Caring for chives is usually easy with the right background knowledge. We show you the right tricks for he althy and vigorous plants.

With the right care, chives grow into strong, lush green plants

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum) is one of the most popular herbs and gives every bread that certain something. The cultivation of the leek plant (Allioideae) is quite uncomplicated and can take place both in beds and in pots. Once the chives are planted, care begins. We'll show you what to look out for when caring for the herb and how you can avoid problems.

Caring for chives: watering properly

Chives generally have a high water requirement, which can usually be met outdoors by rain. The soil should be kept slightly moist both in the pot and outdoors. Watering is necessary more frequently in summer than during the rest of the year, since plant growth is strongest at this time of year and the higher temperatures mean that more water is evaporated from the plant and soil. The right time can best be determined by finger testing. You should adjust the amount of water to the size of the plant, as too much water can lead to oversaturation of the root zone and root rot, especially in pots.

Due to its high water requirement, it is particularly important for chives to be watered regularly

Fertilize chives: Do chives need fertilizer?

Chives are among the most nutrient-consuming plants, which is why regular fertilization is particularly important during the growing season. In addition to compost, coffee grounds are also suitable for fertilization, as they provide the chives with important nutrients and at the same time keep the soil slightly acidic. If you also want to promote a he althy humus content in the soil, you can use an organic fertilizer. A fertilizer in granular form is particularly suitable for this, as a long-term effect is ensured and the herbs are supplied with the best possible nutrients. Fertilization is therefore only necessary at the beginning of vegetation in March and once during growth in July at the latest. Our Plantura organicUniversal fertilizer, for example, provides the plant with all the important nutrients - it is also completely organic and produced without the use of animal components. The fertilizer can simply be sprinkled onto the soil and easily worked in, which also stimulates soil life. The fertilized areas should then be watered well to make the nutrients available to the plants.

Cut the chives: How to do it

Chives do not need pruning as long as the plant is he althy. If it is to be cut anyway, there are a few things to consider in order not to damage the plant. If you want to remove individual stems, you can cut them off just above the ground with scissors or a sharp knife.

When should you cut chives?

Chives can be cut throughout the growing season. However, you should not remove too many stalks at once, otherwise the chives can shrink. In the case of high consumption or in the case of excessive stress on the plants, it is therefore worth growing several chive plants. In autumn, the leaves begin to dry up and fall off the plant. This is part of the natural hibernation of the chives, because they will sprout again from the bulbs the following year. If you still want to use the leaves, you can use them and cut the chives back to the ground in autumn - this does not damage the plant in the late vegetation stage and prepares it for winter.

Chives grow in pots as well as outdoors or in raised beds

Tip: You can read about how to harvest and use the chives correctly in our profile on chives.

Pruning chives?

In addition to the stalks, the flowers of the chives are also edible and are considered a delicacy in some countries. They can be eaten on bread or used as an edible decoration for salads or soups. To use the flowers, you should cut them off as high as possible on the inflorescence stem with a sharp knife or scissors. The stem of the inflorescence, on the other hand, is firmer than the leaves and tasteless.

Caring for chives in the pot: you should pay attention to this

In addition to being cultivated outdoors, chives - like other herbs - are a popular pot plant and can be found on many terraces, balconies or on the windowsill. In our special article we present the best chives for every taste.

Pour the chives in the pot,fertilize and cut

Cultivation in the pot creates special conditions, especially when watering. Unlike in the field, the moisture in the pot can not be maintained as well, which makes regular watering essential. The soil should not dry out completely, otherwise the plant threatens to wither. Waterlogging can also damage the plant. Good drainage is therefore important so that excess water can drain off and the soil always contains enough air. This prevents water accumulation and thus reduces the risk of root rot. In addition to regular watering, fertilization in summer is worthwhile for pot culture - just like outdoors. In small pots, fertilizing with compost or coffee grounds is usually a bit more difficult because of the limited space. The use of a high-quality liquid fertilizer such as our Plantura organic indoor and green plant fertilizer is much easier.

As a kitchen herb, chives can also be grown in pots without any problems

Repot chives

In order for chives to grow well, the plant should be repotted every one to two years. The earth sags over time and important micronutrients can no longer be supplied. The plant can be removed from the old pot and excess soil can be tapped off. The pot is then filled with soil and pressed lightly. Final watering is important for root growth.

Repotting is also a good opportunity to share the chives. This way the old pot can be used again and you get a second plant. Sufficient ventilation and drainage are also important for he althy plant growth. A high-quality potting soil is suitable as a substrate, which supplies all the nutrients important for the plant. A good water storage capacity is also crucial to avoid having to constantly water the crop with limited root space. Our Plantura organic universal soil, for example, offers the best conditions for he althy and strong plants thanks to its biologically sustainable composition.

The right care of chives at a glance:

  • Regular watering after the finger test, whereby drying out of the substrate and waterlogging should be avoided.
  • Chives do not need to be pruned.
  • The flowers are considered a delicacy in some countries and are safe to eat.
  • During the vegetation should be fertilized regularlybecause chives are one of the most nutrient-depleting herbs.
  • Chives in a pot should be repotted every 1 to 2 years to provide the plant with important micronutrients and to improve the soil structure.
Chives should be repotted every 1 to 2 years to give the plant more space

Chives Won't Grow and Turn Yellow: Here's What You Can Do

Although chives are a very robust plant, in rare cases individual stalks or whole bunches can turn yellow. In addition to the rich green color, the chives also lose their aroma and should therefore no longer be used. The most common cause of yellow leaves on chives is drought, as the lack of water causes them to wither. A few yellow culms are a good indicator of too little water - it should then be watered immediately. If large parts of the plant are already yellow or dried up, the chives can be saved by completely cutting back all the leaves up to about two centimeters above the onion. The chives then begin to sprout again, so that after about four weeks the first stalks can be harvested. You should ensure a constant, sufficient water supply. In order to increase tolerance to dry periods, chives need a he althy root system. The growth of the root - as well as the entire plant - can be stimulated and promoted by fertilization.

Rarely, too much water can cause yellowing of the leaves. The substrate should be checked for excess moisture and should not be watered for an extended period if it is too wet.

Tip: Would you like to sow your own herbs and experience the process until the plant is complete? Detailed instructions as well as seeds and the required accessories can be found in our Plantura herb growing set.

Apart from chives, parsley is one of the most popular garden herbs. Read all about the right location and planting of parsley in our article.
