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The herb with the inconspicuous flowers appears in gardens and deciduous forests every spring. Learn how to grow woodruff in this article.

The forest plant can also be grown in the garden

Woodruff (Galium odoratum), known for its distinctive scent, is actually a woodland perennial. Under the right site conditions, however, it also grows without any problems in our gardens. We will show you exactly how to proceed when cultivating woodruff and what needs to be considered.

The woodruff, which is actually found in beech and mixed deciduous forests, is also a welcome guest in our gardens and on our balconies. Due to its low demands, the cultivation works without any problems; in fact, given the ideal conditions, this pretty ground cover can really spread. The plant forms rhizomes that run flat in the ground, with which it spreads. The fragrant herb can also be cultivated in a bucket. Since woodruff is very moisture-loving, you should make sure that there is an adequate water supply.

By the way: Rhizomes are not roots, although they grow in the ground. From a botanical point of view, these are shoots that run underground. Because of this, a new shoot can grow to the surface anywhere along a rhizome.

Planting woodruff: the right time

Woodruff can be sown between mid-September and the end of October. If you don't want to sow your own seeds, you can plant the preferred plants or sections of the forest perennial between March and October.

When planting woodruff you have the choice between sowing your own seeds or pre-cultivated specimens in pots from garden centres, nurseries or hardware stores. You may also find the plant wild in the forest or in another garden. In this case it is enough to take a few rhizomes with the sprouts growing upright on them and plant them at home very soon. If you want to sow woodruff yourself, September to February is the right time. If you bought the woodruff in pots, you can have it between March and OctoberTransplant cookies in the garden or leave them directly in the pot. In this case, however, please note that a small pot can freeze through very quickly in frost, which is why the woodruff in the pot also needs winter protection.

Under ideal conditions, woodruff (Galium odoratum) can really spread

Tip: Woodruff seeds need at least six weeks of cold exposure in order to develop the willingness to germinate. They are therefore also referred to as frost germs. While purchased seeds have already undergone a special treatment to break down the germination inhibition, this has of course not yet happened to seeds that you have harvested yourself. It is therefore essential to sow your own seeds before winter - or you can put the seeds in the fridge for at least six weeks before sowing them.

What is the perfect location for woodruff?

Woodruff prefers a shady spot, in moist, humus-rich and slightly calcareous soil, which can be slightly acidic to alkaline.

That's not surprising if you take a look at its place of origin: Even in the forest, shade dominates and the cool moss stores moisture for a long time. The perfect location for woodruff is therefore in the shade of a cool house wall or under a tree or shrub in your garden. Incidentally, the dominant, proliferating woodruff tolerates hardly any other plants at its location - competitors are ruthlessly pushed out. Only a few can cope with it, such as the golden nettle (Lamium galeobdolon) and the columbine (Aquilegia), creating an attractive mix of wild perennials .

The right way to plant woodruff

If you start sowing already, the seeds are sown half a centimeter deep outdoors between mid-September and February. Care should be taken to ensure that the seeds in the row are not too close together. You can count on around 50 seeds per meter. The row spacing should be about 25 centimeters. If it is still winter when sowing, you can cover your sowing with a thin layer of mulch or twigs. In the spring, the cover is removed and the young plants are separated to 20 centimeters in the row.

Woodruff loves moist, humus-rich and calcareous soil

If you have bought a potted plant, it can be planted between March and October. To do this, dig a hole that is at least twice the size of the pothaving. The root ball is then planted in the hole together with the excavation and some organic fertilizer such as our Plantura organic universal fertilizer. There should be a planting distance of about 40 centimeters between the plants. Alternatively, the plant can also be cultivated directly in a pot or transplanted into a bucket.

Care for woodruff after planting

Woodruff is easy to care for, but you should pay attention to a few things. For example, it is important that the soil is always sufficiently moist. The best way to check this is with a finger test. If the substrate starts to dry out, it is advisable to water it. With a layer of mulch, for example from fallen leaves and moss in autumn, you can also help to keep the moisture in the soil. At the same time, the microorganisms in the soil receive an extra portion of nutrients. Once the woodruff has established itself, it creates its own moist microclimate. From now on, mulching is no longer necessary.

If you want to rid your plant of weeds, it is important to note that you should not hoe, but rather weed, because hoeing could damage the woodruff rhizomes lying flat in the ground.

Tip: Woodruff should not be additionally fertilized in the first year. In the second year you can provide the plant with an extra portion of nutrients with a small amount of compost or primarily organic fertilizer such as our Plantura organic universal fertilizer.

Summary: plant and care for woodruff correctly

  • Sow between September and February; row spacing 25 cm; max. 50 seeds per meter
  • Separate plants in spring
  • Planting of pre-cultivated plants between March and October; Planting hole about twice the size of the root ball
  • Water when dry, especially check potted plants regularly
  • Fertilize little and only organically from the 2nd year
  • Do not hoe between the plants, but weed
Woodruff can also be cultivated in a bucket without any problems

The woodruff is a perennial with a unique aroma that can be used to prepare liqueurs, desserts, sauces and bowls. We have summarized for you in a separate article what you need to consider when harvesting woodruff.

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