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Sunflowers in pots should bloom as long as possible. But they only do that under optimal conditions and with the right sunflower care.

Sunflowers grow just as well in pots as in beds

Sunflowers (Helianthus) let the summer sun rise even on overcast days with their large blossoms. You don't even need your own garden to enjoy the always friendly sun children. Because smaller types of sunflower offer the possibility of cultivating the rays of sunshine, which originate from North America, in pots. However, a sunflower in a pot needs a lot of care in order to thrive and spread a good mood with its flowers for as long as possible.

Buying sunflowers in pots: what you need to know

When buying a sunflower, it is particularly important to pay attention to the right variety. When cultivating in pots, it is therefore advisable to buy a variety that will remain small. A meter-high giant does not feel comfortable in a pot and does not fit into the highest old building. If the sunflowers bought in the pot are to be planted in the garden, it is advisable to choose a hardy variety. Here you will find suitable sunflower types and varieties for pot culture or the garden. Otherwise, you should pay attention to the appearance of the plant with every purchase.

When growing in pots, it is advisable to buy a small variety

If possible, look carefully at the sunflowers before you buy them. Pay particular attention to the following:

  • Are the leaves of the plant yellowish or brown?
  • Are the roots in the water or is the substrate completely dry?
  • Are all the buds of the plant in full bloom?
  • Are there any pests on the plant?

If you can answer no to all of these questions, you should confidently put the sunflower in your shopping cart.

Sunflowers in pots: the right location

Sunflowers also need their beloved sun in pots as indoor plants. If you separate the plant-astronomical team, the sunflower dies quickly. You should therefore reserve her a bright and sunny window sill place without shade. It also tolerates full sun very well.However, do not let the plant hit the heated window glass in the middle of the day.

The sunflower needs a sunny spot

Watering and fertilizing sunflowers in the pot properly

Originally, giving a sunflower as a gift meant that the recipient was too demanding. The sunflower owes this importance to its immense consumption of water and nutrients. It is best to water every day - the soil in the pot must never dry out. To prevent waterlogging, it is best to lay out a drainage layer and use a pot with a drainage hole when planting the sunflower. Fertilize during the growth phase with a nitrogenous fertilizer or compost. Do something good for your soil and the environment by using a primarily organic nitrogenous fertilizer such as our Plantura organic flower fertilizer. In combination with the strong roots, this improves soil life and loosens the soil for subsequent plants. Perennial varieties are no longer fertilized from September.

Sunflowers in a pot: cut faded flowers?

Withered flower heads do not have to be removed as they will continue to ripen on the plant. If you want to dry the flower head somewhere else, it should be removed before the flower has fully opened.

The flower head can be removed to dry

You can find out more about harvesting the vitamin-rich seeds and cultivating them on the balcony or in the bed in our sunflower overview article.

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