Bow hemp is quite easy to propagate. We'll show you what you should know about propagating bow hemp by cuttings or division.

With the right tricks, it is very easy to propagate the scalloped hemp

The bow hemp (Sansevieria) is not only a good air purifier and extremely easy to care for, it is also easy to propagate. With the right knowledge, you can set up a small mass production in no time.

Bugs are definitely the type of plant that can be multiplied endlessly. In particular, you can never have enough of the two popular species Sansevieria trifasciata and Sansevieria cylindrica. Although the plants don't grow very fast, they tirelessly form new offshoots with young daughter rosettes all by themselves. You can also grow many small plants from the leaves without any problems.

Propagating bow hemp by cuttings

The bow hemp can be easily propagated by leaf cuttings. To do this, cut off a leaf just above the ground. It is best to choose a leaf that is still small so that the cutting is not too large. You can also cut long leaves into several parts, because the individual cuttings only need to be ten to fifteen centimeters long. Allow the interfaces to dry a little. Now you can put the leaves or parts of leaves about one third into the prepared substrate.

For leaf parts, make sure that you put them in the ground the right way round. They only grow roots if they are allowed to continue growing in their original direction of growth. The cuttings take a long time to develop and it can even take a few months before the little plants appear. Place the planter in a warm place and keep it moist but not wet.

Summary Propagating bow vine by leaf cuttings:

  • Cut off a small leaf just above the ground
  • Cut into 10-15 cm pieces of leaf
  • Put one third of the leaf cuttings in the direction of growth in the substrate
  • Place the planter in a warm place and keep it moist

The disadvantage of leaf cuttings isin that the young plants can deviate from the breeding form of their mother plant. This is the case with Sansevieria trifasciata ˈLaurentiiˈ. It can happen that the plants develop back to their original form in this way and lose the yellow leaf edge.

Over time, the scalloped plant forms more and more young offshoots, which can be isolated from time to time

Propagating Bow Hemp by Division

Repotting is the best time to quickly and easily propagate the scrunchie. Cultivated forms, which can be lost via cuttings, are also obtained with foothills. When you take your plant out of the pot, you will notice that it is usually no longer just a single plant. Over time, the arch hemp has formed offshoots whose daughter rosettes you can now separate. Untangle the intertwined roots and carefully separate the plants from each other. With a sharp and clean knife you can cut off the young seedlings close to the mother plant. You now have one or more young plants that you can pot separately.

In this article you will find out how to properly care for the young snake plant.
