Buying barberries (also called sea buckthorn) made easy: With these tips and the right sources of supply, nothing will go wrong with the purchase.

Barberries not only adorn your garden with their colorful flowers, but also delight birds and people in autumn with their sweet and sour fruits. However, only the berries of our local barberry (Berberis vulgaris), also known as sour thorn, are used in the jam. Although you can also purchase barberry seeds, the barberry is traditionally bought as a young bush. You can find the pretty ornamental shrub in nurseries, tree nurseries, garden centers, DIY stores and also in various online shops.
Buy barberries: You should pay attention to this
When buying, you can usually decide between bale or container goods. Balled material is usually of higher quality and has better roots, which makes it easier for the plant to take root. Container goods can also be planted in summer. However, the root and planting quality are generally poorer than with the balled goods.

If possible, it is advisable to inspect the young plant yourself. Then you can be sure that the young bush is strong and he althy and does not show any diseases. For example, if there are white deposits on the upper side of the leaf, powdery mildew has probably spread here. The wilt disease caused by a fungus can also be found mainly on Thunberg's barberries (Berberis thunbergii). The leaves turn reddish or brown and curl up before they fall off the bush. To test whether the pathogen has spread through your plant, you can cut through affected shoots, because the pathogen grows in the water channels. If they are infested, they can be identified by their brownish discoloration.
Pests may also have made themselves comfortable with the barberry. Look especially at the leaf stalks, this is where the real sawfly likes to lay its eggs, which are around 1.3 millimeters in size, from which the larvae then hatch. These judge by their devoureractual damage and are mostly found on the underside of the leaf. If you want particularly unusual varieties or have special quality requirements, the online shop may still be the right choice. Please note, however, that sometimes high delivery costs - depending on the size and shipping location - may arise.

Recommended sources for barberries
In general, it is advisable to visit the regional nursery nearby. If you can buy your plant from your immediate vicinity, this not only has a positive effect on the environment, but also has many positive aspects for you as a buyer. This gives you direct insight into production and comprehensive information on sizes, cuts and varieties from a trained on-site team, with whom you can remain in personal contact if you have any further questions.
Is there no suitable offer in your area? Then an online shop might be the right address for you. There is a large selection of possible shops for ordering barberries, which is why we have put together a small selection for you below.
Recommended online shops for barberries:
Hof Jeebel: Organic garden mail-order company, where you can purchase our native barberry as a 40 - 60 cm high young shrub. The company is Bioland-certified and ships its products in a climate-neutral manner.
Rühlemann's: mail-order nursery, which only uses biological agents in plant protection and produces more than 90% of its plants itself. Also only offers our local barberries.
Eggert Nurseries: Nursery that was founded in 1930 and produces a wide variety of trees and shrubs on an area of 60 hectares in Schleswig-Holstein. Here you will find different types of barberries that can be shipped cheaply within Germany. Very large online shop that only sells plants that meet the quality standards of the Association of German Nurseries. There are many varieties of barberries available in different sizes. Tree nursery specializing in hedges, which cultivates its own trees and shrubs on 15 hectares. They offer both Green Barberry (Berberis thunbergii) and Blood Barberry (Berberis thunbergii 'Antropurpurea') as container or root crops.
Would you like to know more about barberries? Then you can find all the important information and tips for theRead about the successful cultivation of barberries.