Caring for orchids requires a sure instinct, because houseplants can be a real diva among plants. In order not to make mistakes when caring for orchids, it is good to know what to look out for. That is why we have summarized the seven most important care mistakes for orchids for you.

Those who avoid these typical mistakes can look forward to magnificent orchids

Hardly any houseplant is more popular than the orchid (Orchidaceae). Fortunately, only very few are deterred by the fact that many of these extravagant plants are not very easy to care for. If it doesn't work out with the perfect orchid blossom, there can be various reasons. In this article we deal with the tropical, epiphytic growing orchid genera and clarify the most common mistakes when caring for these special beauties.

Tip: Epiphytes are plants that grow in their natural habitat as "mounts" on larger plants, such as trees. Not all orchids, but very many of the tropical genera lead such a life at high altitude.

Orchid care mistake 1: the wrong location for orchids

Where is the right place for orchids? Many orchid lovers are sure to ask this question. Some orchids cannot thrive properly indoors - simply because they are placed in the wrong location. The orchid family is very large and diverse - the different species have very different location requirements. So not all orchids can be lumped together. In order to offer your orchid the best growth conditions and the right location, it is important that you take a close look at your plant and find out what special requirements your orchid has in terms of light, humidity and warmth.
For most of them Indoor orchids are tropical, epiphytic orchids. We will go into more detail about their location requirements below.

The correct location depends heavily on the orchid species

In their homeland, these orchids grow in the semi-shade of large trees. This means they are never exposed to direct or blazing sunlight. Besides, it iswarm and humid in the tropical home of these orchids. Orchid owners should take this fact as a guideline and create similar conditions at home. Many orchids are in good hands on the windowsill because they get enough light there. But beware: a window on the south side is not always suitable. The sun plays a major role in orchid care, because if the sun is too strong, the plants can be damaged and even get sunburned. West or east sides, on the other hand, are suitable for almost all types of orchids. Pay attention to a constant temperature that suits your respective orchid species. Often the optimal range is between 16 °C and 30 °C. However, almost all species love humidity above 60 percent, which is also the case in tropical rainforests.

Caring for orchids: The right location at a glance:

  • Depending on the species, ideal temperatures are between 16 and 30 °C
  • Humidity: 60 - 90%
  • As bright as possible, but no blazing sun
  • East or west windows are ideal

Orchid care mistake 2: The wrong orchid care in winter

When the dark and cold season arrives, it is important to adapt the care of your orchid. Some species also love the warmth in winter, while others require cooler temperatures of around 10 °C. Here, too, it is important to know your own plant very well. Incidentally, none of the tropical orchid species tolerate frost. You should also avoid exposing the houseplant to drafts. The cold winter air is very damaging to the sensitive orchid.

Some orchids may exceptionally move to a location with more light during the winter months. The sun is then no longer strong enough to damage the orchid. Rather, the plant now needs as much light as it can get. If she doesn't get enough of it even at the brightest window, you can also help with artificial plant lighting. The next point for optimal orchid care in winter is the humidity. This should not fall below 60 percent. And that can be difficult in heated rooms. That is why your orchid wants to be sprayed with lukewarm water at least every two days. A location above the heating is really harmful for the orchid - the air is simply too dry here. Winter care for orchids also includes watering them sparingly. When the days get longer and the sun gets stronger, you should move your orchid to a more sheltered place at the beginning of March, where they won't get any sunblazing sun.

Tip: Some orchid species shed their leaves in winter. These should then be poured all the more sparingly. Otherwise, the waterlogging can easily lead to the spread of harmful mold.

If orchids shed their leaves over the winter, they should be watered less

Summary: Caring for orchids in winter:

  • Orchid as bright as possible
  • In winter, some species like it cool, others still warm - none of the tropical species tolerate frost
  • Humidity over 60%
  • Do not place directly above the heater
  • Spray with lukewarm water every 2 days
  • Avoid drafts
  • Water sparingly
  • Protect from the blazing sun again from March

Orchid care mistake 3: The wrong soil for orchids

Caring for an orchid includes providing it with the right soil. Tropical epiphytes cannot grow in normal soil. Anyone who has taken a closer look at the roots of the orchid knows that these are not normal roots, but aerial roots. They need it to be as airy and light as possible, because orchids can even use their roots to carry out photosynthesis and produce oxygen. So it's no wonder that these special roots require special soil: so-called orchid substrate. Due to their special composition and coarse structure, these orchid soils are optimally tailored to the requirements of the beautiful plants.

A special orchid soil is exactly tailored to the needs of your orchids

If you would like to learn more about orchid substrate, then read our article about the right orchid soil.

Tip: There are also terrestrial orchids that can grow in (almost) normal soil. This also includes our native orchids, which can also grow outside in the garden.

Orchid care mistake 4: Incorrect watering and watering

If you want to take good care of your orchid, you should take a good look at the watering. Because that requires a sure instinct for the sensitive plant. After all, she doesn't like too little or too much water.

Rule of thumb: Orchids in transparent pots are always watered when the inside of the pot is no longer fogged up.

When the pot no longer fogs up on the inside, the orchid can be watered

What needs to be considered when watering orchids and how to do it correctly can be found in ourRead articles on watering orchids.

Orchid care mistake 5: The wrong fertilization

A common mistake in orchid care is misjudging the plant's nutrient needs. Too much fertilizer is usually used. The exotic plants do not need that much fertilizer. In addition, there are many different types of orchids, all of which have very different nutritional requirements. Accordingly, they also have to be fertilized differently.

So that you don't lose track and know how to fertilize your houseplant properly, we have summarized everything in our article about fertilizing orchids.

Orchid care mistake 6: Caring for orchids incorrectly after flowering

The magnificent bloom of orchids is beautiful to behold. When the flowering period is coming to an end, it is time to give the plant a break. She needs it to recover from the last bloom and to gather new strength. Depending on the orchid species, this break can last a few weeks or even several months. When exactly the time for the dormant phase is, of course, depends on when the orchid blooms. Most of the time, however, the beautiful flowers rest during the winter.

After flowering, orchids need a rest

Caring for orchids after flowering goes hand in hand with a change in temperature. Place the plant once it has finished flowering at a temperature between 15 and 16 °C. This can be in the bedroom, for example. The dried inflorescences are only cut off when they have completely died. If they are still plump and green, they must not be shortened. During the break, water your orchid more sparingly than usual. Nevertheless, all parts of the plant can be sprayed with lukewarm water every two days. Don't fertilize until the plant sprouts again. Then the lull is officially over.

Care for orchids after flowering at a glance:

  • Many orchids need a rest after flowering
  • Do not cut off the inflorescences until they are completely dry
  • Keep faded orchids cooler
  • Temperature during the rest period depends on the species, often around 15 - 16 °C
  • Water less
  • Do not fertilize until new sprouting

Tip: The different orchid species sometimes differ greatly in their need for rest and also in terms of temperature. The above temperatures and care instructions are therefore more than guidelinesunderstand, but can vary greatly from species to species. Some orchid species do not rest after flowering. These include, for example, Phalaenopsen or Paphiopedilum. As soon as the dried inflorescences have been cut off, they continue to be watered and fertilized as usual. With the right care, they can bloom all year round.

Orchid care mistake 7: Cutting the roots wrong

The aerial roots of the orchid can sometimes grow over the edge of the flower pot or the drainage holes. This may look unsightly to some, but it is by no means a reason to rush to the scissors. The roots of the exotic plant are very sensitive and vital. If they are simply cut off, it will damage the orchid a lot. If more roots grow out of the pot than in the pot, it is better time to repot the orchid into fresh orchid substrate. You can also cut off dried or rotten root parts.

The roots of the orchid should only be cut when repotting

You can find detailed instructions for repotting orchids in special orchid soil in our special article. You can also read about when and what is the best way to prune an orchid in our article on the correct pruning of orchids.

Many thanks to Floragard for the support!
