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The variety of different begonia species and varieties is gigantic. We have summarized the most beautiful begonia species and their best varieties for you.

We will show you the most beautiful begonia species and varieties

The tropics are considered to be the most biodiverse spot on our planet. After all, around two thirds of all known animal and plant species live in the ancient forests. No wonder, then, that the species-rich genus of begonias (Begonia) also has its origins there. The genus of begonia has over 1800 different species. There are also varieties and hybrids of the respective species. You can hardly keep an overview. We are therefore focusing on some of the most beautiful begonia species for you. Begonias can be divided into several smaller groups.

Leaf Begonias

These are not named because they never flower, but because they are primarily grown for their extremely decorative foliage. You can use these begonias particularly well as houseplants.

Trout Begonia (Begonia maculata)

The intensively dotted leaves of the trout begonia immediately catch the eye. The silvery-white dots stand in stark contrast to the dark green leaves with the red underside. The plants with the magnificent foliage are native to the rainforest of Brazil. They therefore need a lot of water and feel comfortable all year round at temperatures of around 20 °C.

Eyelash Begonia (Begonia bowerae)

The eyelash begonia also stands out due to its special leaf colour. The slightly jagged leaves are not too large, but varied in color. The basic tone is a light green, which is traversed by dark green to brown or black. This creates an intensive pattern of different shades of green. It gets its name from the hair on the leaves and stems. Native to Mexico, this compact plant, approximately 25 cm tall, makes an attractive houseplant.

  • 'Tiger': The cultivar has brown patterned leaves and white-pink flowers.
  • 'Rubra': The leaves of the cultivar actually appear to be reddish brown, but they are traversed by light veins.
A strong leaf patternand hairs on leaves and stems characterize the lash begonias

King Begonia (Begonia rex)

The king begonia, which is also called leaf begonia, is a purely cultivated form, but its ancestors come from Asia. Its dark green leaves are patterned with white, pink and purple and will make a beautiful addition to your room. However, you should not place the plant in direct sunlight and keep it away from the heater.

  • 'Helen Lewis': The tried-and-tested variety with the blackish leaves with a lighter marking in the middle is almost a classic among royal begonias.
  • ‘Escargot’: ‘Escargot’ also has a leaf pattern similar to the ‘Helen Lewis’ variety. A key difference, however, are the snail-shaped spirals in which the leaf emerges from the stem.
  • 'Merry Christmas': The leaves of this variety are pink or almost purple in the middle. They get lighter towards the outside and then turn green.

Flower Begonias

While these begonias don't have quite as much to offer in terms of foliage as leaf begonias, their flowers are truly magnificent.

Fuchsia Begonia (Begonia fuchsioides)

The Mexican fuchsia begonia produces fuchsia-like, drooping flowers in shades of red and pink. However, these only appear in autumn and, if hibernated correctly, last until spring. The plant grows upright and can be overwintered indoors. With age, she begins to sag. For this reason, it cuts a fine figure in hanging baskets.

Begonia boliviensis

This rather pendulous begonia species comes from the mountain forests of the eastern Andes, especially from Bolivia. It has bell-shaped, small flowers and narrow, elongated leaves. It thrives best in partial shade. Although this begonia develops tubers as a perennial organ, it is not typically counted among the tuberous begonias.

  • 'Bonfire': The flowers of this variety shine in an intense red.
  • ‘Summerwings White‘: The ‘Summerwings White’ variety presents itself with pure white flowers.
Similar to the fuchsia begonia, Begonia boliviensis also bears pendulous bell-shaped flowers

Hardy Begonia Species

Begonias can hardly be described as hardy. The plants come from the tropics and subtropics and are therefore not adapted to cold temperatures and frosts. If they are exposed to them, they die. Very few species are considered relatively frost tolerant andcan also be overwintered outside with good protection from foliage and leaves.

  • Japanese slate (Begonia grandis): The species comes from the region west of Beijing and is divided into several subspecies. The best known is probably Begonia grandis ssp. evansiana. It is ideal as a perennial in the undergrowth of trees and shrubs.
  • Begonia panchtharensis: This relatively unknown species with very large and deeply lobed leaves also survives frosts. It was discovered a few years ago in the Himalayas of Nepal and has since made it into the plant trade.

You can find out more about the two frost-tolerant begonia species and their subspecies and varieties here.

The Japanese slate leaf reaches a height of up to 60 cm and even survives light frosts

Ice Begonia Varieties

Ice begonia (Begonia semperflorens) are flowering contemporaries well into winter. With all the variety they have to offer, there is something for every taste. Probably the most beautiful varieties include the classic ice begonias 'Ostas H' and 'Oreb H Pink'. But this species also has special features, such as the dark-leaved 'Cocktail' series, the two-tone 'Volumina Rose bicolor' or the double-flowering 'Doublet'.

We have compiled more about ice begonias and their varieties here for you.

The ice begonia is one of the most popular begonia species. It is only 30 cm high and is very versatile

Elatior Begonias

Elatior Begonias (Begonia x hiemalis) are the right flowering begonias for your room. This hybrid group does well at room temperature all year round and is extremely floriferous. You are spoiled for choice with the large selection of varieties of this begonia species. Some of the most beautiful are the white-flowered 'Clara', 'Camilla' with its pink flowers and the intensively red-flowered 'Barkos'. Also worth mentioning are the two varieties 'Yellow Stone' and 'Carneval' to give a small selection.

Tuber begonias

Tuber Begonias (Begonia × tuberhybrida) are a group of hybrids of different Begonia species. They are among the most popular begonias and include thirteen groups. The most important feature of these begonias are the tubers, which they develop as an outlasting organ. They withdraw completely over the winter, only to sprout again in the spring.

The bulbous begonias, often known under the name "Grandiflora"be summarized. They have beautiful large flowers in all imaginable colors:

  • 'Cordelia': This variety is characterized by its beautiful white flowers with pink edges.
  • 'Majesy': The flowers of the 'Majesy' variety shine in bright yellow.
  • 'Snow Goose': Pure white like a snow goose - that's how the flowers of 'Snow Goose' seem.

Selecting a variety is important when buying begonias, but there is more to consider. You can find out everything about this in our special article.

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