The 'Alexander Lucas' pear not only offers aromatic fruit, but also a constant yield. The historic variety also finds a suitable place in smaller gardens.

The Alexander Lucas pear has an aromatic taste

The 'Alexander Lucas' variety is a cultivated pear (Pyrus communis) and impresses with its juicy sweet fruit with a pleasant aroma. We will show you the special features of 'Alexander Lucas' and how you can soon successfully harvest your own pears in the garden.

Pear 'Alexander Lucas': profile

Synonyms'Lucas Alexander'
Fruitmedium to large; intense yellow color
Flavourjuicy, sweet, mildly aromatic
Yieldhigh and regular
Harvest timefrom September
Maturity for pleasureOctober to December
Shelf Lifevery good; Can be stored for up to 6 months
Climatesunny and sheltered location
Diseases and Pestsdisease resistant

History and Origin

The 'Alexander Lucas' pear variety, also known as 'Lucas Alexander', was first deliberately cultivated in a tree nursery in France in 1874. Previously, it was discovered growing wild on the Loire by Mr. Alexander Lucas.

Properties and taste of the Alexander Lucas pear

'Alexander Lucas' offers medium to large sized fruits with a smooth skin and a bellied shape. The pears are intensely yellow in color when fully ripe. The flesh is slightly yellowish and juicy, with a sweet and mildly aromatic taste.

The fruits are yellow when fully ripe

Growing and Care Tips for Alexander Lucas Pears

The Alexander Lucas pear is considered a hardy variety when it comes to diseases. A sunny, wind-protected location is optimal for cultivation. The fruits ripen there without any problems. For a good yield, thesoil nutrient rich. With a height of up to four meters, the pear tree is one of the slow-growing varieties, whereby the rootstock plays an important role and has a strong influence on growth. The strain is triploid, meaning there are three copies of each chromosome. Therefore, the pollen is not suitable for fertilizing most other pear varieties. Conversely, fertilization of the Alexander Lucas pear is usually guaranteed by pollen from other Pyrus species. Suitable pollinating varieties are: 'Clapps Liebling', 'Conference', 'Dr. Jules Guyot', 'Good Luise' or 'Williams Christbirne'. However, unfertilized fruits do occur.

Harvest and use ‘Alexander Lucas’ pears

The yield of 'Alexander Lucas' can be classified as high and regular. The first fruits are harvested from September. The pear reaches its optimal ripeness from October to December, but we do not recommend letting the fruit hang for too long, as this variety tends to drop fruit. After harvesting, the fruits can be stored for up to six months under optimal conditions. The pears can be eaten directly, made into compotes or boiled down.
