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With the first warmer days of spring, the tulip bloom is in full swing. Tulips conquered the flower vases in the house earlier. But are tulips poisonous?

Once the tulip blooms, it has passed the most critical phase of growth

Everyone knows them, everyone likes them: for many, the lush bloom of the tulips is the starting signal for spring. However, with so much spring fever, don't get reckless, because the tulip is actually more poisonous than it looks. Here you can find out what to look out for and what to avoid when coming into contact with tulips.

Tulips: Toxic to dogs, cats and humans?

The Tulip (Tulipa) can be toxic to animals and humans in a number of ways. The toxin contained in the plant, tulipain, can cause both internal and external damage. Smaller animals such as dogs, cats or rodents are more susceptible to ingesting Tulipain because they usually ingest larger amounts and also weigh less. In horses, the increased intake often leads to stomach cramps.

Protect your pets from eating tulips as much as possible

Toxicity of Tulips: Which parts of the plant are poisonous?

Basically all parts of the tulip are poisonous, since the tulipain (plant toxin) is present in all parts of the plant. The tulip bulb is just as affected as the stem, leaves and flower. One often hears of cases of poisoning in which tulip bulbs were confused with conventional onions.

Every part of the tulip - from the bulb to the flower - is poisonous

Our tip: When storing the tulip bulbs, you should label them well and store them separately from your onions. A mix-up should then be impossible. If you have children in your household, please be extra careful!

Tulip Poisoning: Symptoms

On the one hand, intensive skin contact can cause irritation or reddening, which can lead to severe inflammation, depending on the sensitivity of the person concerned and the dose of Tulipain. In order to avoid the so-called "tulip bulb dermatitis", you should avoid intensive contactWear gloves.

Note: Protective creams usually promise more than they actually deliver.

It is better to wear gloves when working with tulips and tulip bulbs

On the other hand, ingestion can affect digestion. Large amounts cause stomach cramps, vomiting or even respiratory arrest. With such pronounced symptoms, however, a really large amount (in relation to body weight) must be ingested. So far, unfortunately, there are no exact surveys as to when a critical dose of Tulipain was taken.

Conclusion: You don't have to be afraid of contact with your beloved tulips. A he althy dose of caution when handling the Tulipa - especially with small children - is definitely appropriate.

If you still want to grow the beautiful flowers in your garden, you will find an article about planting tulips here.

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