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Horseradish brings spice to the kitchen in different variations. However, the cultivation of this plant stands out due to its special characteristics.

Horseradish should always be processed fresh

Horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) belongs to the cruciferous family (Brassicaceae). Of main interest is the long, thickened taproot - this is where the heat of the horseradish emanates. It is native to Southern and Eastern Europe. In this country, however, it has been cultivated since the Middle Ages and can also be found in a wild form along the edges of paths. The plant, which can grow up to one meter tall, is very robust and withstands frosty temperatures of up to -50 °C. The above-ground parts of the plant dry up in the winter, but the roots will definitely sprout again next spring. A special feature of horseradish is that it can hardly be propagated by seeds, as only very few seeds are formed. This is why the sharp plant is multiplied by side roots (so-called fechsers).
Synonyms: biting root, kreen, merch

Grow your own horseradish

The right place for horseradish

The best place for horseradish is as bright as possible. It is more important, however, to ensure that the soil is loose and therefore easy for roots to penetrate. Loamy sandy soil or loess, for example, bring these characteristics with them. This allows the root to develop well and achieve optimal growth in thickness. Horseradish is also very sensitive to s alt. Soil that is too s alty should also be avoided. Since the horseradish develops a considerable taproot, it is not very suitable for growing in containers.

Horseradish prefers a light spot

Propagating Horseradish

Horseradish has very little seed formation. Therefore, it is not propagated by seeds, especially in commercial cultivation. And horseradish seeds are not available in garden shops either, but young plants. Horseradish is propagated via side roots, also called foxes. When harvesting in autumn, the side shoots of the taproot are separated and first planted inSand rents stored. From the end of March, these will then be put into the ground. It is important to ensure that the fences are not inserted horizontally or vertically into the ground. If they are horizontal, they hardly increase in thickness, if they are vertical almost all the energy goes into the growth of the above-ground herb and hardly into that of the taproot. They will sprout about a month after the lateral roots have been planted in the bed. The process can be accelerated by forcing the roots in a warm place for a few weeks. It is important to ensure that the fences are not completely covered with soil when planting. The top 3 cm of offspring planted at an angle should be left free of soil.

Tip: Think carefully about where you plant the horseradish - since even small pieces of root can develop into new plants next year, the cruciferous vegetable can grow rapidly and permanently in the spread bed. In our growing instructions you will find everything you need to know about growing horseradish.

You can find detailed instructions on how to propagate horseradish here.

Water and fertilize horseradish

Especially in the growing season, it is important to water it plentifully. Horseradish only achieves optimal growth if there is constant moisture in the soil. So it may be that despite the cultivation in the bed and depending on the type of soil, it needs to be watered twice a week. The supply of sufficient nutrients can be ensured by incorporating organic materials such as manure or compost. This step should be done in the autumn, since working in the organic material just before planting is not conducive to the growth of the horseradish. Alternatively, you can also give a dose of primarily organic organic tomato fertilizer to the planting hole when planting.

Caring for Horseradish

To encourage more taproot growth, you can lift the plant in June to remove the side roots that are already developing. However, the home gardener should be aware that removal will result in root sores, increasing the risk of infection with root diseases.

Horseradish varieties: the origin is decisive

There are no different types of horseradish. However, over decades and centuries, through targeted selection, a dependency of the properties on the growing area has developed. Depending on the origin, the horseradish can differ from the specimens in terms of smell, taste and vigourfrom another growing region.

Whether radishes grow well in the garden can depend on where they come from

Tip: We have also provided an overview of other radish varieties for you.

Harvesting and storing horseradish

Harvest horseradish

The main interest in horseradish is of course the taproot. But young, sprouting shoots can also be harvested and used in spring. The roots, on the other hand, should only be harvested once the foliage begins to wither in the fall. Then the root growth is complete. This time occurs around the end of October. The taproots can then be harvested and stored in their entirety, or just a portion can be taken out of the ground. Thanks to the pronounced winter hardiness, the plants can also be left standing until next spring and harvested fresh as needed. If you are not satisfied with the root size, you can leave the horseradish in the bed for a second year so that it will sprout again in the spring.

In October the first fresh horseradish can go into the kitchen

Storing Horseradish

A rather time-consuming method, dating back to before the refrigerator, to extend the usability of horseradish is storing it in moist sand. The harvested taproots are piled up outdoors in so-called heaps and preserved by the moist sand and also protected from frost. Cooling the harvest is easier. Optimum temperatures are between -2 and -5 °C. At even lower storage temperatures, the root loses its consistency and firmness. In this way, the horseradish can be used for several months, but has to lose its characteristic sharpness the longer it is stored. Also, due to the loss of flavor and spiciness, horseradish cannot be dried either.

You can find even more useful information in our article Horseradish: harvest and store correctly.

Horseradish: Use in the kitchen and as a medicinal plant

Horseradish only develops its pungent smell and taste when it is cut up or crushed. In the kitchen, the taproot should only be used fresh and not cooked. Boiling or frying loses the flavor and sharpness. A classic form of preparation is pounding and processing with vinegar. This paste is often served with fish dishes or hearty meat dishes such as sour meat. There are a variety of flavor combinationsForm of creamed horseradish. Cranberry cream horseradish, for example, is often eaten with game.
If you decide in June to remove the side roots to increase thickness, you can make a tea from them. Thanks to its high vitamin C content, horseradish is said to strengthen the immune system. In addition, its antimicrobial effect has been proven. In addition to its healing effect when consumed, horseradish was even said to have healing powers in the Middle Ages when it was worn around the neck in the form of a disc.

Bavarian ham with freshly grated horseradish

In addition to the hot root, the above-ground sprouts of horseradish can also be used in the kitchen. Briefly fried, the young shoots are great as a snack in the spring. Although horseradish is not closely related to Japanese wasabi (Eutrema japonicum) - also known as Japanese horseradish - they are used in a very similar way. Distinctive features: Wasabi is a lot hotter and green. Due to the much higher price for real wasabi, the greenish wasabi paste that is known from Japanese cuisine usually contains a large proportion of the cheaper horseradish.

Horseradish is often used in dips or similar

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