Even if hornbeams are very robust, they are happy to be fertilized from time to time. We show what you should consider when fertilizing hornbeam hedges.

As a native tree species, the hornbeam is excellently adapted - this makes it a predestined plant for your garden

Hornbeams (Carpinus betulus) have trunks and leaves like beeches and also look like them - almost. Because hornbeams are actually not beeches at all. They belong to the birch family (Betulaceae) and are only incorrectly referred to as beeches (Fagus) because of their similarity. As native plants, hornbeams are optimally adapted to our Central European climate. This simplifies maintenance immensely. In nature, the trees prefer particularly nutrient-rich soils. A good prerequisite for a he althy hornbeam hedge is deep garden soil. If you do not have these, you should enrich the soil with mature compost or a primarily organic long-term fertilizer before planting.

The hornbeam tolerates pruning very well and is extremely easy to care for - you will therefore have little trouble with fertilization

Fertilize a hornbeam hedge: the right time

Hornbeams actually only need fertilizer when they are young, or when they show symptoms of deficiency and growth disorders. Initial fertilization before planting is highly recommended. In principle, however, fertilization should only be carried out in spring, shortly after new growth. Fertilizing later in the year can result in frost damage the following winter.

What should you fertilize hornbeam hedges with?

Hornbeams are considered extremely robust. The fertilization is accordingly rather economical. As a rule, it is sufficient to fertilize only younger plants. With older copies this is usually superfluous. With their heart-shaped root system, the plants can penetrate deep into the soil and collect nutrients. They are helped by a wide variety of native mycorrhizal fungi, with which they live in symbiosis.

Your own leaves are the best fertilizer for the hornbeam

The best fertilizer for hornbeam hedges are their own leaves. They have very easily decomposable leaves from whichexcellent hummus. So just leave the leaves under the plants for the sake of the hedge. As a result, you get good humus with valuable nutrients, improved soil fertility and comfortable conditions for mycorrhizal fungi. If the soil is not very good or your plants show signs of deficiency such as sallow leaves, you can supplement with various mostly organic fertilizers.

Fertilize hornbeam hedges primarily organically: Application recommendation

Organic fertilizers not only bring nutrients into the soil, but also promote soil fertility and soil activity. However, you don't have to overdo it. It is enough if you apply a portion of finished compost or organic fertilizer with organic long-term effects such as our Plantura organic universal fertilizer in spring.

Fertilize hornbeam hedges with minerals

Mineral fertilization is not recommended for hornbeams. The plants are among the less demanding plants that can get along with little. Too much fertilizer causes more damage than a lack. Therefore, to be on the safe side, use primarily organic fertilizers to avoid over-fertilization. Mineral fertilizers are available to plants more quickly, making over-fertilization more likely. If you still want to use a mineral fertilizer, then you should opt for a depot fertilizer.

Fertilize hornbeam hedges with home remedies

Fertilizing hedges with home remedies is rather time-consuming, as home remedies are usually used on a smaller scale. So stick to organic materials like compost or manure in smaller amounts. But the best fertilizer is the plants' own leaves. It contains what is needed for the formation of new leaves.

It is best to leave the fallen leaves under the hedge - over time they will decompose into excellent hummus

Fertilize hornbeam hedges at a glance:

  • Hornbeams are excellently adapted to local conditions
  • Profound, good garden soil provides optimal conditions
  • If necessary, improve the soil with compost or some manure before planting
  • Fertilize only when young in spring shortly after new growth
  • Soil fertility and humus formation can be promoted primarily with organic fertilizers
  • If fallen leaves are left lying around, the nutrients can be recycled

How to shape your hornbeam hedgesee our hedge trimming article.
