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If you want a Mediterranean flair in your garden, you should plant a fig tree. We show you how to do this and what the correct location looks like.

Although the fig tree is a typical Mediterranean plant, it can very well also be planted in Germany

There it is, the real fig tree (Ficus carica). But when, how and where should it actually be planted? Luckily, fig trees aren't exactly complicated. The main thing is that it is nice and warm. You can find out the most important things about planting your fig tree here.

You have the choice of whether you plant your fig tree in the garden or whether you prefer to keep it in a bucket. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. However, only hardy fig tree varieties should be planted out.

Plant a fig tree: The perfect location

Since the fig tree comes from the Mediterranean region and the climes right down to the Orient, it is used to a warm climate and lots of sun. Therefore, place it in a full sun and warm place. He feels most comfortable in front of stone walls and house walls that radiate heat. It also protects him from draughts, which he doesn't like at all. The pH of the soil or substrate should be around neutral to slightly acidic, i.e. between 6.0 and 7.0.

The fig tree feels particularly at home near warming walls and house walls

When to plant a fig tree?

Winter is pure stress for the fig tree, which is not adapted to cold temperatures. Since planting out a plant always represents an additional burden as it first has to adapt to the new conditions, the fig tree should definitely be planted out in early spring. This gives it enough time until autumn to anchor itself in the ground and spread its roots. You can plant your fig tree as soon as the last ground frosts have passed. Potted plants should also be repotted in spring.

Planting a fig tree: Procedure

Although the fig tree is a typical Mediterranean plant, it can very well also thrive in Germany. However, the fruits only ripen in self-pollinated varieties, since the necessary pollinators north of the Alpsabsence. However, only hardy fig tree varieties should be planted out. However, since these rarely survive temperatures below -15 °C, planting out is only worthwhile in mild regions of Germany. The Rhineland or coastal regions are well suited, but in principle it can be said that any region in which grapevines are cultivated is suitable.

Once you have found the right location and the right variety, you can start planting. Note, however, that the fig tree grows in width. So it shouldn't be squeezed into a corner. To give your figs a good start, you should work some compost, manure or a portion of our Plantura organic universal fertilizer into the soil after planting.

With our Plantura organic universal fertilizer you give your fig tree a perfect start

Summary of how to plant a fig tree:

  • Choosing a hardy variety
  • Choose a location with enough space for the tree to spread out
  • Dig a sufficiently deep hole, about 10% deeper than the root ball is high
  • Loosen soil when compacted
  • Loose up the root ball and put it in the hole
  • Fill up the hole and cover the roots with a layer of soil
  • Work compost, manure or our Plantura organic universal fertilizer into the soil
  • Press the soil lightly and water the fig tree well

Planting a fig tree in a pot

Especially in cold regions of Germany, where severe frost occurs in winter, you should keep your figs in a pot and bring them inside in winter. In principle, your fig tree in a pot naturally has the same requirements as a planted specimen, but it is a little more demanding when it comes to watering and fertilizing. You can use commercially available garden soil as a substrate and mix it with some compost and sand. Find out more about caring for your fig tree here.

Care for fig tree after planting

After planting, the main thing your fig tree needs is water. Whether planted out or in a pot, the roots have to spread first, which is why regular watering is essential for the first few weeks. Fertilization is usually not necessary at first, as the tree is initially sufficiently supplied with the new substrate. Learn more about fertilizing fig trees here.

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