A bit of green makes for more atmosphere and a more pleasant climate. We show ten easy-care plants that are perfect for the office.

Plants in the office can have a positive impact on employees

Numerous studies have already looked at how plants have a positive effect on people. The fact that they promote concentration and have a relaxing effect is undisputed. In combination, this leads to higher productivity and a better working atmosphere. For some people, the presence of plants even subconsciously reduces stress. Of course, the air-purifying effect of plants and their positive effect on the microclimate should not go unnoticed either. We have compiled for you here which plants should definitely be in your office.

Even NASA has studied the effects of certain indoor plants to improve the indoor climate in space stations. One more reason why both employers and employees should insist on the presence of indoor plants in the office.

1. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

The peace lily - also called single leaf - is an easy-care and very beautiful houseplant. What makes her so special are her beautiful, large white flowers, which she regularly displays. On closer inspection of the flowers, the experienced observer will recognize that it is an arum plant (Araceae). The flowers exude a pleasant scent and thus improve the atmosphere in the office twice over. Plants of this genus originally come from northern South America, where there are around fifty different species. Spathiphyllum wallisii is particularly well-known as a houseplant.

The peace lily can filter numerous toxins such as benzene and formaldehyde from the air
2. Ufoblatt (

Pilea peperomioides)

The UFO leaf looks a bit strange, which is probably what gave it its name. Its second well-known name, Glückstaler, also alludes to the strikingly round shape of its leaves. The plant, which originated in China, lives in its natural habitat in the shady mountain forest and therefore does not like direct sunlight in the office either. Nevertheless, she gets too much shadetoo dark. Placed on the desk, the UFO sheet becomes an interesting eye-catcher. Older specimens often become bare at some point, but new offshoots are easy to plant.

The Ufo leaf is enjoying growing popularity as a houseplant

3. Cacti

The cactus is, of course, easy to care for and elegant, if not quite as cuddly. Which type you choose is of course a matter of taste. The advantage of cacti is that they survive longer periods of drought, for example when nobody is in the office over the holidays. They even look forward to a period of rest from time to time. Classic cacti belong to the genus Echinocactus. If you prefer an eye-catcher, you should reach for Toumeya papyracantha with the long spines or Coryphanta cornifera with the white, flat spines.

No matter what variety: cacti cut a fine figure on the desk
4. Rubber Tree (

Ficus elastica)

This tropical tree is known from many an office and is certainly nothing new. Nevertheless - or perhaps because of this - it has a right to exist. It is a good privacy screen, looks very decorative even in the corners of a room and is very robust. It comes in different varieties that have either solid or variegated leaves with cream or reddish hues. The Asian tree belongs to the strangler figs and grows into a stately tree in the tropics and subtropics.

The robust rubber tree can be found in many offices

5. Ornamental Asparagus (Asparagus densiflorus)

The lush green ornamental asparagus has probably been somewhat forgotten, but the filigree pinnate leaves of the houseplant can definitely be staged. Ornamental asparagus can be kept well not only in pots but also in hanging baskets. The two varieties 'Sprengen' and 'Meyeri' are particularly well-known and popular. In general, the South African asparagus relative prefers a light location without direct sunlight and regular watering.

The filigree ornamental asparagus is a perfect companion at work
6. Penny Tree (

Crassula ovata 'Gollum')

Another South African plant that has made it into European homes is the penny tree. The most well-known is probably the traditional form with penny-shaped leaves, but the two varieties 'Gollum' and 'Hobbit' also deserve attention - and not only because of thattheir bizarre names. The two varieties are difficult to tell apart, as both have oblong and rounded leaves that are more like stems. All penny trees have the advantage of being able to cope with adverse conditions, making them optimal houseplants. Although they prefer a bright location, they can also survive in darker places. Since the plants are very robust, they also tolerate a little watering.

Tip: We have compiled plants for dark rooms in our overview.

The 'Gollum' variety is a real eye-catcher in the office

7. Marginated Dragon Tree (Dracaena marginata)

In open-plan offices, higher specimens of the dragon tree can be a good privacy screen, which also has a sound-absorbing effect due to the many leaves. If they are shortened at regular intervals, they branch out into dense branches. When shortening, however, make sure you have clean and sharp scissors. The cut should definitely be done in spring, when the plant gets enough light. A few days beforehand, you should water and fertilize the plant sufficiently, for example with our Plantura organic universal fertilizer, to stimulate a growth spurt. Do not cut off all the stems at the same time, but proceed stem by stem so that the plant has sufficiently large shoots before it is the turn of the next stem. If that didn't work, cut the dragon tree again a few centimeters below the old cutting edge.

The dragon tree can be used as a privacy screen, for example

8. Ivy (Epipremnum aureum)

The ivy is one of the classic indoor plants and is also ideal as an office plant. Due to its rapid growth, it conquers every office in no time and likes to shimmy along trellises. Moss sticks are often used for this, but why not simply set a green highlight in the office and attach a trellis to the wall or let the ivy grow up on the shelf? Efeutute bring a lot of fresh green and also offshoots are planted quickly and easily. If they do get too big, they also tolerate the shortening of their tendrils. However, ivy don't like longer dry periods, otherwise they will lose their leaves. So make sure that when you're not there, someone is there to water you from time to time.

Efeututes bring color to the office with their fresh green

9. Lucky Chestnut (Pachira aquatica)

The offNative to Central American wetlands, the lucky chestnut is an extremely ornamental tree. While it grows up to 18 meters tall in its homeland, it grows rather slowly as a houseplant. If it gets too big, it can simply be shortened. Otherwise, the plant is very easy to care for. A special feature is its thickened trunk, which is usually elegantly braided in the specimens sold. Money chestnuts love sunlight, so they are not for dark offices, but rather in bright, sun-drenched rooms.

The lucky chestnut originally comes from Central America, but is also suitable as a houseplant in our country

10. Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

The spider plant has a particularly good reputation when it comes to air purification. In addition, it is easy to care for and also feels at home in dark offices. However, if you notice bleached leaves, this indicates a lack of water, light or nutrients. In the latter case, we recommend good fertilization, for example with our Plantura organic universal fertilizer. If that is not at hand, you can use a little coffee grounds as an emergency aid, of which there is certainly an abundance in most offices. Once the deficiency is remedied, most of the faded leaves usually turn green again fairly quickly.

The easy-care spider plant cleans the air in the office

If you are particularly interested in air-purifying houseplants, here are our top 10.
