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The 'Bloombux' has a compact habit, is easily shaped and resistant to the dreaded boxwood diseases. This makes it a real alternative.

The Rhododendron 'Bloombux' is a hybrid of R. hirsutum and R. micranth

The Rhododendron 'Bloombux' is a hybrid of R. hirsutum and R. micranth. With its low, bushy growth and good malleability and he alth, it is considered the perfect alternative to boxwood. Introducing this innovative Rhododendron variety.

Rhododendron Bloombux: characteristics and peculiarities

The Rhododendron Bloombux combines everything that makes a good hedge plant. The variety is hardy, evergreen and easy to care for. The choice of location can also be flexible, because the Bloombux does not only thrive in partial shade. It also does well in full sun. This flexibility is also reflected in the floor requirements. In contrast to most rhododendrons, the Bloombux also tolerates calcareous soils. pH values of 6 are excellently tolerated. Thus, the variety belongs to the INKARHO hybrids, which were specifically selected for a high lime tolerance. The soil should still be loose so that no waterlogging forms and the roots can breathe well. You can find out more about rhododendron care and planting a rhododendron here.

Because this dwarf shrub only reaches a small final height of about one meter, topiary is easy to manage. The branched, compact growth habit and the good pruning tolerance make it as malleable as a boxwood. This rhododendron not only makes a good impression as a hedge plant, it is also suitable for area planting and container cultivation. The Bloombux does not only thrive among its own kind. It can also be excellently combined with other plants. Find out how best to repot the Bloombux in our special article here.

The clear advantage over boxwood is its resistance to the dreaded boxwood pests and diseases. In addition, the Bloombux scores with its large pink flowers, which are available in huge numbers throughout Junesweeten. Insects are also happy about the additional nectar source. The rather small, elongated leaves of the Bloombux, on the other hand, are something for the nose. If you rub the leaves between your fingers, they give off a spicy scent.

In contrast to most rhododendrons, the Bloombux also tolerates calcareous soils (advertisement: many thanks to Floragard)

Rhododendron Bloombux: The alternative to boxwood

Since the current plant of choice for ornamental hedges and filigree solitary plants - the boxwood - has been exposed to the so-called boxwood dieback or boxwood shoot dieback for several years, more and more gardeners are calling for an alternative. This die-off is caused by the fungus Cylindrocladium buxicola. But also pests such as the box tree moth (Glyphodes perspectalis) or box tree leaf flea (Psylla buxi) are causing more and more problems for ornamental trees. Here, the Rhododendron Bloombux offers a promising choice that is in no way inferior to the boxwood. Here are the key data again:

  • Growth: up to 1m tall; branched and compact growth
  • Location: sun to partial shade; lime tolerant variety
  • Bloom: Blooming time in June with many delicate pink flowers
  • Leaves: Small, oblong, rich green; spicy scented
  • Evergreen and frost hardy
  • Fit to cut and malleable
  • Suitable for pot culture, hedges and area planting
  • Resistant to boxwood pests and diseases
The Rhododendron Bloombux is also suitable for planting in large areas and in containers

Tip: The 'Nugget' variety is particularly suitable for hedges.

We have summarized our 50 favorite rhododendron varieties here in our special article.

You can find an overview of the 20 best deciduous rhododendron varieties here.

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