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At first glance, the Sorrento lemon appears to be an ordinary lemon. We'll show you what's really in this aroma miracle.

The bright yellow fruits smell wonderfully intense

The Sorrento lemon is a medium to large sized lemon with intensely fragrant fruit and sweet, juicy flesh. She comes from the city of Sorrento (Italian Sorrento) south of Naples, where citrus fruits have been cultivated for over 2000 years and which enjoys national fame for its historic orange and lemon gardens. The "Limone di Sorrento" has been awarded the PGI seal of approval by the European Community. This seal of quality and origin of the "Protected Geographical Indication" (PGI) is only given to Sorrento lemons that are produced exclusively within the city limits of Sorrento using traditional cultivation methods. Due to the high demand and the low supply, the aromatic lemons must be pre-ordered before the harvest.

Cultivation and characteristics of the Sorrento lemon

The fruits are grown in lemon groves, the so-called Pagliarelle. For this purpose, shading mats (usually made of reed) are placed on wooden posts. Below this traditional construction, lemons and oranges thrive in Sorrento. This form of cultivation not only protects the lemon tree from temperature fluctuations and weather, but also extends the ripening time of the Sorrento lemons. The fruits therefore have more time to develop their unmistakable aroma. In earlier times, it was a practical advantage for farmers that the fruit had to be harvested at an unusual time. Due to the lack of alternatives, the Sorrento lemons could be marketed very well.

Sorrento lemons are mainly grown in groves

The fruits are still harvested by hand. At temperatures between 5 and 8 °C and a high relative humidity, Sorrento lemons can only be stored for five weeks, making them a seasonal treasure.

Ingredients & Uses of Sorrento Lemon

The pulp of the Sorrento lemon is rich in vitamin C and thus strengthens naturallyway the defense system. In addition, its ingredients have a detoxifying and cleansing effect. Lemon is also said to have a positive effect on high blood pressure.

Fresh Sorrento lemons and other citrus fruits at an Italian market

The best known is Limoncello, a sweet lemon liqueur made from Sorrento lemons, which many people have probably tasted on holiday in Italy. The lemon can also be prepared as a carpaccio. The skin, which has grown thoroughly, is cut into thin slices and refined with a little s alt, a pinch of sugar and plenty of cold-pressed virgin olive oil.

The range of Sorrento products is large

In southern Italy, pappardelle-type pasta will be eaten in a recipe with ricotta and finely grated Sorrento lemon zest. Charcoal-grilled prawns or grilled pork fillet are usually served with pappardelle.
The shell-shaped pasta with a sauce made from well-ripened pecorino, ricotta and olive oil is called conchiglie al limone di Sorrento. Just before serving, fresh basil and grated zest of the Sorrento lemon are added.

Another lesser-known type of lemon is the Buddha's hand lemon. We introduce you to the special citrus fruit.

Special thanks to the photographer: Gaetano Astarita.

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