The ivy is a tropical plant and can therefore only be kept in our room. You can find out what the ideal location looks like here.

The ivy is one of the most popular indoor plants

Versatile, decorative and easy to care for: That describes the Efeutute (Epipremnum) in a nutshell. Whether as a traffic light plant, for planting in tubs, as a climbing plant or as a green wall and window - it is excellent everywhere. Due to its filter properties, it is often used in aquariums as well as in offices and homes. In this way, the ivy can absorb toxins such as formaldehyde from the ambient air and store them in their plant parts. The toxic substances are then processed and rendered harmless in the plant parts.

Efeutute: origin and characteristics

Like many popular, evergreen houseplants, the ivy originates from the tropics. The various Efeutute species - there are 15 worldwide - have very different areas of origin in the tropics and subtropics. The popular golden ivy (Epipremnum aureum), for example, comes from the island of Moorea in the South Pacific. Other species come from Malaysia, Indonesia or Papua New Guinea. The Efeutute feel really comfortable in dense, tropical rain forests. There they climb the larger trees up to the treetops and under these optimal conditions can sometimes grow 20 meters in height. In our climate, however, the ivy can only be cultivated indoors.

In warmer countries, ivy can also be used for greening facades

Evys are perennial, evergreen plants that grow herbaceously. With good care, they can develop shoots up to ten meters long. They form adventitious roots at the nodes (nodes) with which they can hold onto a substrate, such as a tree. The alternate, leathery leaves are shaped differently depending on the species and can have different sizes. The coloring of the leaves also varies greatly depending on the species and variety. The basic color includes various shades of green and the leaf pattern ranges from striped to patterned in the colors yellow, white, silver andLight green.

Efeutute hardly ever develops flowers indoors. This is because the plant needs to reach a certain size for flowering and the indoor conditions are just not optimal for the tropical plant. In tropical rainforests, ivy produces flowers in the shape of a greenish-white bulb.

In nature, ivy climbs up trees

The ivy probably owes its name to its resemblance to common ivy (Hedera helix), after all both are evergreen climbing plants. But that's where the similarities end, because in contrast to ivy, common ivy belongs to the Araliaceae family, while ivy belongs to the arum family (Araceae). Other names for the ivy are gold tendril, tonga plant or in English "pothos".

Tip: As is usual for the aroid family, the ivy is also poisonous. Therefore, to be on the safe side, wear gloves when handling the houseplant. Discarded leaves should not be left lying around.

Efeutute or Philodendron:

It is difficult to say with certainty whether it is ivy or philodendron with these two very similar looking plant species. However, there are some differences between the two plants:

  • Leaf shape: Philodendrons are usually more heart-shaped than ivy.
  • Leaf Texture: Philodendron leaves are delicate and thin, ivy leaves are leathery and waxy.
  • Aerial Roots: Philodendron can develop multiple thin aerial roots per leaf node, while ivy develops only one root at each node.
It is usually difficult to say whether philodendron or ivy

The right place for the ivy

Having found a location for Efeutute that meets its needs is half the battle. Once the popular climbing houseplant feels comfortable, caring for the ivy is very easy.

Light and temperature conditions

According to the conditions in the tropical rain forest, the ivy prefers partially shaded places without direct sunlight. A south-facing window is therefore unsuitable, but the ivy likes light in the morning and evening. Some types of ivy with lighter leaves also tolerate a little more light. The temperature should be around 20 °C all year round and should not fall below 16 °C. If the ivy insbedroom, you must ensure sufficient humidity. Place a bowl of water near the plant or occasionally spray your ivy with lukewarm, low-calcium water. In rooms such as the bathroom and the kitchen, the humidity is usually automatically higher. Drafts should always be avoided.

Tip: In summer, the ivy can also be placed outside in a sheltered place. However, this is only possible when the temperatures are above 16 °C. In winter, and depending on the weather also at night, the plant must always be brought back into the house.

Efeutute can also spend the summer outside

The right soil for ivy

If you want to keep the ivy in soil, it is best to use high-quality potting soil. In addition, it is also possible to keep them in hydroponics, in which no soil is required. The substrate must be permeable so that water does not accumulate. For example, our Plantura organic universal soil, which does not require peat and is made from natural raw materials, is well suited for ivy. In the first few months, it also provides the ivy with all the important nutrients. It is best to mix a third of crushed expanded clay into the soil so that the substrate remains structurally stable for a long time - after all, the climbing plants are difficult to repot.

Tip: You can also keep the ivy in an aquarium, provided it is a freshwater aquarium. Here it helps to filter phosphates and nitrates out of the water. For this it is sufficient if the roots of the plant are in the water.

Does the ivy need a climbing aid?

Efeutute forms very long shoots. How you want to deal with it is up to you. You can let the ivy climb up a trellis, for example. This can simply be a shelf or extra nails attached to the wall on which the plant can be hung by the leaf axils. However, it is also possible to keep the ivy hanging by planting it in a hanging basket or by placing it on top of a cupboard.

The ivy cuts a fine figure in the traffic light pot

Planting Ivy: Instructions

If you have bought a ivy, you should repot the young plant as soon as possible. Cuttings, which are used to propagate ivy, must also be planted sooner or later. Prepare the pot by laying a drainage layer of broken pottery, expanded clayor create pebbles. The pot should have a drainage hole and be placed on a saucer or in a planter. Now fill in a layer of substrate. Place the root ball of the ivy in the pot and fill in any gaps with soil. Finally, press the substrate lightly and water the ivy. If several small plants are planted directly in the pot, the ivy will look bushier later.

Plant Summary:

  • Lay out the drainage layer in the pot
  • Add a layer of substrate to the pot
  • Put on gloves
  • Plant ivy
  • Fill gaps with soil
  • Press lightly and pour on

Tip: In the first few months after planting, the ivy is supplied with nutrients via the soil. You should then fertilize them regularly, for example with our Plantura organic indoor and green plant fertilizer.

The ivy prefers a partially shaded location

Is the ivy hardy?

The ivy is not hardy. It also needs temperatures of over 16 °C in the cold season. Between October and March, the ivy grows much more slowly due to the low light supply and does not require any fertilizer. It also only needs to be watered occasionally so that the substrate does not dry out completely.

The philodendron looks confusingly similar to the ivy. We give tips on the location and care of this equally beautiful roommate.
