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Rue is an undemanding, evergreen ornamental shrub with he alth-promoting properties.

Rue usually grows well in sunny, rather dry and calcareous locations

Rue (Ruta graveolens) was a popular spice and medicinal herb as early as the Romans and through the Middle Ages. There are even some rue recipes from the past. Today, rue is grown primarily for its use in grappa, as a heat and drought tolerant herb, and as an ornamental perennial in home gardens.

Rue: origin and properties

The plant, also known as garden rue, originally came from the eastern Mediterranean region and spread from there so that it can now be found worldwide. The meaning of the Latin name can be daunting at first: Ruta means something like "bitter-tasting herb" and the suffix graveolens adds to this "heavy or foul-smelling". However, the perennial is also known to us as rue because its scent is reminiscent of wine. Ruta graveolens is a heavily branched, evergreen subshrub that usually grows to a height of around 50 cm. The pinnate rue leaves, which are up to 11 cm long, are particularly striking because of their dark, blue-green color.

It is important to know when growing that the leaves can cause phototoxic reactions and severe skin rashes. Rue flowers are popular with bees and other insects. They are yellow-green, grow in cymes and usually appear between June and October. In contrast to the strong-smelling leaves, the flowers are hardly fragrant. Although Ruta graveolens comes from the Mediterranean region and can therefore cope well with heat, it even tolerates temperatures down to - 28 °C. Therefore, it is usually not a problem to grow perennial rue in our gardens.

Rue flowers are yellow and clustered in cymes

Planting and caring for rue

The location favored by vine rods is sunny and rather dry and withequipped with a loose, nutrient-poor but calcareous substrate. When growing rue in the garden, it is therefore advisable to mix humus-rich, loamy or clayey garden soil with sand and lime. This improves drainage and makes the soil looser, leaner and more alkaline. Well suited for this are, for example, our Plantura lawn sand and our Plantura organic lawn and garden lime. Both are odourless, easy to apply and harmless to pets and garden animals.
Rue is sown from March in seed trays or from April directly outdoors. The seeds are sown about 0.5 to 1 cm deep. They germinate within 2 to 3 weeks at an optimal temperature of 10 to 18 °C. A distance of 30 cm between the individual plants should be maintained outdoors.

Even on stony sites, grapevines usually thrive without any problems

Tip: Ruta graveolens can also be grown in pots. For example, our Plantura organic herb and seed soil is suitable as a substrate, which should also be mixed with a little lime and 30 percent sand or perlite. When growing, make sure you use a sufficiently large pot with a capacity of at least ten liters. Be sure to overwinter rue in pots frost-free. In a container there is a greater risk that the roots will freeze through and the plant will die.

Watering Rue

The average water requirement of the rue should be satisfied by regular watering. The perennial also tolerates it well if the soil dries up in between. Only directly after planting should it be watered a little more often until the plant is well established.

Fertilize correctly

Too much fertilizer will do more harm than good to rue. If the frugal plant grows in a bucket, repotting it in fresh soil can be advisable. Add a small amount of a primarily organic slow-release fertilizer like our Plantura Organic Universal Fertilizer to build up a supply of nutrients until the next repotting.

Cutting rue

A cut is also not absolutely necessary. If at all, it should be done in the spring before budding again. In February or March, shoots can be cut back so far that a pair of buds remain. From this, the plant can sprout again and continues to grow compactly. Rue in tubs that are overwintered frost-free can also be cut back in autumn.

Is rue hardy?

Rue plants in the garden can usually tolerate temperatures down to -28 °C, which is why rue is perennial here. In the pot, however, the garden rue herb should be overwintered frost-free, as the roots are less well protected here. Ideally, this should be done in a light and cool place.


The easiest way to propagate rue is by seed. For this, the five-fold capsule fruits are harvested in autumn, preferably in rather dry weather. The black, crescent-shaped rue seeds are extracted, dried for two days and stored in a cool, dry place over the winter. In spring, sowing can be done as described above.
In addition, rue can be propagated by dividing the vines or by cuttings. The best time to share is in the fall.

In autumn the fruits of the rue can be harvested

Young, semi-lignified shoots are used for cuttings in summer or autumn. After the lower leaves have been removed, the shoots are placed in potting soil mixed with sand in a 1:1 ratio. Then keep the soil constantly moist, but not wet. The cuttings should spend the first winter indoors in a bright, rather cool place at around 20 °C. The following spring they can then be planted in their final place in the garden.

Is rue poisonous?

Although the effect of rue is usually described as being beneficial to he alth, one must be very careful both in cultivation and in use. Because the leaves of the rue have phototoxic properties. This means that if they come into contact with the skin, they can cause severe irritation and blister-like rashes. You should therefore always wear gloves when working with rue and wash your hands and arms thoroughly afterwards. When using the rue you also have to be very economical. Because the garden rue is poisonous if too large amounts of it are consumed. Pregnant women in particular should avoid taking rue, as it can trigger early contractions and thus miscarriages.

Rue is poisonous if taken in excess

Harvest, use and effect of rue

It is advisable not to harvest the plant in the first year of cultivation, or only a little, so that it can establish itself well. From the second year onwards, fresh leaves can be harvested from May onwards. For example, if you want to stock up on making rue tea, you can do that toocut back individual stems to 10 cm above the ground and dry as a whole. The healing effect of rue is said to be primarily antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive. The areas of application for Ruta graveolens include arthritis, joint pain, headaches and toothache, varicose veins and sleep disorders. Rue can also be used as a spice for hearty dishes and stews. However, use rue only very sparingly, because its strong, bitter taste is very dominant and it can cause problems in larger quantities. In addition, the use of rue should always be discussed with a doctor because of its healing properties.

The effect of garden rue teas and tinctures is said to be anti-inflammatory

Rue against rats and cats: The leaves of the rue exude an intense scent that is sometimes found unpleasant not only by us humans. Some harmful insects, rats and cats also do not like the smell. So if you want to keep these animals away, you can also plant rue against cats and rats.

Roots tend to be repulsive to cats and rats

Another shrub that can be grown both as an ornamental plant and for its medicinal properties is mugwort. We will present him in a separate article.

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