The rumor of poisonous ivy persists. We investigate and clarify whether ivy is poisonous for children, cats, dogs and Co.

Ivy (Hedera helix) is poisonous, every child knows that, right? The beautiful plant in deep dark green is actually not entirely harmless. Especially the black-blue berries in autumn and winter are extremely tempting. But what happens when a careless child or puppy can't resist temptation?
Poison Ivy?
Ivy is often classified as more dangerous than it actually is. Officially, it is considered toxic to slightly toxic, because all parts of the plant contain harmful substances. These substances protect the plant from predators. The advantage is that these substances are not only toxic, but also extremely bitter. People or animals who are tempted to taste the plant will quickly realize that it does not taste good at all. Basically, humans and animals are protecting themselves.
Is ivy poisonous to humans?
All parts of the ivy are poisonous to humans. This is mainly due to the two ingredients α-hederin and falcarinol. The first substance is also used in medicine in small amounts. Perhaps you remember the ivy leaf on the packaging of the sweet cough syrup you were given when you were a child? α-Hedrin is often used to treat colds and bronchitis. Falcarinol, on the other hand, belongs to the alcohols and has a fungicidal effect. It protects the roots of ivy from fungal diseases. However, this substance is also toxic to humans. When pruning the plant, some react sensitively. Contrary to what is sometimes claimed, a light touch of the ivy does not immediately cause a rash. Rather, this rumor is based on a mix-up. The very toxic poisonous oak (Toxicodendron pubescens) from North America bears the middle name poison ivy, although it is not related to ivy.

The part ofIvy, which is probably most predestined for consumption, are the blue-black berries. Those who do not let the bitterness deter them can suffer serious consequences. Symptoms of poisoning can already occur from an consumed quantity of two berries. Possible symptoms are:
- Headache
- Elevated temperature
- Burning in the throat area
- Diarrhea and Vomiting
- Raised heart rate
- cramps
In acute cases, shock and respiratory arrest can even result. However, it is extremely unlikely that this will happen. Ivy is inedible and very bitter. Hardly anyone will consume larger amounts. So far, only very few cases are known in Germany in which moderately severe symptoms have occurred. Although ivy is poisonous, there is no need to banish it from the garden right away. It is unlikely that children will consume large amounts of it. It is best if you show your child the plant and explain that it is poisonous and that eating it has very unpleasant consequences. Children should not be kept away from all poisonous plants, but rather learn how to deal with them as early as possible. If you don't get to know the plant in your own garden and take care of it, then this may happen unnoticed somewhere on the way.
Is ivy poisonous for cats, dogs and Co?
Ivy is also generally poisonous for pets. This applies to cats and dogs as well as rodents and horses. But the animals do not like ivy at all. They often notice immediately that the plant doesn't suit them because it tastes very bitter. If large amounts were consumed, the symptoms are similar to those in humans: diarrhea and vomiting, an increase in heart rate and cramps and even respiratory arrest can be the result. However, ivy is not harmful to all animals. Blackbirds, thrushes and starlings can eat the ivy berries unmolested. They even serve as a valuable source of food over the winter, when it is often difficult to find anything else. So ivy is by no means a purely poisonous plant, but also a productive fodder plant.
Treat Ivy Poisoning
If parts of the ivy have been eaten, quick action is required. The following steps are important for ivy poisoning.

How to deal with ivy poisoning:
- Remove plant parts from mouth With still water in your mouthrinse
- Call Poison Control Center and see a doctor immediately
You can find a directory of poison control centers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland here.
If you still want to get rid of your ivy, we have put together the most important information for you on how to remove the ivy correctly.