There are no bills attached to it, but the jade tree stands for luck. We show what you need to know about buying, caring for and propagating the money tree.

The money tree - we tell you everything about the great houseplant

The money tree (Crassula ovata) is a popular houseplant with us. It is considered to be easy to care for and robust, and it is also said to bring us a windfall. Who wouldn't want to have such a lucky plant in their home or office? In the following we will tell you everything you should know about the money tree: From the origin and importance of buying, repotting and propagation to care and important diseases and pests.

The money tree belongs to the succulent family (Crassulaceae), which probably includes more than 300 species worldwide. The Crassula ovata is known by many names: We call it Geldbaum or Pfennigbaum, in English it is also called Jade Plant alongside Dollar Plant. This is probably due to the color of the leaves, the deep green of which is reminiscent of jade stones. The name "Pfennigbaum" probably comes from the shape of the leaves, which is reminiscent of coins. The money tree is a symbol of luck and prosperity and used to be given as a housewarming present. We alth and joy should also move into the house with him.

Money tree: origin and meaning

The jade tree originally comes from South Africa and usually grows there in company with Euphorbia- and Aloespecies on rocks. Today the penny tree is a popular houseplant and is valued as such all over the world. Crassula ovata grows as an evergreen, upright, heavily branched shrub. The plant can grow up to two meters tall; as a houseplant, however, it usually stays smaller. The leaves are grey-green and arranged opposite. They are thick, fleshy oval and convex at the top.

The money tree originally comes from South Africa

Money Tree Blossoms: When does the money tree bloom?

Only rarely do you see flowers on money trees. These are small, star-shaped and can flower white or soft pink. In its native South Africa, the money tree blooms when it's winter there, vizfrom June to August. Since winter is at a different time in the northern hemisphere, the money tree blooms here from the end of February. However, it is not that easy to get the houseplant to bloom. Therefore, some factors should be met to increase the chances of a flowering jade tree.

First of all, the age and size of the tree are important. Young money trees will not bloom yet, flowering can only be expected from a size of about 40 centimeters. In addition, optimal conditions are necessary in the winter months. That means: As cool as possible, below 11 °C, and as dry as possible. It is also optimal to have the houseplant outside during the summer and only to bring it back into the winter quarters in the autumn. In addition, the money tree needs as much light as possible in winter. If it is too dark, it will not develop any flowers. If all these criteria are met, you can hope for a flourishing money tree.

For the money tree to develop flowers, optimal conditions are necessary

Summary of requirements for a thriving money tree:

  • At least 40 cm high
  • Outdoor location in summer
  • Cool and dry in winter
  • As bright as possible

Buy money tree

The first step to your own lucky symbol and thus hopefully to a guarantor of prosperity is the purchase. So that you don't experience any nasty surprises later, you should find out more information before you buy so that you know what you should value. That way you can keep your purchase for as long as possible and you won't be disappointed.

You should pay attention to the following when buying the money tree:

  • No Damage
  • No diseases and pests
  • Green, he althy leaves
  • Nice, even growth
  • No foul smell

You can buy money trees in many hardware stores, garden centers, in well-stocked furniture stores or on the Internet.

Want to learn more about buying money trees? Then simply continue reading here.

Repot money tree

Once the money tree has completely rooted through the substrate in the pot, it's time to repot. You should repot your money tree at the latest every three to four years. The best time to change the planter is in the spring from mid-March, because then the main growth period of the tree begins. Choose a new planter that is only a few centimeters larger in diameter than the old one. Because the aerial part of the money tree is covered by thethick leaves can be very heavy, you should choose a planter that is as stable and safe as possible. Clay pots are ideal here, as they are heavier than pots made of plastic. In addition, the pot should definitely have a drainage hole and a saucer.

The money tree is repotted when the substrate is completely rooted

First, lay a drainage layer of broken pottery or expanded clay so that the water can drain out of the pot and there is no waterlogging. You should also pay special attention to the potting soil. For the money tree, the substrate should be particularly permeable and not too rich in nutrients. It is best to mix two parts of potting soil - for example our Plantura organic potting soil - with one part of mineral material such as perlite or sand. Alternatively, you can also use cactus or succulent soil.

Summary of ideal substrate for the money tree:

  • Permeable
  • Nutrient-poor
  • Two thirds of potting soil
  • One third perlite or sand
  • Alternatively use cactus or succulent soil

To repot, carefully remove the money tree from its pot, shake the old substrate off the root ball and carefully loosen the roots. Now you have the opportunity to examine the roots and, if necessary, cut off rotten or dead root material. Then the root ball is placed in the middle of the new pot. Finally, fill the pot with substrate and water the plant well, but remove excess water from the planter.

Tip: Under ideal conditions, the money tree can grow quite large, namely up to two meters high. If your money tree is such a large specimen, it is best to get a second person to help you repot it.

Repot money tree summary:

  • Select a suitable stable planter
  • Mix substrate
  • Create drainage layer
  • Carefully lift the money tree out of the old pot
  • Loosen and examine the roots, pruning if necessary
  • Put in the middle of the new pot
  • Fill with substrate
  • Cast on
  • Remove excess water from planter

If you want to propagate your money tree, repotting is an ideal opportunity to do so. You can find detailed instructions on the various methods of propagating the money tree in our special article on the subject.

By leaf cuttingsMoney trees can be propagated among other things

Maintain money tree

As a succulent, the money tree can withstand a lot, but it will not forgive you for some serious care mistakes. Therefore, it is good to know about the proper care of the jade tree. Above all, you should pay sufficient attention to watering, fertilizing and pruning your houseplant.

We have compiled everything you need to know about caring for the money tree in great detail in this article.

Water money tree

The following applies to the penny tree: It is better to water too little than too much. The thick leaves of the plant are ideal for storing water over a long period of time and thus helping the tree to survive longer dry spells. The money tree, on the other hand, does not like waterlogging at all. Therefore, before watering, you should always check with your finger that the top layer of substrate has dried well. Remove excess water from the cachepot after five minutes. In winter, water only minimally.

Watering money tree summary:

  • Water moderately during the main growing season
  • Let top layer of substrate dry off
  • Substrate only slightly damp, do not wet
  • From November to February water only sporadically

Fertilize money tree

The money tree doesn't like too much fertilizer either. Therefore you should only fertilize your plant moderately and especially only in summer; in winter the tree does not need any fertilizer at all. It is sufficient if you supply your tree with a fertilizer with an organic long-term effect once in the spring. This is enough to provide the plant with nutrients for the whole year. Our Pantura organic universal fertilizer with organic long-term effect is ideal for this. Alternatively, you can feed your money tree with a special succulent fertilizer every four to six weeks.

Summary of fertilizing money tree:

  • Fertilize only moderately
  • Use special succulent fertilizer at most every four weeks
  • Alternatively apply fertilizer with organic long-term effect once in spring
  • Stop fertilizing completely between November and February

The right cut is also an important care measure for the money tree. See this article for tips on cutting money trees.

Money tree loses leaves

The most distinctive feature of the money tree is its fleshy, penny-shaped leaves. Losing these is of course a cause for concern. Reasons for losing leaves aremostly care mistakes like a too dark location, too moist substrate, too high temperatures in winter or a pest infestation. If you act quickly enough and get to the bottom of the cause of the dwindling leaves, you can usually prevent worse and save your tree.

The money tree needs a bright location, otherwise it may lose leaves

Summary of measures to prevent leaf loss on the money tree:

  • Choose the best location to prevent leaf loss
  • Repot if substrate is too wet
  • If the location is too dark, move to a new, brighter spot
  • Keep temperatures below 11 °C in winter
  • Fight pests with natural means or beneficial insects

Is your money tree losing leaves and you want to do something about it? In our special article we will help you with useful tips.

Frequent diseases and pests on the money tree

Even though the money tree is considered to be robust and resilient, it can still fall victim to pests or diseases. The best way to prevent this is to ensure that the plant is as he althy and vital as possible. If the tree is in an optimal location and otherwise feels very well, the risk of being attacked by diseases or pests is significantly lower than with a weak little tree.

Fight common pests on the money tree

Typical predators of the money tree are spider mites (Tetranychidae) and mealybugs (Planococcus). Once you can spot pests on your money tree, isolate it from other houseplants. Now the uninvited guests can be combated with natural measures such as neem oil or other biological pesticides.

You can get rid of pests on money trees with the help of natural measures

Another possibility are beneficial insects. These are natural predators of the pests and therefore welcome antagonists in the fight against them. Predatory mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis) can be used against spider mites, and the Australian ladybird (Cryptolaemus montrouzieri) can help with mealybugs.

Fighting common diseases on the money tree

Even though diseases rarely attack the money tree, the most important ones should be mentioned here, namely root rot and powdery mildew.

Root rot is caused by wet substrate and waterlogging. Are the shoots already completely softened and do they smell strongafter rot, it is usually too late and the plant can no longer be saved. However, if you recognize the rot early on, you should immediately repot the plant in new substrate and cut off rotten and dead parts on the root ball.

Powdery mildew is indicated by a white or gray coating on the leaves. If you discover this, you should cut off and dispose of the affected parts of the plant immediately. Biological or home remedies such as milk or baking powder are suitable for combating powdery mildew.

Is the money tree poisonous?

Fortunately, the money tree is not poisonous. The tree has no toxic ingredients and is therefore harmless for adults, small children and also for animals.

You can read more about the toxicity of the money tree here.
