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Rhododendrons are extremely popular in this country. However, to ensure that your rhododendron unfolds its splendor of flowers, there are a few things to consider when buying them.

So that the rhododendron feels comfortable in your garden, there are a few things to consider when buying

Rhododendrons (Rhododendron) are welcome garden dwellers with their year-round foliage, combined with winter hardiness and the large flowers that appear from May. Whether as a hedge or solitary plant, a rhododendron enriches the home garden. But rhododendrons are not just rhododendrons. The different species and breeds have different requirements, which should be taken into account when selecting the variety. We'll help you choose the right variety, give you buying tips and introduce you to selected sources.

Buying a rhododendron: What do you need to know?

Before you go to the hardware store, garden center or tree nursery, you should consider where the rhododendron should be placed in your home garden. Because the soil conditions and the light conditions at the planting site decide which rhododendron variety suits you best. In general, most varieties are suitable for partially shaded locations with slightly acidic soil. But there are also suitable varieties for sunny or calcareous soils. The existing space conditions should also be taken into account, as there are varieties that can grow into real trees. Once the right variety has been found, you have the choice between root and container goods. Get rooted products if you want to save some money and the plants can be planted in the ground immediately after purchase. Container plants are a bit more expensive, but they can be stored better, the planting time is more flexible and there are fewer failures after planting. Aside from these general aspects, you should take a close look at each individual plant. If you can answer the following questions with "No", then nothing stands in the way of planting your rhododendron.

When buying, you should make sure the plant looks he althy
  • Is the plant damaged (broken shoots, injured root ball)?
  • Are there any pests on the plant?
  • There isSigns of disease (wilted leaves, evidence on plant parts, dried twigs, brown buds)?
  • Was the plant stored too wet/dry/dark during cultivation/sale?

In general, make sure you look he althy and have regular, branched growth.

Tip: If you buy your rhododendron in spring, you can already spot the first blossoms when walking through garden centers and the like, so you can be sure that the blossom will last she promises.

Rhododendron: Helpful sources of supply

Rhododendrons can be found in almost every hardware store or garden center, especially in spring. But if you don't want to be satisfied with just the usual varieties, the range here is of course not enough. Online mail order companies or specialized tree nurseries offer a much larger selection. The German Rhododendron Society recommends the following tree nurseries specializing in rhododendrons:

  • Böhlje Pflanzenhandel near Westerstedt is one of the oldest tree nurseries in Germany.
  • Rhododendronpark Hobbie near Westerstedt. There is not only a tree nursery here, but also a beautiful park.
  • H. Hachmann tree nursery in Barmstedt has almost 600 rhododendron varieties on offer.
  • Neumann Nursery near Berlin not only offers a wide range of rhododendrons, but also azaleas, kalmias, magnolias and Japanese maples.
  • Dittersdorf tree nursery in Amtsberg not only offers a large selection, the tree nursery also pays attention to bee-friendly cultivation methods.
Specialized tree nurseries have a large selection of varieties
  • Nielsen Nurseries in Soltau produce 90% of the plants they offer themselves, with in-house breeding being also offered.
  • At these tree nurseries, you can also examine a large number of varieties as a private person and, if necessary, take them home with you. Other sources of supply are online retailers such as:
  • Rhododendrons and azaleas: as the name suggests, this dealer specializes in both types of plants.
  • Horstmann Nursery: not only offers a large selection of rhododendrons, but also a wide variety of garden plants from ground cover to deciduous trees.
  • In addition to other plants for the home garden, the shop also offers a wide range of rhododendrons.

Once you have found and bought the right plant, you will find everything you need to know about planting here and here about caring for your rhododendron.

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