Especially potted plants like the yucca need additional nutrients on a regular basis. We show what you should consider when fertilizing yucca palms.

In order for yucca palms to grow to their full potential, their nutritional needs must be met

The yucca palm (Yucca) provides fresh greenery for your home and garden all year round. The plants are used to being the only green far and wide, because they come from the hot and dry regions of Central and North America. Proper care is crucial to ensure that the drought-resistant plants also feel at home with us.

Fertilizing Yucca Palm: Nutrient Requirements

As a resident of hot and dry areas of the American continent, the yucca palm is often pretty much alone in the wild. Not many plants can withstand these dry conditions and so the surrounding vegetation is naturally quite sparse. As a result, organic material hardly gets into the soil, which is why it is usually quite poor in humus. Yucca palms are therefore used to particularly stony and sandy mineral soils. They are, however, quite nutritious. However, since it rarely rains and the nutrients are absorbed particularly under humid conditions, the plant cannot constantly access them. Yucca palms are therefore quite used to periods of hunger, but - due to their strong growth - still need a lot of nutrients.

The natural habitat of the yucca palm is dry and only sparsely grown

When should you fertilize yucca trees?

You should only fertilize your yucca palms during the growing season. This begins in spring and ends in September at the latest. Over the winter, however, it is advisable not to fertilize your yucca under any circumstances. At this time of year, the plant needs a rest period when it cannot use any nutrients.

Planted yucca palms usually do not need any additional fertilizer. They settle for what they can get with their local roots. Since you are not harvesting your yucca, you are not depriving the plant or soil of any nutrients. Accordingly, no new nutrients need to be addedto be added.

This is different for potted plants that have restricted root growth. Your supply of nutrients is limited to the size of the pot. If you want the plant to grow vigorously, give it a dose of nutrients about once a month during the growth phase.

Yucca palms in tubs should be supplied with fresh nutrients regularly

What are yucca palms fertilized with?

With yucca palms, the focus is mainly on beautiful leaf growth and less on the flower. For this reason, a fertilizer with a relatively high nitrogen content is a good choice. Accordingly, phosphorus is not particularly important.

In general, the yucca is one of the few plants that can be watered with harder tap water. The lime it contains covers the plant's need for calcium.

Fertilize the yucca palm organically: Instructions

Solid organic fertilizers contribute to the formation of humus in the soil. In principle, this is very good, but it does not quite correspond to the natural preferences of the yucca palm. Nevertheless, you do not have to do without organic fertilization. You can easily feed your yucca palm with liquid fertilizer every three weeks. For example, Plantura's Citrus & Mediterranean liquid fertilizer is ideal for supplying the plant with sufficient nutrients and conjuring up a lush green leaf. A homemade alternative, however, is the regular use of nettle manure, which - also diluted like the liquid fertilizer - supplies your yucca palm with the irrigation water. When to stop fertilizing your yucca palm before wintering depends on the location. For more information on how to overwinter yucca palms, see this article.

Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is rich in nitrogen. Pour water over fresh nettle leaves and leave for about two weeks, stirring regularly

fertilize yucca palm with minerals

You can use a wide variety of green and palm fertilizers for yucca palms. Special fertilizers are not necessary, because the only thing that matters is the ratio of N (nitrogen), P (phosphorus) and K (potassium). Nitrogen is crucial for rapid growth, flowering is promoted by phosphorus and potassium has an influence on the water balance and winter hardiness of the plant. A liquid fertilizer is a good choice for potted plants.

Fertilize yucca palm with home remedies

Liquid fertilizers are also a regular occurrence in the household. AA factor that is often underestimated is, for example, the nutrient content in the cooking water. Potatoes and other vegetables release nutrients into the water around them during the cooking process. But these need not be lost. Just give the cooled cooking water to your yucca palm - it will thank you.

You can also read our special article for expert tips on caring for yucca palms.

You shouldn't throw away the cooking water from potatoes and other vegetables in the future. It contains valuable nutrients for your plants

Fertilize the yucca palm - in short:

  • Grows naturally on humus-poor, mineral-rich soil
  • Fertilization during the growing season from spring to late summer/autumn
  • Planted yucca palms do not usually need to be fertilized
  • Liquid fertilizer is very suitable
  • Stinging nettle manure and cooking water are alternatives to mineral fertilizers
  • Use tap water for watering to cover the plant's calcium requirements

You can find out how to properly care for your yucca palm tree during the rest of the year in our article on the care and pruning of yucca palm trees.
