Carnivores are very popular exotic houseplants. But did you know that you can also cultivate carnivorous plants outdoors? We answer all questions about growing carnivores in the garden.

Whether mosquitoes, flies or ants - carnivorous plants, also known as carnivores or insectivores, have always fascinated people with their unusual diet. In contrast to other plants, they not only rely on nutrients from the soil, but also get their extra portion of food by catching small insects. The exotic carnivores are particularly popular as indoor plants, because they have their own extravagant charm and are also exciting to watch. But did you know that carnivorous plants can also be cultivated in the garden? We will tell you here which species are suitable for life in the garden and what you have to consider.
Which carnivorous plants are suitable for outdoors?
When you think of the home of insectivorous plants, most people probably think of a tropical rainforest. In fact, carnivorous plants can be found in many regions of the world, and there are even native species in Germany. Here you can find in moorland areas, for example, the round-leaved sundew (Drosera rotundifolia), the long-leaved sundew (Drosera anglica) and the medium-sized sundew ( Drosera intermedia), which secrete a sticky fangs on their movable tentacles, to which insects then cling. The wild-growing plants are on the Red List and must therefore not be taken from nature. You can usually find them in specialist shops without any problems. Since the sundew occurs naturally in our country, the carnivorous plant is hardy and can be kept in this country without any problems. But beware: There are also tropical sundew species that do not tolerate the German winter.

In addition to some sundew species, some pitcher plants (Sarracenia) are also suitable for growing in the garden. Originally originatedthe genus from the southeastern and eastern parts of the US, so they are used to a moderately temperate environment. With the help of scents and a striking colour, the pitcher plants attract insects to their long pitcher leaves, into which the animals fall and are unable to free themselves. The red pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea), whose habitat extends from North America to Canada, is particularly suitable for our garden, as it is considered to be very hardy and can be cultivated in the garden without much maintenance. In fact, the pitcher plant feels so at home in Germany that it also thrives in some moorland areas and is now listed as a neophyte on the black list of invasive species.
Location and soil for carnivorous plants in the garden
The right location is the be-all and end-all if you want to cultivate carnivorous plants in the garden. Since both of the above species occur naturally in nutrient-poor bogs, they are dissatisfied with regular potting soil, which does not meet their needs. In fact, nutrient-rich potting soil is not beneficial for them and, in the worst case, leads to oversupply or even has a toxic effect. In addition, the carnivores in the garden prefer an acidic substrate and a good water storage capacity in the soil. These conditions are optimally met if you use a carnivore soil - such as Floragard special soil for carnivorous plants. Alternatively, you can put the carnivorous plants outside in an existing bog bed. However, it is always important to ensure that the substrate remains acidic and low in nutrients over time. As a location in the garden, a sunny spot is perfect, which ideally also offers some protection from the weather.
Planting carnivores" outside
Cultivating carnivorous plants in the garden is not that difficult if you know a few tricks. However, planting is a crucial moment that decides on the success of the project - since the carnivorous plants are very picky about their substrate, they should not simply be planted in the bed. Instead, a hole about 80 centimeters deep is dug at a suitable point and lined with pond liner. Alternatively, you can also embed a suitable waterproof planter in the ground. Some upside down plastic flower pots are scattered on the ground - this not only saves volume on the soil but also serves as a natural water reservoir if there isthere is a longer dry period. Now the hole is filled with the carnivore soil. Then the carnivores can already move to their new place. You should make sure that smaller species are arranged in front so that they also get enough sunlight. After planting, it is advisable to water the bed thoroughly.

Maintaining carnivorous plants in the garden
Even if you think of insectivorous plants in the garden as exotic plants that require a lot of care, the carnivores actually require relatively little attention. During longer periods of drought, they should be watered regularly to keep them from drying out. If possible, water that is low in lime should be used so as not to lower the pH value of the soil - collected rainwater is ideal for this purpose. On the other hand, fertilizer is taboo for carnivores, since the carnivorous plants feel most comfortable in a nutrient-poor environment. Even if the sundew and the red pitcher plant are usually hardy, fir branches can do no harm as weather protection on the bed at minus temperatures without snowfall. As sundew blooms profusely, you should remove faded inflorescences regularly: this encourages the formation of new inflorescences.
An alternative to carnivorous plants outside in the garden is a so-called bottle garden. In this article you will learn how to create a bottle garden and plant it properly.
Many thanks to Floragard for the support!