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Coriander can be grown both in beds and in pots in your own garden. We show what you should consider when sowing and planting coriander.

Coriander can be sown directly or planted outdoors as a young plant

The real coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is considered one of the oldest medicinal and aromatic herbs. Not only the aromatic fruits of the umbelliferae (Apiaceae) can be used. The peppery-spicy and slightly bitter leaves are mainly used in the kitchens of Asia and South America. Coriander green is also enjoying growing popularity in this country. Thanks to the excellent aroma of the leaves and seeds, it is worth planting the multifaceted herb in your own garden. In this article, we explain what you need to know to grow coriander successfully.

Planting coriander: The right location

Coriander originally comes from the Mediterranean region. The optimal location for coriander is therefore warm and sunny to partially shaded. A semi-shady, bright location is recommended for harvesting fresh coriander, as more leaves will form there. As far as the soil is concerned, the herb prefers nutrient-rich, well-drained substrates with good water retention, such as sandy loam. The pH of the substrate should be between 6 and 7 at best, the herb does not tolerate acidic soil very well. A high-quality, nutrient-rich potting soil, such as our Plantura organic universal soil, is ideal for coriander in pots and window boxes. Due to the high content of organic matter and compost, peat that is degraded, which is harmful to the climate, can be completely dispensed with. The potting soil is already pre-fertilized and provides your coriander with essential nutrients after planting.

Planting cilantro in the garden

Coriander is a little sensitive to cold and should therefore only be sown in beds from April to May, when the soil has already warmed up a bit. Both the seeds and young plants that have already been grown can be planted in the ground.

Planting coriander in pots

If you want to cultivate the spicy medicinal herb in a pot, you shoulduse a planter with a diameter of at least 15 to 20 cm and good water drainage. The larger the pot, the lower the risk of it drying out completely on hot summer days. A drainage layer of sand, gravel or expanded clay a few centimeters high at the bottom of the pot also prevents waterlogging and rotting of the roots.

Planting cilantro indoors

Coriander can be cultivated indoors all year round. A good place for the seed pots is important here. A warm window sill on the sunny side allows the tasty leaves to sprout even in winter. Coriander rarely produces flowers indoors, which rarely develop into seeds due to the lack of pollinating insects. The exclusive indoor culture is therefore usually only suitable to have fresh coriander green available at all times.

Coriander can be grown indoors all year round or as a preculture from March

Sowing coriander: when and how to do it

Coriander can either be grown indoors or sown directly in pots and beds. With purely indoor cultivation, coriander can be sown all year round. Preparing young plants has the advantage that you can start harvesting the leaves earlier outdoors and the seeds will also ripen safely in autumn. For the pre-culture, sow several coriander seeds directly in pots with nutrient-rich potting soil from the beginning of March - then you do not have to prick out the coriander. From the end of March to the end of April, it can alternatively be sown directly outdoors. Sow coriander seeds about 1 cm deep in the soil with a row spacing of 20 to 25 cm. The seeds should always be kept moist until they germinate. In order to be able to guarantee the required germination temperature of 12 to 22 °C, the seedbed can be covered with a black, heat-collecting film outdoors. However, as soon as the first seedlings appear underneath, they must be removed immediately. At the right temperature and humidity, the first coriander seedlings will appear after about two to three weeks.

Coriander can be put together in bunches

Summary of sowing coriander:

  • Indoor culture possible all year round
  • Pre-cultivation of young plants for later outdoor cultivation from the beginning of March
  • Direct sowing in the bed from April to early May at optimal temperatures of 12 to 22 °C
  • Sowing depth approx. 1 cm, row spacing in the bed 20 - 25 cm
  • Coriander seeds always good until germination after 2 - 3 weekskeep moist

Plant coriander

Planting early coriander seedlings should not be done before the end of the ice saints in mid-May, when the seedlings are not yet used to cool temperatures. May is also an ideal time to repot cilantro and set it in fresh soil if you bought it as a pot herb or the pot for the pre-cultivated cilantro seedlings has outgrown it. Plant coriander about 5 cm apart between plants when planting out, or 15 to 20 cm apart as a clump. The seedlings should not be deeper in the ground than they were in the seed tray before. After planting, you should water vigorously to flush soil directly to the roots.

Propagating coriander: gaining seeds

Coriander, which only grows once a year, is propagated exclusively from its seeds. In autumn, the decorative umbelliferous flowers have optimally formed stately seed heads. The coriander seed of the next generation slowly ripens from September to October. If you want to win coriander seeds, you should make sure that the spherical seeds have already turned from a green to a brownish hue. Since the seeds fall off easily when it is dry, the seeds are harvested in the morning when the cones are still damp and tough from dew. Cut off the entire seed heads and let them dry indoors for a few weeks. The coriander seeds will detach themselves if the soil is sufficiently dry. Stored cool and dark, they can germinate for three to six years.

Tip: The seeds of coriander and those of other umbellifers are two split fruits that are attached to each other. A single coriander seed is therefore only hemispherically shaped. Commercially available seeds have been mechanically separated, but they can also be sown whole.

The spherical split fruits of the coriander each consist of two hemispherical seeds

Good neighbors for cilantro

In a mixed culture with coriander, the neighboring plants benefit in two ways: Coriander keeps aphids (Aphioideae) and cabbage white (Pieris) away while attracting pollinating insects such as hoverflies (Syrphidae).

For cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and beetroot (Beta vulgaris) as well as numerous herbs such as chamomile (Matricaria recutita), borage (Borago officinalis) or basil (Ocimum basilicum) the coriander is an ideal oneplanting partner. Bad neighbors, on the other hand, are closely related vegetables such as fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), carrot (Daucus carota) and celery (Apium graveolens ), because diseases and pests such as the carrot fly (Psila rosae) spread quickly in closely planted umbellifers.

Caring for the coriander is particularly important from the time of successful planting to harvest. In our special article you will learn everything about water and fertilizer requirements as well as other care measures for the herb.

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