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In this article we show everything about lawn care. From creating to fertilizing to scarifying, all important measures on the subject are explained.

We give the 5 best tips for a well-kept lawn

Would you like to create your first lawn or an existing lawn? Or have you decided that you want to take better care of your lawn and don't know where to start? No matter what you have on your lawn lover's heart, you will find a remedy here. We have summarized all the information you need to know about laying and caring for your lawn correctly. In addition, we explain when certain measures apply and our expert instructions show you at a glance how to proceed.

1. Creating a lawn: tips from the experts

You are still at the beginning and are wondering whether you should opt for the cheaper sowing of lawns or the expensive laying of rolled turf? Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. Soil preparation and the quality of the seed or turf is more important than the choice between sowing and turf. Soil preparation should be planned well and as early as possible, after all there is a whole range of work to be done depending on the soil, from leveling, draining, milling, setting to adding lime, sand and compost.

Rolled turf is the convenient alternative to lawn seeding

If you don't take soil preparation seriously, you will encounter more and more problems over the years.

Poorly drained soil, for example, will always be particularly susceptible to moss and weeds. That's why it pays to be diligent and take your time with soil preparation.

Another factor that should not be underestimated for long-term beautiful and well-growing lawns is the seed. It should be selected as site-specific as possible, since lawns are a sensitive crop that is quickly crowded out by moss and weeds. That's why we have to use well-adapted grasses to ensure that the lawn likes it in its future location. There are different lawn seed mixtures for play and utility lawns - such as the Plantura play and sports lawn - than for ornamental lawns. on shadyor particularly loamy and heavy locations, which are actually not so well suited for lawns, it is worth looking for lawn grasses that are specially adapted to these conditions. For particularly shady places, for example, the Plantura shade lawn is ideal. Moss and weeds quickly conquer the lawn on this soil in particular if it is too weak.

Even if you decide to lay turf, remember to inquire about the composition of the grass before purchasing the turf.

What needs to be done and considered before the lawn?

  • Take the time to thoroughly prepare the floor or have it done professionally. Consider how long the lawn will last and that ground preparation can never be done again unless you want to start over from scratch.
  • Regardless of whether you decide to seed the lawn or lay turf: pay attention to the composition of the grass species. Check that the grasses are suitable for your location and future use.
Depending on the use and location of the lawn, the right seed should be chosen

Mending and Repairing Lawn

For some, the tips on turf planting and soil preparation may come too late. If you already find bald spots or bumps in your lawn, there are only a few options left to repair your lawn. In fact, in some places it may be better to spend a lot of time replanting the lawn with the right soil preparation than patching up problems for years without addressing the root causes.

Tip: Bare lawn with light turf should be reseeded as soon as possible - our Plantura lawn reseeding, for example, is ideal for this. All plants fundamentally compete for space, water, nutrients and light. Vacant spots in the lawn are therefore a welcome greeting for weeds and moss. By overseeding the lawn in good time, you can keep a lot of problems at bay.

2. Caring for your lawn: ways to get the perfect green lawn

You could roughly describe the ideal location for the most beautiful, greenest and he althiest lawn:

  • Nutrient
  • Regular Rainfall
  • Sandy-loamy soil with good air and water permeability; well drained
  • Sunny to half shade at most
  • soil pH between 5.5 and 6.5
  • Without moss and thatch (rare among the above anywayConditions)

Some of these site conditions (as well as regular mowing) can be influenced very well and with relatively little effort. The pH value can be optimized by liming the lawn, fertilizer and mulch ensure sufficient nutrients and a lack of precipitation can be compensated for with irrigation. It becomes more difficult with the type of soil and its permeability. Various lawn care measures such as scarifying, aerating and sanding serve to improve poorly draining, heavy soil and thus prevent infestation by weeds, moss and thatch.

Mossy and matted lawns benefit particularly from scarifying

Lawn care: concrete measures

  • Scarifying comes first and ensures a lawn free of moss and felt. Air and water reach the ground surface better.
  • On heavy soils, the lawn is aerated and sanded after scarifying. The purpose of both measures is to improve the permeability of the soil, i.e. to better supply the grass roots with oxygen and to avoid waterlogging.
  • Through scarifying, the moss in the lawn is removed, but not its causes. Although a light moss infestation is quite normal on medium-heavy soils, certain factors such as an unfavorable pH value or poorly drained soil can lead to particularly large amounts of moss formation.
  • The same applies to weeds in the lawn. With the right choice of seed and lawn care, there should actually be no problems with weeds. The increased occurrence and the composition of weeds in the lawn usually indicate very special causes. Identify the weeds in your lawn and try to address the causes of their presence (lack of nutrients; cutting too deep or too little, etc.).

3. Fertilize your lawn: Nutrients for perfect growth

Fertilizing is an often underestimated measure in the course of lawn care. Lawn grasses are among the plants with high nutrient requirements. A good supply of the grass with nitrogen as well as with potassium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium is important so that the grass stays beautiful, he althy and competitive against moss and weeds. Nitrogen plays about the same role in lawns that proteins play in human nutrition. Anyone who decides to mulch the lawn instead of mowing the lawn returns the nutrients contained in the lawn clippings and therefore has to worry less about itcreate nutrient deficiencies. However, mulched lawns are also fertilized in smaller quantities. Find out here when your lawn needs fertilizer and how much.

Fertilizing the lawn is essential for a perfect green

Liking the lawn is often wrongly regarded as a fertilizer measure. However, liming lawns should by no means be regarded as a standard care measure and is only necessary in very specific cases. Applying carbonate of calcium carbonate, also known as lime, increases the pH of the soil. Lawns do best at a pH of 5.5 to 6.5. In this area, all necessary nutrients (if present in the soil) are easily accessible. When the pH drops, the lawn tends to be weakened and moss becomes more competitive in the lawn. To prevent this, the lawn is limed at a pH of 5 or lower.

4. Mow the lawn or mulch the lawn

Regardless of whether the lawn is used as a lawn, a playground or for ornamental purposes: Regular lawn cutting is required everywhere. Since lawn care is already a complicated subject and, for less passionate gardeners, also a nuisance, it is hardly surprising that even the perfect quick cut requires special sensitivity. Because not all cuts are the same: There is the option of catching the lawn clippings in a catch basket while mowing and then putting them on the compost. Or you mulch the lawn with a special mulching lawn mower, which shreds the lawn clippings and then distributes them on the lawn. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. In most locations, the lawn will benefit from mulching. However, there are also regions or soils where mulching is not recommended and classic lawn mowing should therefore be preferred.

When mulching, the greenery serves as fertilizer

5. Water lawn

Anyone hoping for general tips here will unfortunately be disappointed. How much water a lawn needs depends, among other things, on the type of soil, the weather and the type of grass. Statements such as "water your lawn once a week" are therefore completely out of place. If you water, please do not use homeopathic doses daily. Due to the frequent small watering, the grass does not root in deeper layers of the earth and the plants become even more sensitive to drought. In addition, hardly any nutrients can be absorbed from deeper layers of the earth. It is better to water less frequently and then more penetratingly.

In some cases, all care, fertilization andDon't water, you just can't get rid of the holes, the sparse patches or the weeds in the lawn. In such cases, it is advisable to touch up and repair the lawn. We give you tips on how to proceed and what to look out for.

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