We show what to look out for when caring for and repotting the lucky chestnut, also known as Pachira, and give tips on propagating and the lifespan of the lucky charm .

A bright location all year round is important for the lucky chestnut

The lucky chestnut (Pachira aquatica) is a popular houseplant. It belongs to the Pachira genus and to the mallow family (Malvaceae). Other names for the lucky chestnut are wild cacao tree, Guyana, Malabar chestnut or water chestnut. However, it is often simply called Pachira .
The tree is native to Central America, where the fruits are used as a substitute for cocoa. But the leaves and seeds can also be eaten.
For us, the plants are a symbol of luck and are therefore often given away as lucky charms.

Characteristics of the Lucky Chestnut

The lucky chestnut is an evergreen deciduous tree that can reach a height of 4 to 20 meters under optimal conditions. However, it is a slow-growing plant.
The stem is thickened at the bottom and serves as a water storage organ. Lucky chestnuts are often offered with a braided trunk, the bark is smooth and brown. The leaves of the plant are dark green, long-stemmed and palmate. They consist of five to nine leaflets (fingers) and are slightly leathery and shiny. The leaves of the tree can form a stately crown over time. These stately exotics are particularly noticeable because of their size and shape. They are green-yellow with red stamens and resemble feathers.
In the wild, the tree also produces fruits that are large, brown and edible.

Care for the lucky chestnut: Here's how it works

Fortunately, the money chestnut is not very demanding when it comes to care. If you keep an eye on the water and fertilizer supply, the tree is in the right place and has roots in the right substrate, nothing should go wrong. You can find out everything you need to know about caring for the Pachira aquatica in the next sections.
Don't water your lucky chestnut too much, because excess water damages ithouseplant. Therefore, half of the substrate should always dry before watering again. Waterlogging must be avoided at all costs, as this can lead to root rot and quickly causes considerable damage to the plant. Keeping the humidity high is more important than watering. So do something good for your houseplant and spray it twice a week with lukewarm water.

Regular spraying of the leaves of the money chestnut is part of good care

When planting and repotting, apply a basic fertilizer by working fertilizer with an organic long-term effect - such as our Plantura organic universal fertilizer - into the substrate. Further fertilization is then no longer necessary in the year. Next year, start fertilizing again in spring. Ideally, do this again with Plantura organic universal fertilizer, as this slowly and gently releases the nutrients to the plant and only needs to be re-fertilized every six to eight weeks. Alternatively, you can also fertilize with a mineral liquid fertilizer, but since this would have to take place every two to three weeks, we advise against it.

Fertilize and water the lucky chestnut properly:

  • Do not water too much
  • Spray regularly
  • Fertilization from spring to autumn
  • Fertilize every 6 - 8 weeks with a long-acting organic fertilizer

The right soil for the lucky chestnut

The houseplant does not make any great demands on the soil. The substrate should only be loose and well drained. In addition, the lucky chestnut needs a good supply of nutrients; a nutrient-rich substrate is therefore essential.

An overview of the right soil for the lucky chestnut:

  • Permeable
  • Loose
  • Nutrient

Tip: The money chestnut also thrives in hydroponics or can (with a lot of care) be grown as a bonsai.

Commercial potting soil, cactus soil or potted plant soil are suitable substrates for the money chestnut. In the respective substrate you should add a fifth of mineral material such as perlite to increase permeability. Also mix a fertilizer with an organic long-term effect into the substrate to provide the houseplant with all the valuable nutrients in the long term. Our Plantura organic universal fertilizer is ideally suited to ensure a sustainable supply of nutrients to your lucky chestnut.

Suitable substrates for the money tree:

  • Potting Soil
  • Cactus soil
  • Pot plant soil
  • Mix 1/5 with mineral material
  • Incorporate fertilizer with organic long-term effect

The lucky chestnut should be repotted every two to three years. As soon as the root ball has grown through the entire substrate, it's time to change the pot. When repotting, you not only change the planter, but also completely replace the substrate. Spring is the best time to repot lucky chestnuts.

The ideal substrate for lucky chestnuts should be loose, permeable and rich in nutrients

The right location for the lucky chestnut

The ideal location for the evergreen plant should be well chosen, because the money chestnut does not like it when it is moved too often. For optimal growing conditions, choose a location that gets light year-round, where the plant isn't exposed to drafts, and where there's high humidity at best. Ideal temperatures for the exotic plant are between 18 and 20 °C in summer and between 12 and 18 °C in winter. Under no circumstances should temperatures fall below 12 °C for the money chestnut.

Summary: The right place for lucky chestnut trees:

  • Don't change location too often
  • Light location all year round
  • No Draft
  • High Humidity
  • Summer temperature: 18 - 20 °C
  • Winter temperature: 12 - 18 °C

Cutting the lucky chestnut

Lucky chestnuts do not need regular pruning. If you regularly remove withered and dried-up parts of the plant, this is usually sufficient. However, with proper care, the plants can grow into stately indoor trees of up to two meters in height. So if the tree grows over your head, you can grab the secateurs and cut back the lucky chestnut. The best time for this is spring. Prune the tree back as far as you want as needed. After a few weeks, the plant will sprout again. Temperatures above 20 °C encourage the shoots to sprout again.

Tip: Only cut your lucky chestnut if there is no other option. After a pruning measure, it can very well be that the tree no longer grows in its original, beautiful form.

Summary: How to properly cut the lucky chestnut:

  • Regularly remove wilted and dry leaves
  • Regular cut notnecessary
  • Pruning measures only if the tree gets too big
  • Best time: spring
  • Temperatures above 20 °C favor renewed budding
Unfortunately, the impressive blossoms of the lucky chestnut are almost never seen on indoor plants

Yellow leaves on the lucky chestnut

Unfortunately it happens again and again that the beautiful leaves on the money chestnut turn yellow. But what can be the reason? In fact, many different causes can be to blame for the discolored leaves. Mistakes in maintenance are usually the reason and can be rectified quickly. A common cause is, for example, lack of light. If the plant is in a location that is too dark, it gets too little light and the leaves turn yellow. A change of location helps here. Another reason: waterlogging. If watered too often or excess water is not removed from the planter, the plant will suffer greatly. Usually only repotting and changing the substrate and of course changing the watering frequency helps here. Also, if the air is too dry, the plant will suffer and show it with yellow leaves. Regularly spray the plant with water and the problem will quickly disappear. Cold, drafts and too frequent a change of location can also be causes of yellow leaves. Here it helps to look for a suitable place in the room and leave the plant there for as long as possible.

Possible causes of yellow leaves on the money tree:

  • Lack of Light
  • Waterlogging
  • Humidity too low
  • Cold
  • Draft
  • Change of location too often

Propagate lucky chestnut

The easiest way to propagate lucky chestnuts yourself is via cuttings. To do this, use a sharp knife to cut off cuttings from unwoody shoots of your little tree. These are placed in a special cultivation substrate and moistened. Ideal growth conditions for the cuttings prevail in a self-made mini greenhouse. Put it in a bright, warm place and don't forget to air and water it regularly. This allows the cutting to take root and grow well over time.

Propagating lucky chestnuts via cuttings:

  • Pruning semi-woody shoots
  • Put in potting soil
  • Put in Mini Greenhouse
  • Put in a bright and warm place
  • Moisturize regularly
The money chestnut is not poisonous, the leaves and fruits of the plant are even edible

Is the lucky chestnut poisonous?

Again and again the question arises as to whether the money chestnut is actually poisonous. We can reassure you: neither the leaves nor the fruits of the tropical plant are poisonous. The only minor danger comes from the stem of the plant. This can secrete a liquid that can be quite toxic. However, you would have to ingest the liquid of multiple strains to actually get poisoned. The lucky chestnut is also completely harmless for pets such as dogs, cats and the like. And although the tree is usually only used as an ornamental plant in our country, the leaves and fruits of the lucky chestnut can actually be eaten.

Summary: Is the money tree poisonous?

  • Fluid in the trunk can cause poisoning, but only in very high amounts
  • Safe for pets
  • Leaves and fruits are even edible
