter summer salad is very popular. Here we show you what to consider when planting and harvesting endive.

With endives you can still harvest delicious salads in autumn

If you still want to enjoy a delicious salad in autumn, a late summer endive salad is the perfect choice. The frugal lettuce plant is rich in minerals and vitamins and can be grown in your own garden with little effort. This article explains exactly how this works and what you should pay attention to.

Endive (Cichorium endivia) is a species of flowering plant in the genus chicory (Cichorium) and belongs to the daisy family ( Asteraceae). It is closely related to sugar loaf, radicchio and chicory, which is also reflected in the slightly bitter note. However, the bitter substances are in the outer leaves, which means that the heart of the endive tastes delicate and mild. In order to avoid bolting and flowering, it is important that both the temperature and the timing are right when growing endive.

Origin and properties of endive

The late summer lettuce from the chicory genus has been cultivated since ancient times. The endive originally comes from the Mediterranean region, but it can still be successfully cultivated at altitudes of up to 2000 meters. Endives are biennial plants, but they are only cultivated as a salad once a year. In the course of its growth, it does not form closed heads of lettuce, but rather a large, flat rosette with a pale yellow heart. When flowering, the plant reaches a height of about 70 centimeters.

Endive Varieties

There are basically two different forms of endive: Curly endive, also known as Frisée , or smooth endive called Escariol . The smooth endive is characterized by entire, thick leaves, robustness and a good shelf life. The curly endive, on the other hand, tastes finer and is characterized by coral-like curly leaves. However, it does not store well and is less resistant to cold and moisture.

Escarole Varieties of Escarole:

  • 'Escorial Gelber': Robust variety thatalso tolerates light frost; coarse leaves in yellow-green
  • 'Escorial Green': Strong, green leaves; should be bleached; more bolt resistant than the yellow variety
  • 'Breedblad Volhart Winter': Solid Heat Resistant Yellow Heart Heads
Escarole varieties are characterized by broad, entire leaves

Frisée Varieties of Curly Endive:

  • 'Frisée Tres fine Maraichere': Filigree, delicate leaves; very sensitive to frost
  • ‘Frisée Milady’: Largely bolt-resistant and not too bitter; fine, curled leaves
  • 'Myrna Frisée': Slotted leaves and large heads; tolerates wet and cold

Buy endive plants

Endives can be bought both as seeds and young plants. It is important for young plants that they look strong and he althy. Before they are planted outdoors, they should also have four to six leaves. Seeds and young plants can be found in DIY stores, nurseries or on the Internet.

Note: The young plants must not be exposed to cold, otherwise they will not form a rosette of leaves. Instead, they grow tall and flower.

Plant endive lettuce

Under the right site conditions, endive is an undemanding plant that can be harvested three months after sowing. Due to its late sowing, it is good as a successor to kohlrabi (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes), peas (Pisum sativum ), early red cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra), early potatoes ( Solanum tuberosum) or cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis).

The right place for endive salad

Endives like sunny locations and humus-rich soil without waterlogging. Lettuce thrives best at a pH of 6.5 to 7. Our Plantura organic tomato and vegetable soil, for example, is ideal for this. As a medium feeder, the endive needs moderately nutrient-rich soil. Find out how best to prepare the soil for cultivation later in the article.

Tip: In order to avoid crop rotation diseases, a three-year break from cultivation of other plants from the daisy family is recommended. Leek (Allium porrum var. porrum), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare var .azoricum) and the bean (Phaseolus spp.).

Feels in the sunthe endive feels particularly good

Sow endive salad

The cultivation of endive can take place in two different periods. Suitability for early or autumn cultivation depends on the variety.

Early cultivationMarchAprilJune
Autumn CultivationJune - JulyJuly - AugustSeptember - November

The endive is sown in pots in the greenhouse or on the windowsill. For this, the seeds are placed one centimeter deep and covered with soil. Temperatures of 16 to 20 degrees are ideal for germination, higher temperatures can inhibit germination. Direct sowing is also possible - but then you have to pay attention to the right time so that the young plants do not get a cold stimulus. It is best to start direct sowing at the end of June to the beginning of July.

After sowing the endive can be grown on the window sill

How to sow endive?

  • Cultivation as early or autumn cultivation possible
  • Pre-cultivation on the windowsill or in the greenhouse
  • Seed depth: 1 cm
  • Germination temperature: 16 - 20 °C
  • Direct sowing also possible

Plant endive lettuce

The early young plants can then be planted out after three to four weeks at a distance of 30 centimetres. For early planting dates, which are still in April and May, it makes sense to cover the plants with fleece or perforated foil. The row spacing should be 35 centimeters. As the growing season progresses, the endive forms dense heads that gradually close. After three months, the lettuce is ready to be harvested. Since it can already be getting colder around the time of harvest, it's worth checking the thermometer more often. The lettuce survives a few cool nights without any problems, but if it falls below freezing it should be covered with fleece or, if possible, harvested.

How to plant endive?

  • Plant young plants after 3 - 4 weeks
  • Planting distance: 30 cm
  • Row spacing: 35 cm
  • Ready for harvest after 3 months
  • Antifreeze at temperatures around freezing point

Prevent shooting of endive

Endives are stimulated to flower by long days and low temperatures. If the young plant experiences temperatures below 17 °C, it becomes irreversibly sostimulated, which is why the summer lettuce should not be sown too early. Day length has comparatively less impact.

In order to prevent endives from shooting and flowering, the following must be observed:

  • Select bolt-resistant varieties ('Frisée Milady', 'Eros', 'Grob', 'Jolie')
  • Meet sowing dates
  • Avoid cold stimulus for young plants
If the temperature is too low, the endive may shoot better

Tip: In a special article we have summarized what causes lettuce to shoot, what you can do about it and whether lettuce is still edible.

Bleaching Endive

You can bleach the lettuce two weeks before harvest. To do this, the outer leaves of the plant are tied together, which means that the sun no longer reaches the inner leaves and the taste is correspondingly less bitter. You can achieve the same effect by putting a bucket over the lettuce. It is important to ensure that the leaves are dry before bleaching, otherwise they may rot. Many new varieties are either poorer in bitter substances or bleach themselves by shielding the heart from the sun with tight-fitting bracts. Unfortunately, the varieties often have problems with calcium deficiency.

Care for endive: Water and fertilize properly

In order to provide the plant with sufficient nutrients, it is important to incorporate compost into the beds at an early stage. The endives do not tolerate fresh organic fertilizer. A good choice are primarily organic fertilizers such as our Plantura organic tomato fertilizer. This ensures a balanced nutrient ratio, without any unnecessary chemicals and animal raw materials such as slaughterhouse waste or animal excrement. Thanks to the long-term effect of the fertiliser, the endives are ideally cared for for up to three months until the end of the gardening season.

Endives need a lot of calcium. A deficiency can cause leaf edge scorch, internal scorch, wreath rot or edge necrosis. A calcium deficiency can be counteracted by applying soluble lime, primarily organic fertilizers and by promoting soil life. A deficiency occurs more often in poorly ventilated greenhouses with high humidity. Magnesium is also an important nutrient for endives. A lack of this is noticeable by yellow leaf edges, which first appear on older leaves.

Since endives are grown in summer, regular watering is important, especially in the initial growth phase. theYoung plants are susceptible to drought, but when watering you should be careful to avoid waterlogging. When the leaf rosettes have formed, the watering can be reduced, otherwise the leaves may start to rot.

Propagating endive salad

If you want to produce your own seeds, you should leave particularly beautiful lettuce plants in the garden. Like many other types of lettuce, endive is a biennial plant that begins to shoot up, i.e. grow tall, and form its flowers in the second year. This process is triggered by more than 14 hours of sunshine and exposure to cool temperatures. If you don't want to wait that long, you can sow the endive in spring. The young plants experience a cold stimulus, which also causes them to shoot, which means that the plant flowers in the same year.

Make sure that the type you have selected is not a so-called F1 type. F1 strains are hybrids, which means that the strain is not stable in its characteristics and cannot pass them on to the next generation. When propagating endive, it is also important that there are no wild species of the genus Cichorium near the plants. This is the only way to ensure pure propagation.

Harvest and store endive lettuce

Depending on the cultivation period, the lettuce can be harvested either from the end of June or from the end of September. To do this, use a knife to cut off the rosettes just above the root. After that, it is best to store the salad in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. It stays there for several days, best wrapped up wet in a cloth.

Endive is best harvested with a sharp knife

Ingredients and Uses of Endive Salad

Endive has a tart and slightly bitter taste and is best known to us raw as a salad. Especially in combination with sweet dressings, they become a special taste experience. But there are also other uses in the kitchen, for example in smoothies, stews or cooked as a side dish. The leafy greens are particularly he althy because of their bitter substances such as intybin. Bitter substances stimulate the bile and support the liver. In addition, endive is rich in vitamins A, B and C as well as potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

Do you have a penchant for bitter vegetables? Then you will find everything you need to know about growing and caring for chicory here.

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