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So that the coneflower does not grow too much, it has to be cut back from time to time. We show what you should consider when cutting a summer hat.

Even the coneflower needs a pruning

Pruning coneflowers (Echinaceae) is important so that it can sprout vigorously and easily in spring and flower again and so that it forms new flowers throughout the summer. But the coneflower is also very good in summer bouquets and is also used by many in the kitchen or for medicinal purposes.

Coneflowers require relatively little care compared to other ornamental plants and the cut is also not very complex and can be done very easily. Here's everything you need to know about sun hat styles.

Cutting the sun hat: the right time

You should treat the coneflower to a cut in the autumn after it has bloomed, or you can cut it back in the spring before it buds. The withered and dried stems are simply cut off with secateurs. The advantage of pruning in the spring is that the garden doesn't look quite as empty in the winter.

Faded coneflowers can still decorate the garden in winter

You should always use sharp and, above all, clean pruning shears for the cut. With a blunt pair of scissors you just squeeze the stems off. The cleanliness of the secateurs is important because you don't want to carry any pathogens into the garden. You should therefore always clean the secateurs after use, preferably with a disinfectant or alcohol, to remove any bacteria or fungi.

If you want to cut the coneflower flowers for a bouquet or a vase, it is best to cut in the morning, because then the coneflowers will stay in the vase longer and the flowers will have dried. If you are pruning coneflowers to use the plant parts for medicinal purposes, you should do so during the summer flowering period.

Cutting a sun hat: Instructions

For cutting back in autumn or spring, you can cut the coneflower stems close to the ground with garden shearsCut off when the coneflower has been in your garden for at least four years. Otherwise, you should cut the perennial back to about 10 to 15 centimeters. If you want to encourage flowering over the summer and do not want to sow seeds, you can also regularly cut off the withered flower heads.

Cutting coneflower summary:

  • Coneflowers can be cut back either in autumn or in spring
  • Use sharp and clean pruning shears to prevent disease transmission
  • If you want to cut flowers for the vase, it is best to do this in the morning
  • Plants that have been growing in the garden for four years can be cut off at ground level; younger plants are cut back to 10 to 15 centimeters
  • Withered flower heads can be cut off periodically

You can find out more about coneflowers and coneflower care here.

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