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There are a lot of things to consider when planting roses. Here you can find out everything from the right location to the right planting time for roses in the garden.

Roses are demanding - so a few things should be considered when planting

The rose (Rosa) is not called the "Queen of Flowers" for nothing. It is one of the most beautiful flowering shrubs, especially since it is usually even highlighted when planted in the garden. There is a large selection of different types of roses: whether red or white, climbing or bed rose - you will always find what you are looking for in larger nurseries or nurseries. To ensure that the rose you have selected thrives in your garden, we will explain in more detail in this article which aspects you should definitely pay attention to when planting.

Together with other genera - such as the blackberry (Rubus) or the apple (Malus) - the rose is the largest Rose family (Rosaceae). And this affiliation results in special requirements for the optimal location. Below we go into more detail about the correct planting.

The perfect location for roses

Rose prefer open, airy areas with lots of sun and warmth. Strong temperature fluctuations between day and night can pose a danger, especially in early spring. It is therefore best to choose a protected place for your darling. However, the plant should not be placed too close to a house wall, because the rose also does not tolerate heat build-up well. It should also keep a sufficient distance from other plants.

Apart from the right location, the best garden soil is just about good enough for roses. This should be deep, loose and nutritious, the pH should be between 6.5 and 7.0 in the neutral to slightly acidic range. After a few years, however, the soil can become "tired of roses" - before planting a new rose culture, you should therefore plant the site with other ornamental plants that do not belong to the rose family.

If the rose feels comfortable in its location, it will thrive splendidly

Tip from a professional: Some rose connoisseurs recommend the intermediate culture ofMarigolds (Tagetes patula) to avoid harmful nematode species in the soil, as these are held jointly responsible for the occurrence of soil fatigue. However, the cause of this phenomenon has not yet been fully clarified.

When to plant roses?

You can basically buy container plants all year round, even in summer. However, it is best to plant roses in autumn (October/November) because then they have enough time to take root over the winter. In rougher locations, roses can also be planted in the spring, but then they must be watered particularly well when they begin to sprout.

Planting roses in the bed

Before planting, you should loosen the soil and, if necessary, improve it with a bucket of mature compost. Roses without root balls should be watered for a few hours (up to 24 hours if planted in spring) before planting. Container roses also grow better if the root ball is dipped in water before planting until it sinks and no more air bubbles rise. After watering, you should trim off any damaged roots cleanly and trim any others to about 12 inches.

Dig out the planting hole about twice as big as the roots. Then insert the rose so that the graft point is about three finger widths below the surface after insertion. Then fill the planting pit with a mixture of garden soil and compost. If necessary, you can also incorporate some organic long-term fertilizer. Then tread lightly on the earth. Finally, water the newly planted plant well, because it is only by washing it in that the earth settles and encloses the roots. Finally, pile the plant up to a height of about 20 cm to protect it from wind and sun drying out.

In the case of roses, autumn planting is preferable

Summary of planting roses:

  1. Loosen soil
  2. Soak the root ball in water
  3. Shorten Roots
  4. Dig the planting hole twice as large as the root system of the plant
  5. Do not insert the rose too deeply
  6. Fill with soil and compost
  7. Press the soil lightly and water well
  8. Mound about 20 cm high

Planting roses in pots

If you don't have your own garden, you can also plant roses in a pot or tub. Since roses have very deep roots, you should choose a planter that is large enough. Every few years, the soil must then be exchanged for fresh substrateso that the plant has enough nutrients available again. Special soil for roses is commercially available, but you can also easily mix equal parts garden, compost and potting soil. A sunny, airy spot on the balcony or terrace is ideal as a location.

Various varieties of dwarf roses, bed roses or hybrid tea roses with a compact habit are suitable for pot culture. When purchasing, however, make sure that the planting material is he althy and free from pests. Potted roses are generally more susceptible to disease and need to be watered more regularly than outdoor plants. You can also find more information about potted roses here in our special article.

Tip from the professional: Potted roses do not tolerate waterlogging very well. It is therefore best to add a drainage layer of gravel or expanded clay so that excess irrigation water can drain off.

Smaller roses also thrive in pots with the right care

Caring for roses after planting

If you have already provided good starting conditions when planting, the care required for roses is limited. In the spring (March/April) you should carry out a care cut and basic fertilization. Our Plantura organic rose fertilizer with a long-term effect provides your roses with all the important nutrients. You should also ensure adequate watering during long periods of drought. In areas with a harsher climate, it must also be considered that some rose varieties are only partially hardy. Therefore, special winter protection measures may be necessary to ensure that your rose gets through the cold months well.

In this special article you will find detailed information on rose care. You can also read more about watering, pruning and fertilizing your roses in the corresponding articles on the respective topic.

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