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Flowers should ideally bloom again year after year. We have compiled ten hardy varieties for you here.

There is a large number of beautiful, hardy flowers

Year after year, the gardening season opens with magnificent and colorful spring flowers. This is followed by the time for summer bedding and balcony plants. Unfortunately, the abundance of flowers and the beauty of the seasonal plants do not last forever in our latitudes. Often it is not just because they are annual plants. Rather, the plants, which mostly come from regions that are warm all year round, cannot cope with our uncomfortable winter temperatures. If you don't want to fill the beds and balcony boxes with new seasonal plants every year, but rather want to plant them for a longer period of time, then it is best to look out for hardy flowers. We've put together a selection of popular specimens that we're sure you can enjoy for years to come.

Flowers are the essence of any garden. They come in every size, color and shape, but unfortunately not every attractive flower survives our freezing temperatures unscathed. Here is a selection of hardy flowers to give you new ideas and inspiration for your upcoming plans.

10. Chocolate Cosmetics

From the tropics and subtropics, the cosmos (Cosmea), also known as a jewelry basket, brings a summery ambience right into your own garden. In addition to the annual cosmos, which are popular as attractive summer bloomers, there are also some perennial specimens that can bloom magnificently for many years. Unfortunately, many cosmos species do not tolerate the winter because they are not frost hardy. Fortunately, however, there are species that can also remain in the bed in winter: The sensually scented chocolate cosmos (Cosmea atrosanguineus) gets through the winter well in mild locations and with sufficient weather protection. However, if you prefer to be on the safe side, you can overwinter the root of the chocolate cosmos - similar to the dahlia (Dahlia) - in a frost-free room at around 5 °C.

The chocolate cosmeticshas a sensual scent

9. Scarlet Fuchsia

Fuchsia (Fuchsia) is a well-known classic among balcony plants and is particularly popular in shady places. Many gardeners only find the overwintering of fuchsias annoying, because most fuchsia varieties are not frost hardy. Fortunately, there is the scarlet fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica), also known as the outdoor fuchsia, and lives up to its name. The scarlet fuchsia can withstand temperatures down to -5 °C without any problems. If you give it extra protection with a mulch layer of straw, leaves or fir branches, the scarlet fuchsia can often even spend the whole winter outside. In addition to the scarlet fuchsia, which is a wild form of fuchsia, there are also numerous hardy fuchsia varieties - the varieties 'Alice Hoffman', 'Delicate Purple' and 'Tom West' are particularly popular.

The hardy fuchsia can stay outside all year round

8. African Ring Basket

Africa? Then the flower can't be hardy at all, can it? But! Since the African ring daisy (Anacyclus depressus) comes from the mountainous regions of North Africa, it can also cope with the frosty temperatures in Germany and is therefore generally considered to be very hardy. But not only its robustness makes the African ring basket so interesting - the flower is also a real eye-catcher. With a sea of large, bi-colored flowers, the plant makes for a highlight in the flower bed all summer long into September.

The African ring basket is a real eye-catcher

7. Christmas Rose

It is one of the Christmas plants par excellence and provides beautiful flowers even in the depths of winter - the Christmas rose (Helleborus niger) is a true classic. Especially its robustness and low maintenance make the plant so popular. It flowers reliably even at temperatures down to -10 °C. Their white flowers are guaranteed to be a feast for the eyes in winter and always cause astonished looks. If you like it colorful, you don't have to be sad: there are now also colored hybrids that are hardly inferior to the Christmas rose in terms of frost hardiness.

Meanwhile there are also colorful Christmas rose hybrids

6. Lavender

Seductive fragrance and blue-violet flowers - lavender (Lavendula angustifolia) is not one of the most popular for nothinggarden plants in general. But it is not only its beauty that makes the plant so attractive: Lavender is also useful as a medicinal plant and as a plant to ward off mosquitoes. At the same time, the plant is known to be easy to care for and robust, even temperatures down to -15 °C don't bother it.

Tip: A sufficient supply of nutrients is particularly important for long-term planting with hardy flowers. If flowering plants grow longer in the same location, the nutrients will eventually be used up and this is also reflected in the formation of flowers. In order to provide your flowers with long-term care, we recommend our Plantura organic flower fertilizer. This has a three-month long-term effect and contains all the nutrients for magnificent flowers.

5. Horned Violet

The horned violet (Viola cornuta) is and remains a well-established classic in the bed. With a huge variety of varieties and the almost infinite number of color variations, the plant is a must for every colorful garden. But their extreme persistence in flowering also makes horned violets so popular - so it is not uncommon for the plants to flower almost all year round, with the main flowering beginning in March and often followed by a second flowering in autumn. Many plants only stop flowering when there is a frost. But don't worry: Horned violets are usually hardy down to -15 °C.

Violet can bloom almost all year round

4. Commemorative

The commemorative plant (Omphalodes verna) is often referred to as the little sister of the forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica) - in reality this great groundcover is standing but in no way after the forget-me-not: With its pretty blue flowers and carpet-like growth, the memorial is a real feast for the eyes that should not be missing in any garden. At the same time, the flower is extremely robust and also very easy to care for. In winter, the commemorative plant withdraws completely into the root ball and thus survives severe frost unscathed.

The memorial enchants with numerous blue flowers

3. Rolling Spurge

Succulents are known for surviving extreme temperatures, but most people associate this with extreme heat. The spurge (Euphorbia myrsinites) proves, however, that some succulents tolerate cold very well. Temperatures of -22 °C do not bother the plant - on the contrary: with its cylindrical shapearranged leaves, the plant remains a real eye-catcher even in winter. From May to June, the spurge pampers us with pretty yellow flowers, making it a truly extraordinary eye-catcher.

The roller spurge is an unusual eye-catcher

2. Winterling

The name says it all: From February, the winter agaric (Eranthis hyemalis) shows its bright yellow flowers in the garden. Not even snow or frost can keep it from flowering - despite icy temperatures, the flower always creates a sunny atmosphere. With its flowers, the Winterling bears a strong resemblance to a buttercup, but also has a wonderfully intense scent. Despite the early flowering, the gardener does not have to worry that the winter aphid will freeze to death: the plant can endure temperatures down to -29 °C.

Not even snow keeps the Winterling from blooming

1. Bluebells

The bluebells (Campanula) are now more and more common in private gardens. The reasons for this clearly lie in their functionality as ideal ground covers (due to their growth rate and robustness), but also in their ecological and aesthetic value, since they not only fascinate the human eye with their very lush flowering, but also serve as a source of nectar for many insects. Especially the hanging bellflower (Campanula poscharskyana) with its enchanting light blue flowers and the Carpathian bellflower (Campanula carpatica) not only score with their appearance, but also with their robustness - the plants can withstand temperatures down to -40 °C. The delicate dwarf bellflower (Campanula cochleariifolia) is hardy down to -23 °C and therefore absolutely suitable for German gardens.

The Carpathian bellflower withstands arctic temperatures down to -40 °C

See our review article here for more hardy plants.

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