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If you want to enjoy the beautiful flowers later, you should only buy he althy roses. We show you what to look out for when buying roses.

The decision to buy roses is made more difficult by the large selection

Especially in floristry, roses (pink) in various colors and shapes are of great importance. And perhaps you too have once confessed your love to someone with a bouquet of red roses. The memories remain, but unfortunately the joy of cut flowers is usually short-lived. If you want to have some of the beautiful flowers for longer, you should definitely plant roses in your own garden or in a pot. However, your own money wants to be well invested. Therefore, it is best to look out for signs when you buy them that indicate, for example, diseases or infestation with pests. In this way, nasty surprises can be avoided and you can enjoy your rose for a long time.

How do I actually recognize a he althy rose and where is the best place to buy it? We have summarized the answers to these questions for you below.

You should pay attention to this when buying roses

The selection of different types of roses is huge. It's easy to lose track of things. What you should consider when buying and how you can distinguish he althy plants from diseased ones is explained below.

Only buy he althy roses

Only strong, he althy roses will grow well and reward you with a rich bloom in the long term. Unfortunately, however, some rose varieties are extremely susceptible to fungal diseases. Black leaf spots that radiate towards the edge can, for example, indicate an infestation with black spot (Diplocarpon rosae). A whitish, mold-like coating on the upper parts of the plant is in turn an indication of infestation with powdery mildew (Erysiphaceae). If the leaves are covered with yellow-orange spots, the plant is probably suffering from rose rust (Phragmidium mucronatum). All these signs speak against a purchase, because once you have these fungal diseases in the garden, they spread very quickly and can also affect other plantsinfect. Fortunately, there are already some resistant rose varieties these days. If you want to be on the safe side, it is best to buy roses with the recognized ADR seal of approval (General German Rose Novelty Test).

When buying, you should only choose he althy plants

But not only diseases can become a problem. When buying new roses, you should definitely pay attention to a possible infestation with pests. So-called window damage on the leaves can, for example, be an indication of infestation with larvae of the rose sawfly (Caliora aethiops). And roses are also very popular with various species of aphids. The little creatures like to sit on young shoots, leaves and flower buds.

You can look out for the following quality features when buying roses:

  • Labeling (variety, location, size) and care instructions are available
  • No damage to the shoots and grafting area
  • No stained or pitted leaves
  • No pests
  • Well developed main shoots
  • Good rooting
  • No smell of rot

You can read more about diseases and pests on roses here.

The right type and variety of roses

In order to find the right rose for your garden or balcony, you should think about the purpose and location of the new plant in advance. In addition to a small range of ungrafted roses, you will mainly find grafted plants in the shops. Hybrid tea roses with beautiful, large flowers were grafted onto robust wild rose bases. When buying, make sure that it is intact.

If you want to plant your rose in a pot, you should also be careful not to choose vigorous-growing varieties. The space in the planter is limited, which is why smaller rose varieties with a compact habit are usually better suited for pot cultivation. When planting outdoors, you should make sure that the rose variety is sufficiently hardy.

Depending on the location, certain varieties are more or less suitable

There are different ways to classify roses. Different types of roses are usually combined into so-called rose groups according to their properties. Depending on the growth form, a distinction is then made between, for example, bed roses, dwarf roses, ground cover roses, climbing roses, shrub roses or standard roses. But sometimes the name of the rose also gives a clue to hersorigin or their flowering characteristics. Don't be afraid to get information from the staff at the nursery or garden center. They can usually give you good advice when deciding on the right variety.

If you are looking for inspiration when buying a new rose, here is a comprehensive collection of different types of roses for every purpose.

Where is the best place to buy roses?

To date, more than 30,000 different varieties of roses have been created through targeted rose breeding. Rose breeders often put a lot of energy and work into the development of new varieties. Inexpensive rose bushes are also available in the supermarket or garden centre, but the quality of these plants often leaves a lot to be desired.

Modern, good-quality roses that are he althy, robust and long-lasting can sometimes cost a little more. In return, you will usually enjoy them for longer. You will find what you are looking for in well-stocked nurseries, rose or tree nurseries. These usually offer a larger selection of different varieties and can also provide you with competent advice.

High-quality rose bushes can be found, for example, in nurseries

Recommended sources of supply

If you're looking to buy a new rose or are just looking for inspiration, you might find it here:

  • Rosenhof Schultheis: The oldest German rose nursery offers a wide range of historical as well as modern varieties. Anyone looking for rare specimens has come to the right place.
  • Kordes Rosen: The Kordes family's rose school is now in its fifth generation. There is a large selection of different roses and rose plants of the best quality.
  • Rosarium Gruber: The Gruber family obtains selected rose plants from Germany and cultivates them on their farm in Austria. A variety of Hybrid Tea, Groundcover, Shrub, Climbing, Rambler, Cascade and Trunk roses are available for purchase.

We have put together for you here how to plant your roses properly.

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