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A pond is a great eye-catcher - but it only becomes a real eye-catcher with the right plants. We show which plants are best suited.

Only plants transform the pond into a real eye-catcher

Whether it's a small water feature or a large swimming pond - especially in summer, a garden pond is the focal point of every garden and attracts everyone's attention. However, so that the cool water does not look out of place, beautiful pond plants are essential, because only this makes the pond a real gem. But just like in the rest of the garden, the right location is important for pond plants, after all, the demands on the sun as well as the right water depth have to be considered when placing your plants. We will tell you here which pond plants should not be missing and for which depths they are suitable.

5 pond plants for the wet zone

The wet zone is the outermost area of any pond and is therefore often overlooked when mentioning pond plants as it is not visible and is submerged. Nevertheless, planting this zone with permanently moist soil is important to make your pond an eye-catcher. The wet zone extends from the water level to the so-called capillary barrier, i.e. the point up to which the pond liner was pulled up.

1. Hanging Sedge

Extremely decorative and at the same time wonderfully uncomplicated - these two properties ensure that the hanging sedge (Carex pendula) is considered the perfect pond plant. The robust perennial grows up to 1.50 meters high and attracts everyone's attention with its overhanging growth and delicate flower spikes. In addition, the hanging sedge is evergreen, so that it also sets attractive accents in winter.

2. Tiered primrose

The tiered primrose (Primula bulleyana) is an attractive eye-catcher with its charming inflorescences that look like they are spread out in tiers. Especially their noble flowers and their tall growth of up to 70 centimeters ensure that the plant attracts everyone's attention during its flowering period from June to July. Unfortunately, the tiered primrose is often not particularly long-lived. But don't worry - the plant will sow itselfreliably itself.

3. Spiderwort

The garden spiderwort (Tradescantia x andersoniana) is actually better known as a garden plant - but you can also grow it wonderfully in the wet zone of a plant a pond. The spiderwort is particularly ideal for the transition between garden bed and pond planting: With its eye-catching, wheel-shaped flowers and its bristly growth, the plant attracts everyone's attention.

The blossoms of the spiderwort are striking
4. Loosestrife

The purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) with its pink, red or even dark violet inflorescences always provides color in the bed. As a native wild perennial from swamp areas, the attractive plant is not only perfectly adapted to life in the wet zone, but is also considered to be extremely butterfly-friendly and also impresses with its extensive water purification ability. Due to its growth height of up to 80 centimeters, the plant is more suitable as a background plant - otherwise it quickly steals the appearance of everyone else.

5. Checkerboard Flower

Hardly any plant has such an unusual flower as the checkered flower (Fritillaria meleagris) - the rounded bell flowers with the unique pattern in strong purple are a real eye-catcher. But the flowers are not only an attractive decoration, they also offer beneficial insects such as bumblebees and bees a richly laid table. The flower likes it particularly well in the wet zone or on the outer edge of the swamp zone, so that with a bit of luck the plant will even spread by itself.

Its unusual pattern makes the checkerboard flower an absolute eye-catcher

5 Pond Plants for the Swamp Zone

The swamp zone is the part of the pond that connects to the wet zone and slowly leads towards the middle of the pond. A fluctuating water level is characteristic of this zone, so that not all plants are suitable for this area. In general, it is assumed that the water depth in the swamp zone is 0 to 10 centimetres.

1. Marsh Marigold

A real classic in the marsh zone is the marsh marigold (C altha palustris): With its large number of small yellow flowers and shiny leaves, the plant is a must for every garden pond. Especially in ponds that tend to be in the shade, the marsh marigold has become indispensable, because it also develops its full beauty in rather dark places.In addition, the marsh marigold has a water-purifying effect.

2. Frogspoon

The frog's spoon (Alisma plantago-aquatica) is probably one of the most interesting plants in the swamp zone and is much more attractive than the name suggests. Especially the contrast between the spoon-like leaves and the extremely filigree flower formations makes the plant so enchanting. The frog spoon is also considered a particularly good water purifier because it absorbs excess nutrients from the water and thus ensures consistently good water quality.

3. Swamp Iris

The marsh iris (Iris versicolor) is particularly well-known at the pond as an extravagant beauty: its magnificent blue-violet flowers with filigree markings are real feast for the eyes and enchant yours in June and July viewer. In addition to its beauty, the swamp iris also impresses with its tough nature - the herbaceous plant is considered frost-resistant and is perennial.

The marsh iris convinces with its great bloom
4. Water Mint

Anyone who thinks that pond plants are beautiful but not useful has not yet encountered water mint (Mentha aquatica): The plant does not spoil you with its fresh, typically minty smell only the nose, but also attracts all kinds of beneficial insects. People especially like watermint as a tea, as it is slightly milder than its sister, peppermint (mentha x piperita). But the water mint can also score visually, because with its numerous spherical inflorescences it is a real eye-catcher.

5. Swamp Calla

In the wild, the swamp calla (Calla palustris) has unfortunately become rare. It is all the better that more and more pond owners are discovering the attractive marsh plant for themselves. The impressive plant attracts everyone's attention, especially with its striking bract, which is white on the inside. But the red, berry-like fruits that develop from the inconspicuous flowers are also a great decoration. Only in households with small children should the beautiful plant be treated with caution: all parts of the plant are slightly poisonous.

Rare but beautiful: the swamp calla

5 pond plants for the shallow water zone

Plants in the shallow water zone are characterized by their particular robustness and hardness. No wonder, after all, this zone represents the transition from the swamp zone to deep water and has an average water level of 10 to 40centimeters.

1. Cattails

Broad-leaved bulrush (Typha latifolia) is probably one of the best known riverside dwellers and is a true beauty with its velvety inflorescences. But with a size of over two meters and an enormously high nutrient requirement, it is hardly suitable for smaller ponds. Here you should rather fall back on the dwarf bulrush (Typha minima): The little brother of the bulrush is only about 60 centimeters high, but also forms the popular bulrush and is therefore an attractive substitute. The dwarf cattail is not inferior to the larger plants in its water purification function either and proves to be a real insider tip in the fight against algae.

The bulrush is probably one of the best-known river dwellers
2. Needle Eaves

Admittedly, with its long, pointed stems, the needle rush (Eleocharis acicularis) looks rather inconspicuous at first glance. But on closer inspection, the plant has its visual appeal. The needle rush scores with an interesting play of colors that ranges from light green at the tips to purple at the base of the leaves. In addition to its appearance, the needle ledge also has two other major advantages: On the one hand, it is ideal for securing bank edges, and on the other hand, it is an excellent water purifier, which makes life particularly difficult for algae.

3. Hedgehog Butt

Extravagant flowers and clumpy growth - the hedgehog (Sparganium erectum) quickly turns into an absolute eye-catcher in the garden. Especially its flower balls, which look like greenish-white morning stars, make the pond plant particularly attractive. But also their fruits, which look like curled-up hedgehogs and have given the plant its name, make it one of the most interesting water creatures and a must for every garden pond.

4. Swan Flower

When the swan flower (Butomus umbellatus) presents its flowers from June to August, you know exactly where its name comes from: the filigree ones sit elegant and lovely like a swan inflorescences on the plant and enchant their viewers. Its honey-sweet scent and attraction to insects also make the plant so popular. With a growth height of up to 120 centimetres, the swan flower is the undisputed eye-catcher in the garden pond.

With its elegant flowers, the swan flower is a real beauty

5. pike weed

It doesn't always have to be flowers - yesif a foliage plant also comes with decorative flowers, it's all the better. The pikeweed (Pontederia cordata) scores with exactly this property: Even its heart-shaped leaves are extremely decorative, but when it starts showing its spikes in June, which are covered with lots of small, blue flowers, he shows his full splendor.

5 pond plants for the deep water zone

The deep water zone is the heart of every pond and has a water depth of at least 40 centimetres. Floating plants are particularly popular here, which is why this zone is also called the floating leaf zone. But other plants also feel comfortable in this area.

1. Water Lettuce

Salad on the water? In fact, the name of the water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) fits like a glove - the floating plant with its light green, shell-like leaves actually looks confusingly like a head of lettuce. But in addition to its attractiveness as a decorative leaf plant, the water lettuce also convinces with its useful effect. The plant is perfect for algae prophylaxis and also serves as an indicator for the biological balance in the pond. Only the German winter does not like the exotic plant, because unfortunately it is not frost-resistant.

2. Floating Fern

The floating fern (Salvinia natans) is one of the easiest to care for and most robust plants that you can cultivate in your pond. The uncomplicated water dweller feels comfortable from a water depth of 10 centimeters to the deep water zone and requires almost no care. With its elliptical leaves, which have small bristles on top and therefore have an interesting lotus effect, the plant is also visually not to be scoffed at.

3. Seapot

Bright yellow flowers with fascinating fringes are the hallmark of the sea jug (Nymphoides peltata). The native aquatic plant is a real insider tip when it comes to great floral decorations in the deep water zone. But it's not just its appearance that makes the plant a perfect addition to any pond: thanks to its hydropots, the plant reliably filters the pond water and its lush foliage ensures balanced water temperatures.

4. Fir Frond

Anyone looking for a striking contrast to common pond plants will find what they are looking for in the fir frond (Hippuris vulgaris): With its needle-like leaves and reddish-brown flowers, the plant is reminiscent of the Miniature version of mighty conifers rising from a Scandinavian lake.The fact that the leaves of the pine tree remain green even in winter reinforces this impression even more. Its water-purifying effect also makes the plant so popular - it prevents excessive algae growth, especially in ponds with fish.

The fir frond provides a Scandinavian flair at the garden pond

5. water lily

It is the classic among pond plants - the water lily (Nymphaea) is a true beauty and an absolute must for every pond. The floating plants with their large, eye-catching flowers are a real feast for the eyes and enchant with their lovely charm. However, gardeners are particularly pleased with the enormous diversity of the plant species: from small dwarf water lilies (Nymphaea pygmaea), which only need a water depth of 10 to 30 centimetres, to the giant water lily ( Victoria), which only thrives in tropical areas and can develop a leaf diameter of up to three metres, there is something for almost every pond.

We will tell you here what you should consider when buying and caring for the various pond plants.

The dwarf water lily is also suitable for small ponds

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