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Hardly any plant spreads more Christmas spirit than the poinsettia. We show what you have to consider when planting in beds or pots and give care tips for watering, cutting and fertilizing the poinsettia.

Poinsettias are not only a real eye-catcher in winter

According to its botanical name, the poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is the most beautiful specimen among the spurge plants - we can only agree, after all, the poinsettia, also known as the Christmas star, Advent star or poinsettia, is responsible Plant with its eye-catching flowers and leaves for a real eye-catcher - and not only at Christmas. Because with our tips for planting, caring for and propagating, the poinsettia will enchant us all year round.

Poinsettia: origin and characteristics

The poinsettia is native to Central and South America, where it grows as a shrub up to four meters high with a woody trunk. Originally, the natural forms of the poinsettia were not as richly branched as the specimens found on our window sills in winter. Responsible for this are the smallest microorganisms, so-called phytoplasmas. Without it, a poinsettia would simply grow as a single shoot and also only develop one flower without de-sharpening by hand.
Although we can't imagine life without the poinsettia today, it has only been known to us since 1950 and enchants us during Advent and Christmas. Since then it has been firmly established as an ornamental plant and is even one of the best-selling indoor plants worldwide.

The leaves of the poinsettia are slightly hairy and alternate. They are pointed at the top and lanceolate or pointed ovate. The lower leaves are dark green, the underside is a little lighter. The high ornamental factor of the poinsettia is mainly due to the so-called bracts, which are not actually the flower. These are naturally red.
Nowadays, however, poinsettias are also grown with cream, pink or pink bracts. And if that's still not colorful enough for you, you can even find blue or golden leafed poinsettias. However, these are colored and not grown that way.The actual flowers - also known as Cyathia in the case of the poinsettia - are inconspicuous and greenish-yellow. They bloom from October to January and are surrounded by the colored bracts in a star shape.

In addition to the classic red, the poinsettia is also available in other colors

Caring for the poinsettia

Poinsettias brighten up Advent for us and bring the Christmas spirit into the house. Unfortunately, most fellow human beings simply dispose of the plant after the holidays. But that doesn't have to be the case, because the poinsettia is a perennial plant and can even move into the garden bed in summer. With the right care, you can enjoy this beautiful plant for many years. The next sections will tell you how to water, fertilize and prune your poinsettia properly.

Poining Poinsettia

In the pot, a poinsettia should be kept evenly moist, but not too moist. In any case, there must be no water in the lower pot - this would immediately lead to problems with root rot. For a possible further culture even after the poinsettia has finished flowering, it is important to know that the water requirement of a flowering poinsettia is lower than that of a non-flowering plant. If the poinsettia is planted in the garden bed over the summer, it needs little water. Water moderately and only on particularly hot and dry days.

Summary - how to water the poinsettia:

  • Keep evenly moist
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • After flower induction, poinsettias need less water
  • Water only moderately in the garden bed in summer

Fertilize poinsettia

If the poinsettia is only to find a place on the windowsill during the few weeks of its bloom, no additional fertilization is required. However, if you want to keep it longer and bring it to bloom again, you have to add fertilizer. We recommend a nitrogen-rich complete fertilizer with an organic long-term effect, such as our Plantura organic universal fertilizer. This provides all the important nutrients for your poinsettia and, thanks to its natural ingredients, protects the environment. During the main growth phase - recognizable by the development of new leaves and shoots - you can fertilize every four to six weeks. If the plant is placed in the garden bed for the summer, basic fertilization before planting is recommended. To do this, work our Plantura organic universal fertilizer with organic long-term effect into the soil and plantthen select the poinsettia. Fertilizer can also be applied outdoors every four to six weeks.

The poinsettia is happy about regular watering during flowering

Summary for correct fertilization :

  • During flowering, fertilizing is not required
  • Fertilize every four to six weeks in pots during the main growth phase in summer
  • It is best to use a nitrogen-rich full nutrient fertilizer with an organic long-term effect such as our Plantura organic universal fertilizer
  • In summer in the bed before planting, work fertilizer with organic long-term effect into the soil
  • Fertilize every 6 - 8 weeks

Cut the poinsettia

The poinsettia is not usually cut during the Christmas flowering period. However, if the star is to remain and you can continue to enjoy its colorful bracts for more winters, it is advisable to cut it back after flowering. Remove all old and wilted flowers and leaves. Then shorten all shoots by half. In this way, the plant is well prepared for the summer and you also maintain a more compact growth of the plant. In general, you can always remove rotten or wilted parts of the plant to keep the plant he althy. You should also cut off shoots and leaves affected by diseases or pests at any time. It is also possible to cut off individual shoots of the plant for the vase at Christmas time.

Tip: Be sure to wear gloves when cutting. The white milky sap that exudes from the cutting sites of the plant is poisonous.

Summary: how to make the perfect cut

  • Generally cut off rotten and dried shoots
  • Pruning after flowering
  • Remove all wilted flowers and leaves
  • Shorten all shoots by half

Planting poinsettia: location, time & procedure

To ensure that your poinsettia lasts as long as possible, it is worth being careful when planting and paying attention to a few points such as the right location and time. In the following chapter you will learn everything about planting and repotting poinsettias in pots and in the garden.

The poinsettia is not only suitable as a houseplant, but also looks forward to a place in the bed in summer

Summary: How to repot a poinsettia?

  • Ideal time in spring after flowering
  • Choose only a slightly larger planter
  • Incorporate fertilizer with organic long-term effect into the substrate

Winter Poinsettia

Even a short period of cold temperatures can be dangerous for the poinsettia. The plant, which originates from tropical areas, does not tolerate temperatures below 10 °C at all. During the typical Christmas tree season, the poinsettia should be wrapped in paper after purchase for transport - this way it is well protected from the cold temperatures and you prevent the poinsettia from having to die prematurely due to the cold. The poinsettia also cannot spend the winter outdoors and must be brought in early in the fall. In a pot, however, the poinsettia can easily overwinter indoors.

Overwintering the poinsettia:

  • Does not tolerate temperatures below 10 °C
  • Wrap it in paper after purchase to protect it from the cold
  • Bring in plants that were outside in summer in good time in autumn

The poinsettia can not only overwinter, but even develop new flowers every year. Here we explain how to get the poinsettia to bloom again.

Below 10 °C the poinsettia has to move indoors

Propagate poinsettia

The poinsettia is only propagated by cuttings. The coveted winter bloomer is only sown for breeding purposes. For the propagation of cuttings, young, fresh shoots can be taken from a plant left over from last winter. However, you should cut off faded shoots beforehand to encourage the formation of new shoots. It is best to break off shoots that are shorter than ten centimeters and have four to five leaves instead of cutting them. With high humidity (e.g. in a home-made mini greenhouse), a bright location and at temperatures around 20 °C, the cuttings will take root after about four weeks. When the root ball is fully rooted, they can be planted in a larger pot.

Summary - Propagating Poinsettia:

  • Pruning the mother plant from the previous year and removing old flowers
  • Break off the young, fresh shoots of the mother plant
  • Put in previously well watered cuttings substrate
  • Ensure high humidity (e.g. mini greenhouse)
  • Bright location, around 20 °C
  • Rooting among good onesconditions occurs after four weeks
  • Then slowly acclimate and gradually remove the hood from the mini greenhouse

Is the poinsettia poisonous to humans and animals?

The poinsettia belongs to the spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). The white sap typically escapes when leaves or stems are damaged. Great care must be taken here, because this plant sap is very toxic and also causes severe skin irritation. There is a risk of poisoning if parts of the poinsettia are swallowed. This is especially true for small children, where even small amounts can have serious consequences. And the beautiful Christmas decorations also pose a danger to pets: they can lead to severe symptoms of poisoning and kidney failure in dogs, cats and the like. Therefore, always place your poinsettia in such a way that small children and pets cannot reach it and that the fallen leaves cannot be accidentally eaten.

Summary: Is the Poinsettia Poisonous?

  • All parts of the plant are poisonous to humans and animals
  • Dogs and cats can even die if too many plant parts are eaten
  • White sap causes skin irritation
As beautiful as it looks, the poinsettia can be dangerous for dogs and cats

Poinsettia is losing leaves: what can you do about it?

In the spring after flowering, it is quite normal for the poinsettia to lose leaves. However, if it gets rid of its foliage a few days after buying it, it is usually due to mistakes in care or the wrong location. Fortunately, these mistakes can usually be remedied quickly and the plant can be saved. The most common reason is an incorrect temperature. The poinsettia does not feel comfortable when the temperature is below 10 °C or above 24 °C. Too little light can also be the reason for dropped leaves. Then move the plant to a lighter spot. Drafts damage the plant enormously, and a change of location helps here too. The poinsettia does not like too much water at all. When watering the poinsettia, the following always applies: less is more.

Reasons for poinsettia leaf loss:

  • Wrong temperature
  • Lack of light
  • Draft
  • Waterlogging

Not only the poinsettia is a popular plant for the Advent season. Many more indoor plants can sweeten our wait for Christmas. Our 10 most beautiful plantsfor the Christmas season can be found here.

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