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Tomatoes growing on a tree? We will show you what the tree tomato is all about and how to plant and care for your own tree tomato properly.

It is no coincidence that the fruits of the tamarillo look very similar to tomatoes

Are tree tomatoes a type of tomato? And how can you eat the fruit? We introduce you to this exciting plant and give you helpful tips on planting and caring for tamarillo in the garden and on processing the fruit.

Tamarillo: origin and characteristics of the tree tomato

The fruits of the tamarillo (Solanum betaceum) look very similar to tomatoes, which is why the tamarillo is also called the tree tomato. In fact, like the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), the tree belongs to the nightshade family (Solanaceae). Tree tomato and tomato are related, but the tree tomato is not one of the varieties of our tomato plants used in the garden.

The tamarillo originally comes from the highlands of the Andes region of South America, i.e. from areas close to the equator where temperatures hardly fluctuate over the course of the year. It is a shrub-like, branched tree that forms an umbrella-like crown. In its natural habitat, the tree reaches a maximum height of six meters. Since the tree tomato is not hardy in Central Europe, it is usually cultivated in a bucket. It reaches a growth height of about two to three meters. In addition to the eponymous fruits, the large leaves of the tomato tree are striking. The oval to heart-shaped leaves are up to 25 centimeters long and give the tree a decorative appearance even without fruit.

The flowers spread a pleasant scent

After two years, you can see the first flowers on the tamarillo from June. They resemble the flowers of other closely related nightshade plants, such as tomatoes or potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) and are usually pink in color with a pleasantly sweet scent. The egg-shaped fruits are green during growth and turn orange to dark red when ripe, depending on the variety.

Tamarillo Types

We have two types of tamarillos available:

  • Solanum betaceum, the tree tomato
  • Solanumabutiloides, the perennial dwarf tree tomato

Solanum abutiloides has a somewhat misleading name: even the dwarf tree tomato grows up to two meters high. Its berries are bright orange and slightly smaller than the larger tree tomato. The dwarf tree tomato also loves a warm place and lots of moisture and will grow rapidly if it finds these conditions. The entire plant and the fruit are covered with fine glandular hairs that secrete fungicidal plant substances. Therefore, Solanum abutiloides can also be used to produce spray mixtures against fungal pathogens. The dwarf tree tomato should be overwintered in a cool place (5 - 10 °C) and will lose its foliage, but will sprout again the following year.

Tip: Since tamarillos have been cultivated in South America for centuries and are now also grown commercially in North America and New Zealand, various varieties have now been bred. Unfortunately, these are not available in Germany, because the culture of the tree tomato is not very popular in this country. The varieties differ primarily in the color and size of the fruit.

Tamarillo are colored differently during the ripening process

Plant Tamarillo

Since tamarillos are not frost hardy, they should be brought to a bright and frost-free place in winter. We therefore only recommend cultivation in a planter.
The tree tomato prefers a partially shaded to sunny location.

Planting is best done in spring, when there is no threat of night frost after the Ice Saints (mid-May). You can also grow your tree tomato from seed. From April you can sow the seeds in seed compost. We recommend using a special seeding soil, such as our Plantura Organic Herb & Seed Soil. This contains few nutrients, whereby the young plants are stimulated to increased root growth. It is enough to cover the tamarillo seeds with a thin layer of soil and press them down. You should keep the soil constantly moist for the next three weeks. It is practical to use a foil over the pot. It is best to place the seeds in a bright, at least 20 °C warm place. After about two weeks you can see the first seedlings. If necessary, you can separate them after a few weeks and put them outdoors after mid-May. The next time you repot, you can already use a more nutrient-rich potting soil.

Due to its strong growth and high water requirements, it isa high-quality potting soil is particularly important for the tamarillo. This soil should have a high water storage capacity and ensure a good supply of nutrients. It is also advisable to choose a peat-free soil to avoid environmental damage caused by peat extraction. Our Plantura organic potting soil combines all of these important properties and is therefore ideal for promoting the development of flowers and fruit in your tamarillo.

Care for tree tomato

When caring for a tree tomato, water supply is the key to success. Because of the large leaves of the tamarillo, the plant evaporates a lot of water. We therefore recommend that you check daily whether the root ball is sufficiently moist. However, waterlogging should be avoided. Due to the fast and vigorous growth, a good supply of nutrients is also important. It is advisable to use a primarily organic fertilizer that has a good long-term effect when planting, such as our Plantura organic flower fertilizer. This will keep your Tamarillo well cared for for three months. If you notice more and more yellow leaves, we recommend shortening the fertilizing interval, especially during the main growth period from May to August.

Pests and diseases are not a big problem when cultivating a tree tomato. However, aphids can occur on the Tamarillo in spring. We have put together a special article on how you can combat aphids naturally. Spider mites can occur in the winter quarters, but are usually not a problem.

You don't have to cut back the tree tomato regularly. However, should the small tree become too large due to its vigorous growth, sprawling shoots can be cut back. We recommend such a pruning before winter.

Tamarillo are very thirsty with their large leaves

Summary: Proper care for the tree tomato

  • Don't let the root ball dry out
  • High nutrient requirement, reserve fertilization with organic fertilizer at planting
  • Resistant to pests and diseases
  • Pruning only if necessary
  • Not frost hardy and must therefore be overwintered in bright light and above 0 °C
  • Propagation via seeds and cuttings possible

Winter tree tomato

For overwintering, you should put the tree tomato in its winter quarters before the first frost. Since the tree tomato still has leaves at this point, it should be in a light location. The temperaturesare optimal at around 10 °C, but can temporarily drop to around 0 °C without any problems. In winter, the tamarillo sheds most of its leaves. There is no need to fertilize throughout the winter. The root ball should not dry out completely, but regular watering is usually not necessary either.

Propagation of the tree tomato

If your neighbors or friends have also taken a liking to the tree tomato, you can easily propagate them too. Propagation is possible by seeds or cuttings.

You can take the tree tomato seeds from ripe fruits. You should let the black seeds dry for a day or two and then sow them in seed compost.

For propagation via cuttings, you can cut off a 20 centimeter long piece of shoot with a leaf on a strong and he althy shoot. The best time for this is early summer. During this time the plant grows vigorously and the cuttings have enough time to form roots before winter. Put the fresh shoots in moist growing soil without drying them out and cover the cuttings with a foil with a few holes. This prevents drying out. A good location is warm but shady. After a few weeks the cuttings should have rooted.

Harvest Tamarillo

You can expect the first fruits from the second year. Depending on the location, the fruits of the tree tomato ripen in late summer to autumn. The fruits are ripe when they have taken on their varietal color between orange and dark red and give slightly under pressure.

If the fruits are soft, they are ripe

The fruits can weigh up to 100 grams and are divided into chambers containing seeds. The tamarillo flesh is yellow-orange.
We recommend that you process the tamarillo fruit quickly after harvesting or eat it fresh, as they do not store well.

Uses and ingredients of tree tomatoes

If you want to eat the tamarillos fresh, you can peel or halve them and scoop out the flesh. The flesh of the tamarillo has a sweet and sour aroma and can be sprinkled with a little sugar if you like.
The fruits of the tree tomato not only taste delicious, they are also he althy. They contain vitamin C, calcium, potassium and magnesium.
The tamarillo is also excellent for processing. Especially in the form of spreads and jams, the fruits are a treat. In a chutney, they also go very well with savory onesDishes.

If you have a taste for exotic fruits, we can recommend the luxurious caviar lime. We'll show you how to grow these in your garden.

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